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Share your quitting journey

Good Wednesday morning ■

1 10 38

Let's enjoy another smoke free Hump Day my fellow Exers, quitting smoking and remaining quit is absolutely vital to our health, continuing to smoke will literally take our breath away so we end up on an oxygen machine which is no life at all . Life is way too short to knowingly do something that we know is slowly killing ourselves  take your life back and get to that good place in your quit so you can reap the benefits of an Ex smoker because there's definitely life after cigarettes and it's super fantastic once you get through the roller coaster ups and downs of withdrawals and mood swings, stay strong .

Marilyn 590 DOF and counting 

10 Comentarios

Hump day is my Friday!  WooHoo!

Have a lovely day, Sunshine!  Hmmmm, we could USE some sunshine today.


when you retire,

Every Day Is Hump Day!


Hee, hee, I know Dale, I'm also retired but I need our friend Nancy to post a pic of our Hump Day camel because It always makes me smile which makes my Wednesdays a little brighter. ☺


Good morning and congrats on 590 days of freedom. 


You called?

Enjoy your Hump Day!


590 DOF WTG Marilyn!!! I agree with you...there is life after smoking...I'm still feeling like I'm on that rollercoaster, so for today I will fasten my seat belt and know that this too shall pass...have a great day my EXER friend!

Good Morning Marilyn ! it is raining here and I am happy to be an Ex- smoker on this rainy winter day ! Only got an inch of snow and it is being washed away.

You are so right the rooler coaster ride in the beginning slowly smoothes out into a nice pleasant ride !  I can hardly remember the rough times now I know I had them but only a memory now  like trying to remember a dream you once had !  Today is day 381  and counting !

  I will Carry on together we Ex'ers are very Strong !



590 DOF  WHooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooo! Have a nice evening Marilyn!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


590 - lovely number!! Congrats and happy Wednesday Marilyn! 


Congratulations on 590 days of freedom, Marilyn!!

Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....