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Share your quitting journey

Freedom is priceless

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We all have our reasons to quit: health, money, love, kids, pets, stink, shame, regret, lack of respect for oneself, a partner or lover, job, medical insurance, and who knows what else.

After 963 DOF (Days of Freedom - and who called them that might have known how I feel), I still value Freedom as the biggest, most impactful benefit of quitting for me.

It is only when looking backwards at a long life of the smoker I was, when I realized how much the 20 cigarettes/day ruled my life: at home, driving, at work, traveling by car or plane, eating with friends at a restaurant, at my son’s house (or should I say balcony in summer or winter in Boston), at my own house with family or friends, when they were inside and I was out giving in to my addiction.

If you have no other reason to quit, just do it to regain your freedom.  And if you are now quitting, and you think the cravings are terrible, look back at your life as a smoker and find strength knowing you are conquering your freedom from the claws of a very serious and hard to beat addiction. 

Reach out, we'll help!

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Thanks so much for sharing. For someone finishing day 3 I can’t wait to be where you are. 


Congratulations on your 3 glorious Smokefree days and counting WTG, you are doing super fantastic and you're doing it one Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time ,keep moving forward and stacking up your precious DOF  - Days Of Freedom .....


Thank you Daniela for sharing this great awe inspiring thought provoking blog post with all of us, life just keeps getting better and better as An EXer living a life of Freedom ......


And you will, just one day at the time, one hour when needed, it is possible, your mind is all powerful.  Let it rule your quit!


Congratulations on day three Bandguy‌, you won't be sorry for quitting.

Daniela2016‌ Thank you for sharing this beautiful are such a treasure, I am so glad that you found us.




Great post Daniela and so true.


What a great post! Not only do I appreciate the truth in what you are saying, I love to hear that after 963 DOF you still appreciate what you have gained. Thank you.



As a smoker, I never thought of myself as a prisoner- I knew that I was an addict, but I thought I just liked to smoke. Now after almost 6 years since my last smoke I really get it. If the thought of smoking crosses my mind and it does occasionally, I understand what it means to be free. So very true-freedom IS priceless.


Freedom IS priceless.  So grateful I have it.  So grateful I finally wised up, became educated about this addiction.  My reason to quit was always my reason to quit - from the first time I tried and lasted a year, to the next when I lasted three months and the next....  Because I knew it was doing harm to my body.  

I think once we HAVE quit, we need a very strong reason to keep it (because the addiction is so strong).  My strongest reason to keep at it is that I never want to go through the start-up process again.  Day Won, Never Another Day One for me.  NADO.


I did feel like a prisoner when I smoked only I knew I had the key but was too scared to use it. Im glad I found EX and all of you. Freedom truly is wonderful. I find it so hard to believe anymore that I was ever a smoker. NEVER thought I would say that  Great Blog!


Freedom Gives

Self Respect

Don't Need To Smoke

Freedom's Best

963  Whoo  Wee

1000 Meant you'll be coming down the grand staircase on the first site I was on.


Thanks Daniela.  The freedom was the biggest surprise to me.  I really hadn't thought of that when I began this journey.  


So they were having the big celebration at 1,000 DOF rather than one year?

Are they still working Dale JonesCarpeDiem‌?


Me neither Barb, only with each event in my life happening without smoking, little by little, the knowledge and feeling of freedom registered on my mind, and the more I advanced in smobriety, the stronger the freedom became!


Each tear was a milestone but 1000 days was a biggie. quitnet


I agree! The comma is a Biggie and you're almost there!


Thanks Dale, could not find out much about them, other than the facebook page, because you can't browse unless you sign up with them which I did not want to do! I am staying put


thank you Thomas!