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Share your quitting journey

Gave Up the Quit

2 24 306

I went to the mom-and-pop convenience store with my husband. I don't know why he agreed to go--he's never smoked, and never supported me doing so. But I've been under a great deal of stress lately, so I'm sure he'll do anything to help.

Anyway, we get there, and I get lucky enough to see a cigarette just sitting there, loose. I never smoked in a time nor place where one could buy "loosies," so I was intrigued. Because, really, all I wanted was one. I was out of luck, though. When I gave it to the man at the register to buy it, he said, "We don't sell those," and he took it from me. I considered my situation again, and then I sighed, "Give me a pack then." So he did. My husband pulled an orange lighter off the counter and asked me if there was anything he could do, and I mulled over the possibility of him taking the other 19 and trashing them, but you know, I didn't really want him to, so I said no. I made a joke about me feeling very casual about killing myself, and the man smiled as he handed me the receipt.

I don't remember opening the pack, but I remember putting one in my mouth. Where had my husband gone, anyway? He wasn't there. I held it there dangling from my lips for a long while, and I thought of you guys. What am I going to say? Maybe I don't have to say anything. It's just one, after all.

But just one...I would have to reset know. Who cares? I don't.

So I lit it defiantly and purposefully. And I smoked it, blowing the smoke out forcefully. As I did, I realized I had just ruined my SilkQuit meter, and the image of it flashed in my mind, and moving it back to a new quit date. Waiting a year to get another "Y" on there. And I thought, maybe I can just never come back to EX. They don't have to know. I kept puffing.

And then my cell phone alarm went off! Time for work!!

THANK was just a dream!!! And a good thing, too, because ONE does not exist! They travel in packs...

24 Comentarios


the "orange" lighter must signify something?


I considered the symbolism of the orange ligher, too, because it's the only color that stood out for me besides the gray design around the filter on the Ultra Light loosie. says hope, amongst other irrelevant things, and that's sort of what I have and can alway use more of. Ironically, it also says, "You feel alive!" That makes me smile after that dream. 😃


You want to bale me out of the hospital for the anxiety attack you gave me!  🙂


Glad it was just a dream!! Hug!!


Awesome blog resulting in sympathy, relief, and LMAO.. in that order. Great story teller. And a great reminder how close we are at any given time. ((((((YOUR QUIT))))))) 

Thanks for sharing.


OMG! I couldn't stop reading your message if I tried.Glued right to it!!! I was thinking,well she has____s!!!  Why is she telling all?!!! HA hA Ha hA

I'm going to go back to bed!     lol.You sure got my attention. Thanx for the laugh.


OK, you had me going there for a minute!     I'm thinking "where does she live again?", "can I get a plane ride there?", "will I get charged with a crime if I slap her alongside her head and take all her stickers?".

So glad it was a nightmare.     I had 1 a few days ago and they are real.     

Stay strong Friend.

Sharon 489 DOF


I almost cheated and skipped ahead to the end of your blog - but I didn't.  I just kept saying No!  Congrats and I am so releaved that it was just a dream.


I have such faith in your quit, I knew through most of the story that there would be a good punch line where you didn't really smoke.  But your storytelling is so real, you finally got me worried.  Glad it was just a dream!  Whew!


Oh Brenda, my heart almost stopped when i read that!!! I am glad it was only a DREAM!!!


That was funny 🙂   You had me in suspense then Bam, it was a dream. I`m sure glad it was. I should of caught on as you kept dragging the dream out, but had a brain fart.  Anyway, congratulations.  


Ah such sweet relief.     And just to educate you all there are places that sell 'singles' where you can buy single sickorettes for $1, 50-75cents in some places.

So Glad it was a dream.........KEEP NOPEin  !!!!


Thank good ness it was a dream.....When I quit 25 years ago, I used to have dreams about smoking all the time, but haven't had them recently.  Congratulations on your quit.....


When I got to the end of the blog, it was like I woke up from the smoke dream...sweet relief it was only a dream.

Shew! Oxoxox

BAD Brenda!




Wow, that's quite a blog post  !!!!!!!!!


HA! See the confidence I have in you my friend?! I KNEW it was either a joke or a dream right from the start!

Do you know why?

Because YOU don't smoke!!!!!


I am with Sootie - I KNEW this wasn't real! I know you will always protect your beautiful quit Brenda! 

I'm with Sootie & Strudel! As soon as I read the title, I knew it was a dream, you wouldn't just "Give up the Quit!" You go girl!!

Defiant in your dreams even...:) 


Had a smoking dream myself just the other night.  It feels JUST like you described.  I was glad to wake up, too.

I am glad for the dreams.  They keep me aware that I could slip.  

P.S. I was already composing my "It's okay, we love you, get back on the horse" email to you. 🙂


I sat here reading thinking, you have GOT to be kidding me.  She didn't.  She couldn't.  She wouldn't.  Would she?  She did.  Oh God.  I have to remove her name from the Elder's List.  How very sad.  And when I got to "husband gone" I thought, oooooohkaaaay, it's a dream.  Please?  Yes I hope I hope.  And it was.  You sure know how to turn the heart! 


Oh my gosh!!!