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Share your quitting journey

Freedom Train 01/12/2017

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Good Morning Fellow EXer's

The Freedom Train is on the tracks and prepared to make its daily run to freedom from smoking. Everyone is invited to come aboard to celebrate their own personal freedom, and that of their friends!


Today's Celebrations:

Newfound_Joy has 5 years!

tjanddi has 700 days!


We encourage you to come aboard today! Shout out your personal milestones, those of your friends, and show pride in your quit: 1 day, 200 days or 2000 days, or more if you have them! Let us hear from you, and let us all celebrate our freedom. Post food and music - IT IS PARTY TIME! This train is bound for FREEDOM from the evils of tobacco and smoking.






What is the Freedom Train? More  here

If you are new here, this vehicle provides a place for everyone to gather to celebrate the milestones and successes of those in our community. There are no tickets. The fuel for this locomotive is love and caring. The rides on this train are paid for in contributions to the quits of others! The only thing required to ride this train is a desire to breathe free. We encourage everyone to join in the celebration. No matter where you are in your quit, today is special, and is cause for celebration! Celebrate with others, and they will celebrate with you! There are no baggage fees; bring all your "EXtra baggage" and we will help you sort it out.


How do I count my days? 

Your quit info is here

From time to time we have questions about counting days. While we encourage everyone to celebrate every day of their freedom, here on the Freedom Train we count the days you have completed. For example, Tommy quit on 01/01/2010. On 12/31/2010 he had reached 365 days. However, he had not completed a year until 01/01/2011.


Where can I sign up?

You can register for the Freedom Train here.

Have a question?

Please feel free to address any questions or suggestions to Pir8fan (Tommy) at any time.


Daily Freedom Train Conductors

Sunday: Pir8fan

Monday: YoungAtHeart

Tuesday: JACKIE

Wednesday: Jennifer72113

Thursday: Terrie

Friday: Smorgy

Saturday: Shawn

Congratulations on 5 years Newfound_Joy!

Trudy with 700 days!

You ladies Rock!

Since I missed breakfast let's have some lunch

Have a very good smoke-free day!

I hope you are able to catch the train due to my lateness, I'll come back around later to pick up anyone I missed. ~Terrie~  36 days smoke-free! I Won't Quit on my Quit!


And so I am sitting here looking for the train post, right? and Brandy says "did you get your train posted yet?" Oh, crap!

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12 Comentarios
Community Manager
Community Manager

Congrats Newfound_Joy and tjanddi!

Amazing accomplishments!

EX Community Manager


Glad to see you, Conductor Terrie. I knew the train would be coming by pretty soon. Your cargo of great quitters was worth the wait. congratulations New Found Joy with 5 years! That's terrific! Congratulations tjanddi with 700 days. Another truly inspirational quit. Pizza works for me. I'm up for lunch on the train.


Wow What a Spread.  The fruit is amazing.  Congrats to my Quit Buddy Trudy...500 days WTG  New found Joy 5 years 
What a quit!!!!! Le's celebrate/  I am on with 718 days.  Toot Toot.  Thanks for picking me up. 



Fabulous Five NewfoundJoy!


Splendid 700 Trudy!!!


Happy Riding All!


Thanks for picking me up and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Newfound Joy on five years and Trudy on 700 days!

I am boarding this afternoon with 1089 DOF.



Thanks for picking me up!  Onboard with 493 days.


Congrats to ALL!


Thank you! Enjoying my 700 days of freedom today! Had coffee in bed, haven't done that in over 5 years. Still need to get dressed and get myself moving. Got a walking workout dvd yesterday to use when I just don't feel like going out in the cold for my walk/runs. ( and to think I used to go outside to have one of those stupid cigarettes no matter how cold it was) I reviewed the workout last night and it's going to be a good workout! I will do that workout today and I probably will still go out for a quick walk, maybe... 

Congratulations NewfoundJoy on your 5 years!!

I see Terry brought a beautiful spread of fruit. I will have to pass on the pizza so I brought me some Cinnamon steelcut oatmeal with warmed blueberries and bananas.

Image may contain: food


Hopping on the train this beautiful sunny 79 degree weather.  Thanks for picking me up.

Lillian 207 dof from cigarettes


Thanks Terrie for picking me up today even though it's getting late.  Congratulations to NewFound Joy on 5 years and tp Trudy on you beautiful 700 days. Pizza looks great.  I am riding with 244 days   Yay!! To all of us!!



I can hardly believe it myself. Thank you soooo much you wonderful Quitters in your support for me. 

I really appreciate it because I haven't been able to be around the EX World much lately. I will say one thing....

I NEVER EVER would have been able to QUIT smoking without you fantastic support people!!  And my CONGRATS to everyone on the train today and also tp Trudy with 700 days. That is a BIG deal.

I can't remember how to post pictures but if anyone would like to get me a hot fudge sundae, I can sit and drool. :))

I am having some health issues right now (nothing smoking related) so BYE FOR NOW. And thank ALL mean so much to me!! 





353 days for me and I'm jumping on......... toot, toot


Thanks for picking me up, Terrie!!!  Congrats to Newfound_Joy and tjanddi, 5 years is oh so amazing, and 700 days is also extremely awesome! 

I am here with a mere 96 (or 97?) days of freedom, but happy nonetheless.  Congratulations to all Freedom Riders today!


Acerca del autor
Hello, I am a 59 year old female, name Terrie, still growing up. I have moderate COPD. I am an oxygen patient, currently not in need of the 24/7 or night time oxygen. Thanks to all the great support and education I got here on EX. My original quit date was 07/06/15 on day 519 I relapsed and started over in less than 24 hours. I want to go to the great beyond being a former smoker and I shall! COPD is not choosy! and not pretty! May 1rst, 2017 I am using Dale's suggestion to put off a cigarette each time and I am down from 50 to 20. I am looking forward to my old(7-6-2015)/new quit date 7-6-2017 May 4th, 2017 I started with Marlboro reds. Nicotine is a very assinine addiction. Once addicted I found I would smoke any of it including the little cigar/cigarettes, and it's still true since I threw away my quit and stopped being true to myself. I will smoke ANYTHING with nicotine in it to get the fix. I hate smoking! I am not having a problem stopping it's staying stopped, that I am not doing! I do not buy anything but regular tobacco but if caught without it I will do anything except vape to get the fix. UPDATE POSTED 04/24/2018: Getting ready to set a quit date and begin again :)