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First weekend as an EX – CHECK!

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As my successful first week of being an EX came to a close, I couldn’t help but feel some anxiety of how I would get through my first WEEKEND without a cigarette.  Maybe that is where the panic attack came from on Friday when I walked out of work?  Maybe that is the reason I had trouble sleeping on Friday night?  I am my own worst enemy, and I was subconsciously doubting my ability to stay smoke free.


Thankfully, Saturday was a busy day!  I had a meeting from 10 – 12:30, then off to the Fleetwood Mac concert in Philly with two of my dearest friends.  I had little time to focus on the cravings that were lurking in my head and chest.   I did, however, have an ah-hah moment when I left the house at one point on Saturday.  I walked out ~ purse on my shoulder, keys in hand, a bottle of water in the other hand and stopped dead in my tracks.  I forgot something….but what?  I stood there for a sold minute or 2 and racked my brain.  Purse – check.  Money – Check.  Concert tickets and parking pass –check.  What in the world was it??  And then it hit me – like a bomb actually – I USED to smoke a cigarette in the driveway before I would get in the car to go anywhere.   Leaving the house and getting in my car is a TRIGGER!  One that I had not identified before that moment.  WOW.  Who knew.   I found it especially odd that I had not felt this BEFORE now.  I had breezed through the first week, and made it through the physical withdraw like a champ.  I guess that sneaky nicotine is starting to play hardball now.  I don’t like sneaky people or things, so at that moment I decided that TWO can play this GAME.  So….I said those words OUT LOUD – “I don’t do that anymore.  I quit smoking.”  Saying those words out loud – for my own head to hear made me smile (and I mean a big cheesy grin!).  So I walked the few steps to my car, hopped in, took a deep breath and said “I got this!”.


The rest of the weekend was not without struggles, but I won’t bore you with the details of all of those.  I kept myself busy and steered clear of things that made me want to fall off the wagon.  In doing so, I even cleaned out my closet and it felt liberating.  Not because I pared down my clothes and shoes to a more manageable/normal level, BUT that I did it without taking ONE freaking break to go outside and puff away.  It has been YEARS since I was able to focus on a project from start to finish. 


I am part way through my 8th day and am ecstatic!  I can’t thank all of you enough for your support and encouraging words.  It has made all the difference in past attempts to quit and this successful quit.

Y’all are truly amazing!

Play Ball!


Congratulations on day 8 smoke free!


Say it out loud often! Seems to me it's workin for ya'! Congrats on a full week +1


Congrats!!! I was sick 5 days out of my first week....when this past week end hit....stress won out...I did everything I knew to do from all my reading and help, but gave in a smoked a few over the week end...and now? Feeling guilty for being weak and starting anew!! Blessings and hugs......keep up the good work..if you all here can do can I!!!

Member's a setback, nothing else.  Dust yourself off and jump right back in!  You CAN do this!   Keep a positive attitude becuase it really does help!

Blessings to you as you start fresh!  Stay Strong!


congrats on 8 days, your mind and body will get together about day 30 or 32 i did read this some where, hang in there.


congratulations and prayers for many, many more joyful and smoke free days (well, it may take time for all the joy to come - but I promise you my friend, there is sunshine in every day you remain quit).  Stay strong, and keep blogging if you need support.  This is an amazing place with amazing support - and yes, friends!!  Take care of you!


CONGRATULATIONS! We are NEVER bored with the details of how you make it through anything! There are usually new folks like you reading who love to hear it and I love remembering how that first few weeks is to keep me strong in my quit! I LOVE it that  walking to your car without a smoke was not an issue the first week...I cried in my car for a week while chewing on cinnamon sticks, biting a lemon and saying YIPPEE I am re-learning how to drive to work without a cigarette! You are doing great...xo