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Flip That Switch

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Recently after reading several post where I see people really struggling, especially early on, but then later in their quit too; I wondered how I could phrase something that I have found really worked for me.When you make that initial decision to quit it is usually for one of many reasons, some impulsive, but most good reasons. My suggestion is to do your research and reading, but hey that doesn't always happen. For me, my decision to quit was based on being sick and then frustrated with myself for getting out of a hospital and lighting up immediately after I was released. This was past stupid on my part, because I had stopped breathing and nearly stroked out, from smoking. I made a decision that day; that was it for me. Now I had no idea about what I was doing, really the last time I quit was ten years ago and only because they wouldn't do surgery on me unless I did. The doctor of course had given me Chantix to try and I did and I failed with it, it made me very sick, so that was the end of that. I was coming home and remembered someone gave me a box of NRT's, so when I got home I looked for them, found them, stuck one on. I then remembered this website and I got on here and asked for help after a few days, because I really wanted to stop, but my mind and body had other ideas, I needed help, but the one thing I knew was I was through with smoking. I don't mean I thought or maybe, I mean I absolutely knew and never in life could I have said that before. See somewhere up there in my brain that was fighting me, there was another part where the switch had been flipped, that kept saying I know it sucks, but hey you will never smoke again, never. Yep I know you are freaking and feel like screaming, go ahead throw that, but you will never smoke again. Oh there you go crying again, ok that's fine, but you will never smoke again. Oh there you are sitting with friends and there they go lighting up, but you will never smoke again. This my friends who are just starting is the real trick to quitting; your mind. Not the part that goes along with withdrawal, but that first part that talked you into doing it in the first place. When it talks, listen, when that switch flips and it will, if you stick to it, no matter how awful things get, who dies, who leaves you, who is sick, who lost their job, who is crying, depressed, whatever excuse , it will never be awful enough to make you smoke, because you will never smoke again. I think I finally realized yesterday after the week from hell and all these people sitting on my porch smoking, that I was fine; I realized I hadn't even noticed at first anyone was smoking, until I smelled it.I also knew I would never smoke again; I did not look at anyone and think wow wish that was me. Actually, I was thinking thankyou I will never smoke again.
Hi Cindy, Thank you!! Thank you for every word!!I'm on Day 55 and just having a crappy day - and you are making me look and THINK and dig deep and keep going. Hugs to you -- We never know how we touch people with our words. Have a great evening!!
if it helps hon, you are so welcome! I have been there too, hold on it is so worth it!
This my friends who are just starting is the real trick to quitting; your mind.

You hit the nail right on the head Cindy. Great post!!!
This is so true.........if you listen to your mind say the right things to you, it will help instead of focussing on that fantasy ciguarette!! Thankyou Cindy!!
You are welcome!
I, too, realized early on, that this is a mental addiction. We get the nicotine out of our system in a matter of days. Then why are people having such a problem 20 days....80 days....2 years....whatever !!! Because their mindset hasn't hit the switch.....
They say we only use 10% of our brain...we are actually going backwards, instead of forwards !! The more we have machines, computers and all the luxury items, the less we have to think !! The mind can heal where medicine cannot !! And like Chuck said, have hit the nail on the head !!!

This is an awesome should main page it !!!! Just so well-said !!!

Thanx !!
thanks Carlie I want it to help someone who may be struggling, because if they get this part they will beat the addiction at it's own game:)
Cindy, Happy Birthday!!! A little bird told me about your birthday and about this blog of your and I about fell out of my chair reading it. YOUR MIND. Yes, of course that is what it is. This is what I have done with each addiction that I have quit. When I have made my MIND UP that has been it, no turning back.
When I quit drinking, yes I went to AA...but I just made up my mind I was never going to drink again. Actually, I played a trick with my MIND, as I am doing now with smoking. I have not had a drink in 23 years (Feb 09). When I made up my mind I played this trick on my mind saying to my enternal self "you never drank before, why would you want to now"...It worked. I am doing the same thing with my MIND with smoking. I am playing this mind game telling never did before so why now. Yes, it is a trick, but it is one that works.
4 months for me...No cravings, urges...nothing since the day I said never again.
Fantastic post!!!!!
thanks, have a wonderful day and be proud of what you have accomplished...
WOW!!!! Thanks, Cindy! It is soooo true!
EXCELLENT post!! One to read and reread and reread!!
that is why I wrote that, we have our good part and the little devil part, we give that devil too much attention, because he talks louder, but we need to listen to that still quiet voice that God tells us is him:)
I think that is what I have done, I just feel like I will never smoke again. Thank you for being here.
no problem, hope it helped:) Your mind will be your friend or your enemy, kind of your choice. I tell people always remember that many things in life we have no control over, but our quit is totally our choice, always:)
Hi Cindy, I really appreciate every word you said. I am at the point right now in my life where I am trying desperately to "flip the switch". I know it will come soon. Have a great day!
About the Author
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP - they leave a legacy of their quit journeys behind as road maps for future members, to prevent the pitfalls, provide the tools and show the hope and possibilities for success at overcoming this addiction at any age at any stage. I quit after nearly dying from trying to smoke. I started when I was 14, I quit while I was pregnant and then when I had my spine fused with a cage. They wouldn't do the surgery unless I quit. I did for almost two years and then on that wrong day, I reached for a puff. Guess what? it has been almost 10 years since then. This last mess I went through, scared me enought to stop and I want to stay that way. I am in my early 50's, have 5 kids and 6 grands that I want to be around for. I love to cook and I was a professional cook. . I have COPD, pleurosy, asthma, chronic sinusitis,reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and God knows what else, from guess what? Smoking right. I made up my mind no matter what I'm through with my abusive ex, Mr. Smoke, he always was a liar and he has no power over me now..... I also realized that I did not create me and I do not have the right to destroy what I did not create. I think you could say I was stubborn about my smoking, nothing anyone said would make me stop. I used every junkie lie in the book, but here is the reality of my life everyday , not what I wanted for my life, how about you?