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Share your quitting journey

Friday Freedom Train 6/3/16

0 13 50

Good morning, fellow EXer's!


The Freedom Train is on the tracks, and prepared to make its daily run to freedom from smoking. Everyone is invited to come aboard to celebrate their own personal freedom, and that of their friends!


Today's Celebrations:

mauijewel   100 Days   

joyce   100 days

Jenn   2 years

Jeanne   3 years



We encourage you to come aboard today! Shout out your personal milestones, those of your friends, and show pride in your quit: 2 days, 200 days or 2000 days, or more if you have them! Let us hear from you, and let us all celebrate our freedom. Post food and music - IT IS PARTY TIME! This train is bound for FREEDOM from the evils of tobacco and smoking.





What is the Freedom Train? More  here

If you are new here, this vehicle provides a place for everyone to gather to celebrate the milestones and successes of those in our community. There are no tickets. The fuel for this locomotive is love and caring. The rides on this train are paid for in contributions to the quits of others! The only thing required to ride this train is a desire to breathe free. We encourage everyone to join in the celebration. No matter where you are in your quit, today is special, and is cause for celebration! Celebrate with others, and they will celebrate with you! There are no baggage fees; bring all your "EXtra baggage" and we will help you sort it out.


How do I count my days?

Your quit info is here

From time to time we have questions about counting days. While we encourage everyone to celebrate every day of their freedom, here on the Freedom Train we count the days you have completed. For example, Tommy quit on 01/01/2010. On 12/31/2010 he had reached 365 days. However, he had not completed a year until 01/01/2011.

Where can I sign up?

You can register for the Freedom Train here.

Have a question?

Please feel free to address any questions or suggestions to Pir8fan (Tommy) at any time.


Daily Freedom Train Conductors

Sunday: pir8fan

Monday: YoungAtHeart

Tuesday: Shawn

Wednesday: cyn

Thursday: cyn

Friday: Smorgy

Saturday: Smorgy


It makes me happy and proud to congratulate these folks today!

First we have 2 TDC entries:

Maulijewel.........aloha and Ho'omaika'i to you!      What a fantastic job!

Joyce......your are working hard and it shows.........TDC for you!

When we first start our quit it feels like we will never get that far.......AND YOU PROVED IT CAN BE DONE!

Keep it up!

Then we have a 2 year Winner........Jenn!        Some struggles along the way (that's life) and you got through them all because of your commitment to be a non-smoker!!!!       YEAH!!!!

Jeanne is at 3 years!      WOW.......I remember when you were just a baby with a baby look at you!

I'm going to find something healthy and tasty for our celebrations today:


Would you believe low carb......says it right on the picture!

How about this?


Think I'm focusing on Sweets because I am cutting them out.....ok, it's taking some time to do that.

I hope that each and every one of you celebrates YOU in a very special way.

Let us know what you are going to do!!!

And the rest of you......Your day is coming so celebrate today your very own fantastic number!

My name is Sharon and I have 1033 Days of Freedom!

I will celebrate by cleaning out some drawers and thinking of what I will be moving to New Mexico.

My son and I decided to stay with Plan A of moving in August unless my drs tell me I can't.......I won't accept that defeat today!!!!

Come on and sing a happy song!

Remember the Smurfs?????

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13 Comentarios


​I had the caterers stack a doughnut tower in the caboose...

Just look at those impressive milestones today!

You guests of honor get first dibs at plucking goodies off the tower! 



Who remembers the Hudson Brothers (my kid sister and I used to watch them)

And then there was Rod Hull and the Emu


Getting all nostalgic today........

What do you remember from years ago?????


Darn, that memory loss! There was also a local show in Houston with a woman dressed up as a cat- Miss Kitty or something. It was a children's show. Back before the muppets were even a twinkle in their daddy's eye. Congratulations to Mauiijewe; and Joyce for reaching TDC. And to Jenn and Jeanne for your awesome numbers. I'm Karen, and I have 287 days.


Good morning riders/quitters! Congratulations to all of us and to the special milestones Thanks for all you do around here, Sharon! I am riding with 333 days!!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Wow, what a Winners Circle there is on the train.  Congratulations to everyone.  Congratulations to YOU, Sharon, most of all, for continuing your journey without making changes in your plans unless it becomes necessary.  There are doctors and medical facilities in New Mexico.  You are not going to be defeated!  

