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Follow the Money!

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I just read an article that describes the market for “Nicotine De-Addiction Products.” For the purposes of this article they include Nicotine Gums, Patches, Lozenges, Inhalers, Sprays, Sublingual Tablets, Zyban, Chantix/Champix, E-cigarettes.

2012  $5.1 Billion with a giant B!

2019 (projected) $16.02 Billion!

That’s a market increase of 18.7% in a short 7 years!



So where is all that money going for “smoking de-addiction products”?

NRTs were worth 995.5 million in 2012.  Increased promotional activities and effective distribution is expected to boost their market growth in the near future. The major players in the NRT products market include Johnson and Johnson, GSK, Cipla and Novartis.

Smoking cessation pharmaceuticals market is expected to witness a decline in revenue across the globe, by the end of 2019. Zyban  (bupropion) lost it’s patent in 2013 and Chantix/Champix (varenicline) will lose theirs  in 2018.  The leading players in the drug therapy market are GSK and Pfizer.

The e-cigarette market has posed a challenge to smoking cessation products as well as to the tobacco cigarette business. The global e-cigarettes market was worth  1.662.5 billion in 2012. Lorillard, NJOY and VMR products LLC are some of the major players in the e-cigarettes market.

Big Tobacco got into the game when Lorillard acquired Blu, an e-cigarette brand, and demonstrated its economic power. NJOY has the largest portion of the market and has been in the e-cig business since 2006. The first thing they did was to hire former tobacco marketers to show them how to convince the consumer. VMR is America’s largest volume online retailer of electronic cigarettes in a strategic partnership with National Tobacco Company (NTC), distributor of the iconic Zig-Zag and Beech-Nut brands.

My conclusions?

You can either go with the same pharmaceuticals that sell me my COPD medicines


You can go with the newest industry knee deep in BIG TOBACCO


You can be a Smart Turkey!

I have more trust in ME that I do in folks who want to see me sick and/or hooked!




No wonder they like to say it takes 11 times to quit. So that they can keep the market share going! In two serious quits in my life, I used the patch. The first time, I was addicted to the patch for around six months and in the end I quit for a year.

 The second time around, I followed the prescribed program and got myself off of them in around four weeks if I remember correctly, and I'm not looking back!

 Also, the second time I quit, I studied and studied some more and knew the enemy well that I was about to face. So in the end I think the choice is a personal one and that it's really up to the individual to make these "aids" work as they're supposed to rather then becoming addicted to the aid itself.

Good post Thomas!


Some businesses have the goal of improving the quality of life, as well as profit; some businesses only have the $$$ in their sites...

We don't have to contribute to businesses that we find to be harmful or morally wrong,or that don't share our values.....

Thanks for the info Thomas...........Have a good day!



WOW! Interesting blog. Thanks Thomas.


Great blog and sooo pessimistic for the quitters vs. optimistic for Big Tobacco. There's that ole "evil-cig" again doing nothing but causing trouble and I have to watch my husband use them in the house since the smoking of tobacco products is now done outside!! Love ya!!

Candy    d198


Oh, I am a Smart Turkey!! YAY, ME!!!




yeah candylance YaY you, 🙂 and thanks Thomas for the information always can count on you XOXOX


yeah candylance YaY you, 🙂 and thanks Thomas for the information always can count on you XOXOX


great info,thanks!!


Wow!  It just gets better and better, doesn't it?  Lobbyists keeping it all good for those sucking the blood of the ill, addicted, and desparate.  Grrrrrr!!!!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1