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Fit shaced...

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I slipped..... I allowed the emails from the ex.... my boyfriend being out of town and a very large brandy to take my quit. I took one puff... it was this disgusting stale cigar/cigarette thing the ex left in the garage from who knows when. I was buzzed on brandy... feeling sorry for myself and I just went for it... I lit it... inhaled once... stubbed it out and wondered what the heck I was thinking . I have no explanation, other than too much brandy and a pity party. Now Im sitting here in the middle of the night wondering what the heck happened... why and what am I going to do to keep it from happening again....and the very worst part if having to tell all of you isnt bad enough... I have to look into my childrens eyes tomorrow and come clean to them.  


Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, you had one puff and put it out. You can learn from it. Tasted awful, right?  Write it down somewhere so if you feel like doing that again someday, you can read that to remember what it tasted like, and how it made you feel afterward. I've done this too. It can come in handy.

Back when I quit for 6 months, I had a few drinks and ended up smoking almost a whole pack that night. Started as "just one" then "just tonight" then "just one or 2 in the morning"... eventually I could not stop smoking again.

All you gotta do is pick yourself up and keep on going with your quit. It's not like you failed, you simply hit a bump in the road.. as long as youre still quitting, you're on the right path 🙂


Don' t drink!!!

Stay in your right mind and you ' ll keep your QUIT next time!! Shake it off and don 't let any one get you down to that again. Not even yourself!!!

We are here!!!!!!!  Don ' t give up or in!!!!

We are ADDICTS, we have set backs from time to time but what counts is what you do now! Take action and move on!


               N.O.P.E.                                                                       John


We're here for you.



Hey Angel....I think there are a few people including me that will give you a phone number to call next time need to talk to someone.  No MAN is worth your quit!!!!   Don't hammer yourself , make another decision that no person , place or thing is worth giving up your quit.............and don't drink for awhile....would be my suggestion...  Breathe Free


Hey just get back with it and don't look back. You been around this corner before you know what to do. 

Might want to avoid booze for a month or two Angel. It is the culprit in ruining many quits. 


I would suggest you go through some of the modules at quitsmokingonline to confirm your commitment.


I agree with Patty, John and Rick. Restart your clock. Read more. Don't drink!


Thank you guys... It was gross... it made me feel guilty... and I was sneaking outside to do it. It was without question the brandy that fed the pity and the pity that fed the urge... Brandy is NOT my friend.  Im officially on the wagon.


Sorry I missed this blog earlier! You are good! You know what and why! That is the key to success! You will be just fine! Do not let any of those other factor determine how you feel about yourself! If you want to know how valuable you are just ask us!Smooch!




Don't let one puff ruin your quit. I agree with everyone else, don't drink for a while. I cut way way down on drinking when I quit because I know that is my biggest trigger. Drinking ruins your resolve. 


It was a PUFF----not good but not the end of the world.

I'm not sure how old your kids are but I make it a point never to be answerable to children...we are answerable to ourselves.

Everyone on here has said it---I will echo---try to avoid alcohol at least in these first days.

Now, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again!