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Share your quitting journey

Going to bed a winner tonight!

0 6 94

Going on 9 pm here. I am going to take my patch off before bed but will put a fresh one on in the morning after my shower. Honestly it's been one hell of a day physically and mentally but at the end of the day, I did not smoke. I chose to guard this quit with all I have.

My head still hurts and my nose is all stuffy. I know it's only gonna get better. I guess I need to see this as my body healing. I can't wait for more energy and all the good stuff that comes as being a non smoker.


6 Comentarios

You go, it gets better and better each day. There are hurdles along the way, just spread your wings and fly over them. 





GO LEIGH!!!  I will get better!  it may not get easier... at first... but it will ALWAYS get better!!!  As I am writing to you right now I am waiting for my printer to print off my latest text book for my child development class.  I can smell the cigarette smoke from the garage.  I know my husband is out there enjoying his alone / smoke time... I cannot go out there right????  I need to get out of here and finish printing the text tomorrow when noone is here...

I know tomorrow I will breathe easier!  I will not smell awful!!! and I will be able to tell everyone I made it through the first day!!!


Mellie stay away from the garage... don't go there woman.  Print your paper and focus on how fabulous tomorrow will be. You can tell everyone you have the first day down and done.

Ugh school work... I have to go back in January..


The patch worked so great for me as long as I took it off at nite...Glad you are doing the same...I'm on day 218 and feel so good..Keep up the good thoughts and stay positive..You are there!!!


All Right!!!!!!!!     So proud of you!