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Good news, bad news, but - I feel lucky!

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I saw the pulmonologist today. (He was the one who called about the PET scan on Tuesday. He was handling cases for the first doctor I saw last week who is on vacation.)
I liked him. He is referring me to an endocrinologist for the thyroid nodule which also “lit up” on PET scan. It will need to be biopsied. (I see him in 3 weeks unless they get a cancellation. Don’t like waiting - but already have plenty to deal with in terms of the lung!) He feels that the 2 things are not related - which is actually a very good thing. It means that one cancer (if both are cancer) has not spread to the other area. It would be considered “two primary cancers” - rather than starting in one place and then mestastisizing to the other area. That would be bad! The PET scan did not show any other areas beyond the lung and thyroid. Yay! 
He is 90% sure that the lung growth is cancer. However, he said it is definitely “curable”. It is very small and has been found very early in a screening CT lung scan. (Please see my last few blogs about this if you haven’t already.) I can not stress enough about important I feel that test was for me. Lucky? YES!! 
I took a breathing test yesterday. My lung function tested out as good - which means I can have “direct surgery” - they can go in surgically, biopsy it, and then remove as much as needed to clear the cancer. It may be a just a small section of the growth and some surrounding tissue - or a larger area called a wedge. Again, the growth is small and it is fairly close to the edge of my lower right lobe. It is serious surgery - up to a week in the hospital - but he feels I am in good enough shape for the surgery. Thank God I quit almost 9 years ago - and thank God - and many folks here - that I had that screening test! I realize that there are “false positives” - but in my case this test has probably saved my life! He was so impressed that I had the test. 
So - although not the greatest news in terms of having cancer....hearing that it is curable is great. He wants me to be a part of a research study being done in my area to draw blood from people like me who have been diagnosed in the early stages of lung the hopes of eventually discovering commonalities in the blood to eventually develop a blood test to detect lung cancer! Loved the idea of helping others I said yes. 
He is going to consult with the other pulmonologist I met with last week. So - there will be 2 opinions which is good. If Dr. McQuaid agrees with the plan, they will refer me to a thoracic surgeon to do the surgery. 
I am doing okay....main problem is some sleeping trouble. But, the more I know about the plan, the better off I am. Thomas3.20.2010 - as I was leaving I asked if he had any suggestions for dealing with the stress of all of this - “mindful mediation” he said as he left the room! 
I truly hope and pray that this will not impact my attendance at EX 7! My sister Chris will be here to go with me, so if I can walk - she can drive both of us! 

Kathy---you are right this is good news. without the scan who knows how far any of this would have progressed. And thyroid cancer is very daughter had that and is completely fine today. You remain in my thoughts....but I know you will do are strong.


Strudel Loving healing prayers,  on meditation and surgery.

Hugs Hugs



Thinking of you Kathy! Sending hugs and prayers for strength.  We all support you! Xoxo

Rachel @


Praise the Lord!


I have been thinking of you all day.  Thanks for letting us know.  All in all it sounds very hopeful.  90% sure that it is lung cancer is not 100%.  I am praying that it is not cancer.  Sounds like you will do well either way.  Wow a good breathing test.  That is a blessing for sure,  Keeping you in my prayers.  I take magnesium at bedtime, also Noni juice.  I swear by them.  Sweet dreams.


Hoping for all the best for you. Definitely, praying for you.


Take the word lucky out of the vocabulary - you are BLESSED! Sounds like a blessing is happening is in your life.



On my knees, thanking God...I am so relieved, dearest Kathy.  Love you so much.



I found mindfulness through Cancer Care which is a Canadian thing for people who have had a diagnosis of all kinds of cancers.  It turns out to be a benefit of having Cancer. you call them and get signed up right now... ok... tomorrow.... Take a Moment With Meditation  this is the American Cancer Society.  do it.  you will thank them.


Please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you. Thanks Kathy for sharing your courage strength and hope and most of all love that you Kathy have shown for 8 years to ME and how you continue - HELPING and teaching ME to live a non smoker life style in gratitude to OUR God in MY Lord Jesus name -  ONE MOMENT AT A TIME- to live life on lifes terms - NO MATTER WHAT and to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER  amen.  May OUR Holy Spirit keep you Kathy MY beloved sister in Christ in HIS love and HIS  Divine healing health NOW and in Christ cleansing blood running through your veins by. YOUR FAITH KATHY NOW to eternity as YOU believe and CHOOSE to read and study for YOURSELF what God says in YOUR OWN bible and YOU CHOOSE of YOUR OWN PERSONAL WILL BELIEF TO FAITHFULLY stand still and know OUR Daddy God is in complete control and YOU KATHY-  do your part and TRUST GOD for your own personal FAITH belief outcome and to be willing to be willingto accept GODS outcome for you Kathy and to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER and stand  in God's Holy Word to continue to believe  - trust - and obey - as YOU KATHY stand in YOUR OWN FAITH TO BELIEVE  in OUR Lord Jesus finished work on the Cross just for YOU MY beloved sister Kathy NOW to eternity - amen and amen  -  gentle hug  


Thanks for the update.  Knowing and having a plan of action, gives some comfort.   Sounds like everyone is very optimistic, so that is great news.  Again, so glad you had the CT scan. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts.



I am learning so much from you Strudel , you are amazing.  This post and your previous will save many.  I will be addressing this again w/ my pulmonologist.  I know what your saying about “ good news/bad news”...went through a lot of this with my brain aneurysm’s.  My advice to you “ one step at a time “, “ take care of you “ and “ keep your humor”... gotcha in my prayers and heart ~ Colleen


{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ I'm sending a ton of love, hugs plus lots of good thoughts and prayers up for you Kathy }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

This is really is good news and I'm so glad that you quit smoking 9 years ago too I'll be asking my Dr at the end of the month about having a pet scan I'll be praying for you to feel God's loving arms around you and for peace of mind. XO 


If indeed it's cancer, sending warm thoughts and healing prayers your way.



I'm keeping you in my prayers Kathy!


Hi Kathy Strudel so sorry to hear what you are going through.  I can imagine how you felt hearing that C word it is pretty scary word. I had the word thrown at me about 4 years ago biopsy showed positive for salivary gland cancer, the pet scan showed it as well.  They had me set up for 10 hour surgery as they were going to do radical neck and was so grateful when they woke me up and said it was not cancerous. But stupid kept smoking after that. Glad you went and had that scan done. Sounds you iniated that just in time. At least it sounds like very early stages so that is good news.    When do they plan on the lung surgery do you know yet?  Thanks for opening my eyes am going to have that talk with my pulmonologist about the scan. Sending you prayers and hugs your way. Thanks for the update.


Thinking on you and sending a hug.


Kathy Kathy my sweet Kathy!!!!  I have been praying for you like crazy!  I am so sorry about all you are having to go through !  I do think the news sounds very positive!  Praise the Lord!  I am so grateful to have you as my friend and cheerleader on this journey.  You are an amazing inspiration to me and so many others!  Love you bunches and bundles!!!!




A Stac sighting!!!  How are you, girl? Stac2 

About the Author
I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have 2 cats - Monet and Holly. I retired from teaching special education in 2004 and then taught part-time until 2013. I quit smoking on June 12, 2010 after smoking for 40 years! I am amazed daily - still - by the glory of freedom!