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Goodbye Letter to Cigarettes

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Dear Marlboro Red's,

I had no idea when I was a only a teenager sneaking to smoke with my friends thinking we were so cool that 30 years later cigarettes would still be not only part of my life but a huge addiction for me, by far the hardest drug I've tried quitting thus far. I remember thinking back then " oh I can quit anytime I want to " problem was that time never came. Even now it's not so much I WANT to quit as it is I'm FORCED to quit or live in pain with limited mobility. I waited until the last possible minute allowing myself just less than 2 weeks quit time to hopefully pass my nicotine and cototine test required by my surgeon before he will preform my hip replacement surgery.  First that's all it was for, surgery recovery and most likely back to smoking again.  However since quitting 5 days ago that's changed its still all about surgery but now I'm adding the benefits to my health and wellbeing as well as being mindful of my age on comparison to the age of my mother when she passed with her health and mine the similarities of it all and ....... well Matlboro Red you've seen me through some times, good bad and any in between. You have been almost like a part that describes me but NO MORE. It's over done and I'm moving on to better things and living longer . See ya Marlboro Red just not in my hands ever again!!!

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About the Author
I am a 47 yr old mother of two; a son 24 and a daughter 15. They are my #1 reason to quit. My #2 reason, my hip replacement surgery that will hopefully help me regain my mobility and range of motion. Get my life back. I'm fully aware of smokings negative effects on my health as well as how nicotine impairs healing, specifically harmful in how bone heals. I'm ashamed to say this but we're it not for the instance from my surgeon that I be nicotine free before he will preform surgery I'd probably still be smoking