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Share your quitting journey

(: (:(:Good Morning Ex Friends :):):)

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I've missed you all these last several days BUT I've been so busy I had my Dad, younger sister and Cheryl's husband in for an early supper yesterday I put on a huge feed! then Cheryl went to Dad's for the night she stayed with me the whole time except for Friday night when they arrived her hubby stayed with our Dad they had a great time I'm headed down later this morning to spend time with both my sisters and tomorrow Cheryl and her husband will be going back to Nova Scotia, I've been around more cigarettes these past few days then I have been for quite some time and I have to be honest with you I've thought about (surely just ONE!!!) as disgusting as the smell was hanging in the air of these couple of places it stunk like a stinky old ashtray plus I had a hard time to breathe and I still thought about (JUST ONE) it didn't seem to bother Cheryl any but she's one of the people that quit smoking BUT is still smoking the odd one so she's definetly not doing it right plus she smokes medical marijuana once in awhile NOT ME! N.O.P.E MEANS N.O.P.E!!! I have been having quite a few smoking thoughts even though it stunk to high heaven and I had a hard time breathing in the midst of the smoking that's how powerful this horrid addiction is that's where N.O.P.E AND VIGILANCE comes in because it works when applied on a daily basis and we must never let ourselves become lazy and complacent we must always remember and N.E.F - Never Ever Forget that horrid DAY ONE or those early days and weeks of quitting smoking because another Day ONE would totally suck big time but another Day WON is the gift of LIFE our lives literally depends on us to stick with our quits N.M.W  - No Matter What ....... Breathing IS essential to living......


Sam seems to be doing okay right now I'm ready to do what's necessary when it's time Mark and I are watching her closely, she wasn't eating much BUT now that I'm cooking her boiled hamburger and rice that the vet's suggests when they're not eating she's more spry for how long I'm not sure, this pic of Samantha Digger Jane Hartley, Mason and Cheryl was Tuesday afternoon.....


About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....