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Foolish Thoughts!

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As we go through the process of finding Freedom from nicotine, I beleive that we go through different stages! Stage one is really not that hard! We are carried from day to day by the enthusiasm of our success! Then we reach Stage two! Stage two is where it starts to be more difficult! In December of 2013 I wrote a blog that I think can be helpful to all who are reaching stage two of their quit! With your indulgence, I will repost that blog here tonight!

I do not watch a lot of television! Football and Jeopardy is about it! However, I did see a commercial the other day with a line that made me go "WOW"!

Brian Urlacker and Ray Lewis are future Hall of Fame pro football players who retired last year! They do a commercial together where Urlacker is calling Lewis, on game day, and asking it he is missing playing! Lewis claims not to miss the game at all! Meanwhile, he is dressing in his uniform, with lampblack under his eyes and wrapping his wrist with tape! He denies what is in his head! And he tells Urlacker "Only a fool trips on what's behind him!" BAM! What a line!! "Only a fool trips on what's behind him!"

My message to you today is twofold!

#1. It is OK to admit that you miss smoking (we all do), but please understand that you miss it because you are an addict! Dig deep enough to understand that you do not miss the things that smoking did to you, or what it cost you! Understand the magic moments in life that you failed to witness because you were off somewhere else feeding your addiction! Understand the cost not only in treasure, but in treasured moments!

#2. Keep your Focus, and keep moving forward! You can only trip on what is behind you if you take a step back! And, that would be foolish! You my friend are not a fool! Do not fall prey to foolish thinking!
