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Good day everyone ● □ ● □ ●

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A cold start to the day at -22°celius or -7°F but it's a lot warmer than the weather forecast was predicting which was -16 ° F brrrrrrr so I'm not complaining especially since I don't have to go out in the cold like my husband and all the working people now that's definitely a plus to being retired. I can stay here and keep the house nice and toasty . Quitting smoking is all positive once you have gone through the withdrawals and roller coaster ups and downs of mood swings things and start to relearn different ways of handling situations without cigarettes you will realize that there's life after smoking and I know for me I love it and believe me when I say that the first few weeks of my quit wasn't easy by no means, my moods were all over the place. I might start blatting like a baby for no reason at all or if someone looked at me the wrong way, I wanted to rip their face off so needless to say I didn't have a lot of company those first few weeks by anyone that knew I was quitting and I know these people didnt believe that I would succeed either because they all knew I tried to quit many times but obviously I wasn't willing to go through the process to get to that good place so I failed but not this time. The night before my quit I promised myself that I would never pick up another cigarette as long as I live and I don't break promises to anyone including myself, it hasn't been easy by no means but it's not easy for any of us Exers we all have heartaches, pain and suffering but smoking won't help with any of these issues and if we were to screw up our precious forever quits, we would still have to deal with lifes stressers so let's just continue on stacking up our beautiful smoke free days and enjoy life without the crutch of smoking. 

Marilyn 550 DOF and counting 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....