I am Ellen and I am getting on board with 866 days!


Thanks Sharon for picking me up in California!!

Congratulations to all riding with their great milestones-WTG

Congrats to all riding today, I am climbing onboard with 1053 Days of Freedom!!



On board to clap and cheer for our mighty milestoners today. 

joyce, mauijewel, Jenn, Jeanne - Y'all look great with those smoke-free days.  The wrinkles are just disappearing with each one!  Here's to your healths!

And cheers to all who ride today!


Hello!  Hello!  Congrats to ALL of you celebrating today!  I can't believe it has been 2 years since I have quit!  Feels amazing!  Thank you all!  


Thanks for the support and ride on the train!  3 years without a puff!!!!

Feels great because it is great!  


Jeanne 06.03.13


Good evening Sharon, sorry I'm late getting on board but I am here to celebrate everyone's precious quit especially all of the wonderful milestones being celebrated, I am here with 690 DOF and counting, I remember Hogans Hero's which my hubby and I enjoy still on DVD'S and I always loved bewitched show! 


Mau-jewel Joyce Jenn and Jeanne look at all those super J-Girls !!!

Congrats to you all !

 I am getting onboard late but I am  here and riding with 480 fantastic days of freedom !

Thanks everyone for being here together we form a strong bond !


Thanks dear Sharon! Big congrats to all of the fine folks with milestones today! 


One month yesterday! May I ride on the train!?

Acerca del autor
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP I've thought so many times about quitting, done a few quits with the longest being 9 months. Blamed that relapse on my sister because she broke her hip. This time I feel different 8/5/13:The first day of my forever quit. About me? Well, I'm old enough that I am going to semi-retire (work 2 days per week) starting in October, 2013. I have 2 grown sons, 2 older sisters, 2 cats. I'm passionate about my work, love mystery books. I give all the glory for my work, any successes I may have to God and prayer. I have a lot of people praying for me right now and that is where I feel the strength. I also am finding strength, information and support from this site. I hope I can offer some of that to others when I get past the newbie stage. 9/4/13 30 days today!! I've learned so much since I've been coming here each morning (and sometimes at night). Words: choose, not try-----decision----not giving anything up, but gaining---I'm worth so much more than a cigarette. These are only a few of the pearls of wisdom that I've taken to heart. So many great people. I learn something each and every time I come on here. I'm learning about myself too. I teach clients everyday that feelings are feelings and ok to have, but I've always fought that concept myself. I heard when I was little "what have you got to cry about?" so I learned not to cry. If anger was shown it meant going back and shutting the door 10 times quietly or maybe getting the wrath of my parent. So, I learned not to cry, not to feel anger. I'm learning now that I have those feelings and that smoking pushed them aside and down. They are there and real. Now I'm trying to learn how to show and express them instead of going off by myself for a smoke. I have supporters. The biggest pride is what I feel in myself. With each day I wake up I can say "Today is day ____" and I feel proud. Not the kind of pride like I could never fail. That is a realization and why I need to be aware and conscious each moment. No, smoking doesn't solve anything. And today I am proof that I can go on without the crutch of a cigarette! 8/5/17 4 Years Quit!!! Who would have "thunk" it? I never took responsibility for my relapses, always blamed whatever it was that occurred. So, when I quit on 8/5/13 I knew I REALLY wanted it to work, knew that I needed as much support as I could get but I think deep down I was afraid this one wouldn't take either. So, I did as much positive as I could: Chantix, prayer, atomic fire balls, telling friends AND coming to the EX many times throughout the day. The people here became my friends as well as my family. I could share when I was struggling and get encouragement. Have there been struggles in my life since then that would have "caused" me to smoke in the past? Of course! Life goes on and troubles happen even when you don't smoke. I lost my sister who was also my best friend, my diagnosis of lung cancer and the treatment that has gone on since then (dr tells me "not curable, but treatable"). Would smoking make any of those things better? OF COURSE NOT! But when you're an addict the brain tells tons of lies to you..... Newbies: use the resources that the EX provides to you and you will have major milestones too. I thank my family here and love each and every one of you that have helped me! Too many names to mention.