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Share your quitting journey

Foggy Day 4

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I am on day 4 of my journey and expected the "fog" to set it at any time....BUT was not prepared for a full blown - feels like I am doped up on cold medicine - head fog.  Anyone else have this?  What causes it?  How did you work through it?  It's annoying and making me feel completely "spaced out". 

18 Comentarios

Hi Maggie,

I felt so foggie, I had to quit work.  Fortunately, I am a real estate agent, and I have that luxury.  I'm on day 27, and I'm just now getting around to feeling like I can function.  The best advise is to be patient with yourself, don't  expect 'anything' from yourself right now, and give yourself a good three weeks to re-stabilize.  The tetonic plates in your life have been uplifted, and don't know where to land just yet.  Keep in touch with your challenges.


Starting day 3 and feeling the same way. Didn't even feel comfortable driving this morning.


Yep, totally normal. I went through a few days when I couldn't even muster the brain power to finish a sentence. Hang in there!  Hey, look at it this way, it's your excuse to be a complete flake for a few days! Have some fun with it! 


Tom - Thankfully I am not that bad!! Please be safe...and don't put yourself in any dangerous situations!!!   Stay strong!!!  We can walk this path together since you are just one day behind me!!! 

I just said to my husband last night that I wish I could stay in bed for the next 30 days....I was kind of joking, but now I think that is actually not a bad idea.   Unfortunately, I have to be a work and be I will practice deep breathing to try and re-focus my brain. I am glad to know that I am not alone in this fog......

Here's to CLEAR days ahead of us!!!!!


I was in a deep fog the first few weeks - just spaced out.  It lifted, and in an odd way, I just decided when I was in the fog, "meh, beats being jumpy and nervous."  Strangely, the fog, while annoying, kept me calmer than my last quit, when I was climbing the walls. 

It gets better - we are rooting for you!


The clutches of nicotine addiction. The fogginess is what makes so many people throw away all their hard work. Hang in there. Drink fluids, Eat as healthy as you can. Drink more fluids. Get proper rest.

The fog will lift. Trust me. Hang in there.


Brian - You are right about it beating being jumpy and nervous!!   I swear that the one thing I did to give myself a better chance at success was give up CAFFEINE!  It has made a HUGE difference in my attitude as well as with agitation, nervousness, etc.


Thanks Patty-cake!  I am sucking down so much water right now....I think mentally I am "flushing" the nicotine out of my system faster that way!   Day 4 in progress and can't wait for Day 5 to see what changes are in store! BRING IT!


i TRULEY hate this feeling..I had an ex boyfriend yell at me one time while on was on quit mode.. (scenario) we were sitting at a table in the diner and the waiter asked me what is my order and I was totally spaced out I mean literally. I kind of had a slow speech when responding and my EX yelled saying what is wrong with you? really? Yes he is an EX our breakup was over my quitting and his unsuportiveness. And yes upon that dinner table I cried because I felt lost, sad and alone with my fight over nicotine. Hang in there I know exactly how you feel like almost like a friend is missing but remember Nicotine is not our friend just a thorn in our behinds and some. I am here because I need so much support this time around I am desperate to actually smell a pizzaria or Hot Dog from a block away like other people do. Please email me if you need help we are here to help 🙂


Linn that is awful 😞  I am sorry that happend to you. I can't imagine how sad and alone you felt.   I am glad that you identified that the relationship was unhealthy, it sounds like you are in a good spot now!

I have almost made it to lunchtime on Day 4 with NO cravings.  I'm super super excited about this.  It's the start of a new life...


Sorry you are feeling bad and oh how I remember the full blown fog of that first week!!! We call it 'hell week' for a reason...I spent time reading on and these two links were particularly helpful...remember your entire metabolism and brain chemistry are adjusting to and withdrawing from a poisonous chemical…it takes a minute…think of your physical, emotional, mental distress as ‘cleansing’ and a rite of passage to your new life and authentic self…relax and accept it…mind set is everything! xo     


Your puppies are SO beautiful...they must be very happy to have a smokefree Mom!!!


Brain fog happens! Luckily it doesn't last forever! Try to find some solice in knowing you will return to normal functioning!

Can't promise you when it will happen, but I seem to have my mental capacity back! Most of the time !?! LOL!


O I remember it well! It felt like I was on drugs for a week! I could barely function at work because I was so spacy! I told my husband several times, "I just feel weird." I now know why!

I did learn that it has alot to do with our blood sugar levels when we quit. Here's the link for more information! Stick with it, you can do it and this goes away soon, don't get discouraged with it. You are stronger than that nicodemon!!



Wow, I am on day 4 as well and feel the same way. I feel so much better knowing this is not just me losing my mind. 🙂 


Pia - I definitely don't think we are losing our minds....but IF we are, I will gladly keep you company!  🙂  You are not in this alone!!!  Congrats on Day 4.....


No worries Maggie.  When I was 4 days in I worte a blog entitled that I felt like I was getting dumber.  During dinner i had my wife in stiches;  evidently I forgot how to eat because I dropped food from my fork to the floor 6 to 8 times (without exagerration).  This too shall pass.  I assure you.  Drink lots of water and keep blogging. 


The fog is so hard, but you are doing it.  sometimes I would be dizzy, or have a hard time concentrating I found I had to get up and walk around a LOT, or bounce foot up and down to distract.  Do whatever you can - this is normal and it does GO AWAY!  Let it a reminder too - don't slip or get confident because you have to go through it all over again!  I use that as a reminder I don't want to have to suffer that again.  Peace!