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Good morning my Friends

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I wanted to jump on here to thank everyone of you who have been praying on my behalf! I am in the hospital for two more days! My heart is damaged from all the abuse I have subjected it to over the years! However it never ceases to swell with pride when I hear the words of love and caring coming from my Friends!

I am on a borrwed laptop her and my time is short! Just wanted to confirm what most of you know already because of Shawn! I will be going home on Monday, which gives me a little time to get details of my life in order! That is not pessimistic, just points to the fact that there are things I have ignored too long! This is not the way I would have chosen to be reminded, but it definately worked.

I will return here Friday morning and will go into surgery for a quadrupile by-pass of my heart! Not only will I go into that surgery, but I will come out of it too! For those of you that do not know, I have an 8 day Southern Caribbean Cruse scheduled for August 25th! I intend to be on it! At this point the cardioligist says I can't go! The surgeon says I can probably go but that I will not feel like going! I say that I will go and I will be fine! Stand by to see who knows what they are talking about!

Again, a BIG THANK YOU for all of your prayer, love and support! I will be back on-line Monday!! Love to all of you! Have a great week-end!                 Tommy

33 Comentarios
Many x's and o's and warm regards and prayers for you, Tommy.

Hugs and prayers.  It was so great to see you here and hear the news directly from you.  I have a two year old grand visiting me so I missed the first news of your troubles.  Take care and keep us posted.  


Hi Tommy,

We've never chatted, but I've read your blogs and support towards others and think you're a really great person. God speed in your recovery. 


You have a wonderful attitude so I predict you will be on that cruise!!!  Sending up lots of prayers on your behalf.


 Oh Tommy, it does my heart good to see your smiling face and read your words. You surely do know the love that has always surrounded you continues to flow to you. I am praying for you and know that you are stubborn enough to defy any odds thrown your way. You are my "sweetman" I love you.♥


Tommy... still sending you a ton of prayers for a super quick recovery and for you being on that cruise!!  I know we usually don't learn lessons from others...... but this is one that should be given attention!  Thank God you are being well taken care of...... and your 'wake up call' will cause many positive changes in your life........... and in ours!

Take care. ♥


Tommy!  although I am grateful to Shawn for her up-dates how nice to see your face and hear your words in person!  I know you will do fine, your positive attitude goes a long way in terms of health issues.  You will be in prayers and thoughts!  Take care of you because you're important.


My grandkids have monopolized the computer so I just heard about your heart.

I am sure everything will go well for you, after all, you have a heart of gold!  Sending prayers up for you.  Keep us posted when you can.


So glad u got that laptop! You will make it on that cruise! Staying positive is the key! Love ya

Pirate Man, you are so hard-headed!!!!  How wonderful it is to hear from you.  I was worried about you.  Big (((((hug))))) and smooch!!!get well soon


We'll be expecting pictures from that cruise, you know.....


HI Tommy, you will be just fine, And  when your cruise date comes up you can decide then. I guees its up to you and how you feel.

enjoy your healing time, try not to stress, get some good books or movies to watch.

let your caregivers, give care if you have any.

G-d bless you Tommy, love to you and yours



The prayers will ocntinue. All the best to you Tommy! 


Take it easy and follow your doctor's'll make that cruise!!!  xoxo   img alt="" src="" />  


So great to hear from you, Tommy.  I missed the blog that you were having heart problems.  I will pray for you every day and especially on Friday.

I just know that you will be fine with your positive outlook and by the Grace of God.

Big (((((((TOMMMYYY))))))))


Dearest Tommy,

this is the first I'd heard of this. Oh my gosh. So good to know you are going to be ok. You are such a strong man!

I also read where you lost your beloved pet, Max. :-(This brought lots of tears. I'm so sorry. He will  be missed greatly. What a beautiful boy.

My love and prayers are with you always,



Hugs. Prayers.  You, too, are the 1%.  I'm sorry about about Max. 😞  And am looking forward to cruise pictures. 

You are loved. 🙂


Hey Tommy,

You are our hero through and through! I know you'll do well and your cruise will be awaiting your arrival :-)) Sunshine and being pampered is definitely a great way to get through your healing process, and as your friend, I highly recommend it! Beats sitting at home waiting to feel better!

I love your positive attitude,,that's what's gonna get you through all this and God! We love you! <3<3

Love & Hugs!



Well, my money is on you!!!!  A cruise without a pirate?  Can't happen!!!

I just want to say again that I love you, and we will all be right there with you, surrounding you with love and prayers,  no matter how far away we may be distance-wise.  

Please take good care of yourself and surround yourself with people that will take care of you too.  If you don't have anyone like that nearby, just say so......somehow, someway, someone from here will come and be whatever you need us to be!!!!!!!!  No joke!!!


Tommy - You know with this many people pulling for you - you will do fine!! Keep the positive attitude - as we know, that is the key to everything!!

Please take care!!! Prayers will continue......



Hang in there Tommy keep that positive attitude it goes along way, My neighbor had 6 bypasses put in back in May. He was sitting out catching rays at home on day 5 after his surgery. You will feel great come time to climb on that boat.


Tommy, You have a wonderful attitude and with that you will do great. My money is on you for not missing that cruise ship. I've been to the Southern Carribean many years ago. Barbados was my favorite. Can't wait to see some of those pictures. Listen to the medical experts and August 25th will be here sooner than you can bat an eye. Prayers for you, always. Love Jo Ann


ASK "G"----I JUST KNEW IT!!! I said...the doctors will say no cruise and tommy will say yes..... cruise.

While I certainly hope you are well and on it---Aunt Lucy says to tell you to take it one step at a can be re-booked. Make sure oyu are ready for it..........

I have so many candles lit at church for you that they called out the fire company! I know everything will be fine but rest and get strong.


you know what they say . you can't keep a good man down, you are in my prayers, hang in there.


Go get 'em!


Hey Tommy, it's been said but I'm saying it again, "You can't keep a good man down."

You will be cruising and feeling good.


Hugssssssssss to my hero, you are never far from my thoughts. I am so glad to hear you're on the mend.


Hugs & prayers to you Tommy. You won't be alone on Friday. We will all be with you!I have missed your blogs while on vacation. can't wait to see you on-line on Monday. 


Hugs and prayers going your way. My dollar is on you making that cruise. Take care of yourself.


Tommy I'm so sorry to hear about your condition and about your beloved Max.  I'm sending up prayers for you my friend.  I know you will be well, you have such a huge heart and caring sprit.  Sending love, hugs and Prayers.

Sylvia aka (Gypsy)


Wow, so sory to hear you're in the hospital, but glad to hear they have a fix for what's wrong!   I'll be praying for you Tommy and can't wait to see you back on EX telling us all about it!

You're a very special man, please listen to the doctor's best advice so you can go on many more cruises!


My prayers and confidence is with you Tommy.  Listen to the Dr.s and don't over do.  We want you around for a very long time.

My love to you... Kellie


so good to hear you being so positive, you are going to be fine and go on that cruise, you will love it, i did when i went on the 8 day Carribean cruise, it will be so good for you. , but like Kellie says, do not over do it , praying for you !