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Good news and Bad news

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The good news-I finished my paper and handed it in yesterday.

The bad news-I just found out that someone hacked into my account and did 2 telephone transactions (whatever that means) for $558. Then I ordered pizza and overdrafted my account for the first time in my life.

The BEST NEWS- I made it through all of this without smoking.  Thank you all for your support-I know I've been slow at getting back to you all to say thanks for responding to my SOS last week, but will hopefully see you all at the bonfire on Friday.  

UPDATE: The bank just refunded my money!

ps-I'm sorry, I STILL cannot buy you all  luis vuitton purses-maybe when I'm Dr. Dodge 🙂


I am sure your bank will get this all worked out for you! Good Job on staying Smoke Free! As far as the purse, I honestly did not see anything that will go with my shoes! But thanks for the thought!


hacked into what account. your online banking? if so that is scary!

sorry to hear this but great you didnt smoke!


congratulations 🙂


Dodge, hope your bank gets that straightened out ASAP! I know what a violation that feels like! 😞 Glad you got your "paper" done. 🙂 That's quite the understatement!

And drats! I was really hoping for a new bag! LOL!


Congrats on that PAPER!!!   I had the same thing happen a month or so bank called and someone was having fun with my Mastercard in Tucson Arizona.....I didn't have to smoke either LOL    !!!!    I like breathing free, smelling good and not feeling guilty about poisoning myself everyday!!!!   Hugs to you my friend!  Breathe Free


So happy to hear about the paper and the quit!! Way to go! That is terrible about your account. Can they get it straight and find the culprit????  Keep us posted! Take care!


Congratulations on finishing the paper and on maintaining the quit in the midst of all the turmoil about your account.  Hope everything gets straightened out ASAP.


that happened to me once .. i went to the bank and was advised to close the account.. hope you closed your account so they cannt do that again...


oh yeah, i also had to change my email address... this was really a hassel.. but you have to protect yourself from id theft... please beware


Hey Dodge, sorry you are going through this hassle, and especially sorry I will not be getting the Luis Vuitton.  There goes my only chance and I did not know you were even thinking about it. Such is life.

I missed the sos last week, but I know how smart you are, so way to go with that. Congrats with the paper also and no smoking (naturally)! You are the best college prof!  Do you now get the summer to kick back?  


Well them sons of B*****!   Ellen, Shannon, get the Posse ready!!!  We have some vermin to track down and stomp on!!!!Wait until they find out that they "robbed" a Sheriff!!!  Why $558?????WTH!!???  Why not 600 or 1,000.....$558????

I AM proud of you finishing your paper as a Smoke Free Sheriff Professor....gee, Dodge, how are you going to fit ALL those names on your office door??????  Damn proud of ya girl!!

Now, about the Luis Vuitton purse....maybe they have a 90 day, same as cash, payment plan?????  I REALLY wanted that pink purse!!!

Stay cool, my friend, ain't NOTHING worth smoking over.....(even the firefighters you got for my 100th day, but that was damn close)!!!    Cindy


Sorry to hear of your dilemma. We will wait til your credit clears up (and the bank will work it all out for you) so we can get our purses!  Now I am sure the guys weren't counting on that anyhow! CONGRATS, Girl~ u did it! oh by the way... I have made my final committment ! I am here to stay with you all!