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Share your quitting journey

God this is so hard

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Here is my story

day 1-8 - started taking chantix. cravings were less and less. cut back. very, very, very miserable even though I didn't want to smoke much anymore. Serious irritability/anger feelings and cravings.

day 8- quit date.

2 days smoke free- still taking chantix, not smoking, freaked out about what I was reading about chantix. Even though I know dam%ed well that the misery I was feeling was nicotine withdrawal, not the chantix, but after reading so many scapegoat stories online I decided I would see if I could go without it the next day.

3 days smoke free- no chantix..No smoking. I don't think I could have made it this far without the chantix even though I'm not taking it now.

So today is day 4 without any nicotine at all. It has been like an obsession. Like something overwhelming that I have to avoid. I can tell you that it is not as bad as in the beginning. The first week of "cutting back" while on chantix was worse, pretty much a nightmare because I believe it blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain. So even if you smoke you are screwed. It really helped me cut back. Since you don't get your "fix" you realize how bad cigarettes taste and smell. I am glad I quit and just can't wait until a month or more has gone by.

I know it's different for everyone, but when does the hell of withdrawal stop?? I have read that after 3 days there is no nicotine in your body so the rest is psychological. BS!! I feel the same kind of on and off desperation as if I were an anorexic wanting food.

The only way I am going to make it is to hear the truth. IT IS HARD. IT IS NOT EASY. YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE PAIN. When I see people say "it was so easy to quit" I actually get mad. I mean, I don't want anyone to suffer but I also don't want someone new to read things like that. It makes them think something is wrong with them when they are going through such a hard time.

I like reading success stories of people who quit who are going through the same thing I am. It's hard. Anything worth having takes hard work. Nothing worth having is easy.
Hi Carrie.

You're right, it is extremely hard. After 3 days, the nicotine is out of your system but you're not completely there yet. It takes somewhere between 10-14 days for your brain to get accustomed to functioning without nicotine.

The site has a lot of very good information regarding nicotine addiction and the physical and psychological aspects of quitting. The information on that site was instrumental in getting me through the first couple of weeks.

I hope this helps.

Good Luck!!!
You are so right about cutting back
It only prolongs the agony. I am not going to tell you how I quit, because everyone uses a different method.
By all means do not go back to smoking.
You are well on your way
Also, you are what we call HELL WEEK
The second week is called HECK WEEK
Hell Week is sometimes called Glory Week.

lol I'm really glad I found this website