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Share your quitting journey

Freedom Train 12/27/15 Tell us about your Holiday Trials

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Good morning fellow EXer's! The Freedom Train is on the tracks, and prepared to make it's daily run to Freedom from smoking! Everyone is invited to come aboard to celebrate their own personal Freedom, and that of their friends!!


If you are new here, this vehicle provides an area for everyone to gather and celebrate the milestones, and successes of those in our community! There are no tickets! The fuel for this locomotive is love and caring! The rides on this Train are paid for in contributions to the quits of others! The only thing required to ride this Train is a desire to breathe Free! We encourage everyone to join in the celebration! No matter where you are in your quit, today is special, and is cause for celebration! Celebrate with others, and they will celebrate with you! There are no baggage fees! Bring all your "EXtra baggage"! We will help you sort it out!


We encourage you to come aboard today! Shout out your personal milestones, and those of your friends! Show your pride in your quit! Days, 200 Days or 2000 Days! More, if you have them! Let us hear from you, and let us all celebrate our FREEDOM!! Post food and music! IT IS PARTY TIME!!!


This Train is bound for FREEDOM from the Evils tobacco and smoking!!






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Good morning! where is everyone this morning? I didn't  have any trials to report that i know of.

Congratulations to everybody here that is free!!!

Let's start this day off with a smile!

and a bigger smile with this.....


My Holiday trial wasn't really a trial. To protect my quit,  I made it clear to my smoking guest that smoking was not allowed where I could smell it.  Period. I had a little eggnog and did not want an additional trigger.  They complied to my request and all is well. 


I was super stressed out with ordinary Christmas plus my 13 year old daughter having knee surgery on Christmas Eve.  It happens to be my birthday on Christmas Eve as well, so my junkie thinking kept whispering "you can have just one for your birthday, you deserve it."  Thank God, I did my reading in the earlier days of my quit and knew better.  I was super stressed and it was a strong continuous pull for a couple of days, but I made it through and I'm happy to report I am still a non-smoker with no breaks in my smobriety.


No trials, just smoke free vapor trails from this 3588 day quitter.

Cheers to all of the smoke-free riding set today!


Lots of trials but mostly related to pain and moving, just a few from Holidays, like cooking and trying to decorate a muddy house.  Never thought about smoking, last thing I need.

I am climbing aboard with 707 days!

Congratulations to everyone here.


It was a Holiday without trials! Thanks for picking me up, Tommy. I am 174 days free!  Terrie

Congratulations to all quitters!


Committed to stop smoking has helped me get thru the trials of this Holiday.  I thought I'll never get thru, but my committement help me. blogging on this site, and the people.  Now that the holidays are over what a relief.  174 DOF.  Learning to plan for stressful times ahead.

Wish You A Successful And Glorious Happy New Year-DB1889


I am late coming aboard but I'm here with 531 splendiferous DOF and counting, congratulations to each and everyone of you my fellow Exers on your precious ongoing forever quits and to anyone that may be celebrating a special milestone today yay and yay again WTG. 


I'm on with 128 days today-almost to the end of NML. I had a birthday earlier this month, also struggled a bit with the demon thinking maybe I could have just one. I was a bit surprised also to have a bit of trouble off and on with feeling a kind of nostalgic "missing" being a smoker during the holiday season. I just had to think it through- the logical part of my brain knows perfectly well that I am much better off as a nonsmoker. But my first set of holidays as a nonsmoker was not without having to put forth some extra effort and thinking things through. Hope that means I'll feel like an old pro at this next year!