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Getting Divorced

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  Many years ago, you met those naughty cigarettes. You were curious and excited and rebellious, you spent time with them every day, you became intoxicated with the high from their coolness, and you didn’t want to let go. Everyone told you it was a bad idea (even you knew it), but you jumped into that forbidden relationship with cigarettes, and they soon became your life and your very identity. 
  You were in love! Married to the thrill, the rush…the need! 
  Back then, you never thought you'd find yourself here…sick and tired and addicted. Your love obsession with “the wild side” slowly became a toxic dependence to an emotional and physical abuser who offered no real security or promise. After turning a blind eye for so many years, the truth is out and you realize you were trapped in a dead end. Duped! Ashamed! That's exactly what's happened, and it‘s hard to admit you were that wrong.
  So, you're here now. Ready to make things better, to reclaim control. You’re ready to "get a divorce" from your "best friend", your “seductive lover”…your hateful deceiver. Your liar.
  And, yet, weirdly, that can be very scary. It's a big step. It's a big life-change. It seems like one of the scariest and hardest things to do, to walk away from your constant partner. Your identity. Your past. 
  But, if you stay, you're going to suffer, and you know it. Cigarettes are draining the life from you. Taking the best out of you. Embarrassing you, belittling you, poisoning your spirit. Slowly ruining everything you are. 
  So, you're going to get "divorced". And it will take time, maybe more time than you thought. But, maybe not. It’s going to be a working process, and you’re going to grieve through it, and you’re going to feel all kinds of emotions: loss, happiness, depression, pride, sadness, hopefulness, anger, joy. But, you can get through all of it, in due time, and you can get better and better. You can start fresh, and you can heal and recover.
  And who will you be then without your cigarettes? Once you stop buying them and using them, and once you detox from the drug and the ritual, what will be left of you?
  Well, I think that's   ultimately what this is all about!
  Yes, stopping smoking is strictly about not using cigarettes anymore. But,   QUITTING WITH PURPOSE is all about   WANTING to discover who you are now, who you should be, who you can be, and who Life wanted you to be all along. It's an unfolding journey of relearning and renewal, and you have to   BELIEVE in what this will eventually teach you. You need not resist what is coming afterward, because it’s guaranteed to offer more promise than if you had stayed stuck.
  There is nothing behind you that you don’t already know, but there is everything in front of you that you need to explore for yourself.   GET THAT DIVORCE & DON'T LOOK BACK!!!! 
   STORM: 383