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Share your quitting journey

Follow up on Why I Hate Smoke!

0 16 189

So I have Victory to share with the EX Community! The landlord has made the entire premises of this Apartment building nonsmoking! All I can say is Thank You everyone for giving me the voice to speak up and to EXplain that I have real reasons for wishing to avoid Second Hand Smoke which is dangerous to all of us and deadly to COPDers as well as others who have fragile health. Smokers have to go away from the entrances and into a side alley to smoke their sickerettes where they won't be polluting the other residents of the building! More and more apartment buidings are becoming smoke free! Now I can add mine to the list! Oh, and by the way, included in the clause is medical and "legal" marijuana! I can breathe free in and around my own home! Most of the smokers have decided to move at the end of their contracts on June 30 - Ahhhhh!

16 Comentarios

Great news Thomas! Finally, more and more people get it.


Maybe it will be enough change for someone to consider quitting! I am happy for your health!


Congratulations and good for you-there must be other non smokers there who are very happy too.


Oh that is great Thomas!  I just had a victory too!  My vascular surgeon's office just called me and asked me if I wanted to come in Friday for my procedure.  We have been going round and round with my health insurance company because at first they denied paying for it.  After my surgeon got back with them and explained I HAD to have this procedure and he explained why, they now have okayed it.  I have very bad varicose veins and they are doing a procedure where they get rid of them by inserting a cathater (or however you spell it) in the veiin and use some type of radio wave that shrinks them and they end up dissolving into the surrounding tissue.  Hopefully, I can go back to work soon.  I've been off since 4-3-13.  So one more thing that worked out for me.  This has been really stressful for me, but I just remembered NOPE!!!  Sorry for all my rambling.


Oh that is great Thomas!  I just had a victory too!  My vascular surgeon's office just called me and asked me if I wanted to come in Friday for my procedure.  We have been going round and round with my health insurance company because at first they denied paying for it.  After my surgeon got back with them and explained I HAD to have this procedure and he explained why, they now have okayed it.  I have very bad varicose veins and they are doing a procedure where they get rid of them by inserting a cathater (or however you spell it) in the veiin and use some type of radio wave that shrinks them and they end up dissolving into the surrounding tissue.  Hopefully, I can go back to work soon.  I've been off since 4-3-13.  So one more thing that worked out for me.  This has been really stressful for me, but I just remembered NOPE!!!  Sorry for all my rambling.


WOW!!! We only have one smoker in my building...when I smoked I walked down the block so as NOT to bring the second hand smoke smell to neighbors...having been a non-smoker MOST of my life I remembered the dread of smoke smell...The smell of his stale smoke bothered me it makes me gag...we are a condo association and surely we could enforce a "No smoking" building...xo


WooHoo! That is really great Thomas!


Well that is just super, Thomas. I am so glad to hear about a happy resolution to a tough situation. Your posts really hit home to me about the seriousness of lung related illness.  Some people CAN NOT be around smoke and unbelievably some people still do not get this.  I'm glad that you get to go in and out of your home without having to breathe in dangerous chemicals, finally! Jeepers, didn't you quit smoking to get away from that crap? Good for you for piping up! Thanks for sharing as well, cheers!


Woot woot to clean air!

Breathe well my friend ♥


Oh, congratulations and good job, Thomas!!! Thank goodness!

Unless I was a marijuana smoker, I wouldn't have moved over it. I don't understand people who smoke indoors...I'm too young to remember that being the norm.


This is AWESOME news Thomas!  Enjoy your day.....smoke-free!!!!  Another victory for us EXers.....thank you!



Great job Thomas! 🙂


Good for you, Thomas!  You made a stand for yourself in a no win situation.  The smokers can smoke elsewhere and continue their addiction without affecting you every time you walk out the door or walk to your door.  Keep up the good work!


Good for you, Thomas!  You made a stand for yourself in a no win situation.  The smokers can smoke elsewhere and continue their addiction without affecting you every time you walk out the door or walk to your door.  Keep up the good work!


Fantastic, Thomas !! You're looking after others,(children included) as well as yourself.


Great job

Acerca del autor
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1