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Share your quitting journey

First vacation without smoking !

0 10 91

Hi Ex community people! 

Today is 76 days of my quit! And it feels so natural not to smoke . Sometimes I wonder why I was smoking for so long!  So much better not smoking   But I probably wouldn't be successful without finding this site first., all the information,advice and tips I got here. Thank you guys who were here first guiding by your example and experience!

 Just got back from my first vacation without smoking and,drinking. It was a luxurious tropical vacation at 5 star resort with bars and tropical drinks at every corner.  I didn't really have cravings before I got there  the first day at the resort I was flooded of memories of delicious tropical drink with a little minty cigaret after a little buzz. Lifetime of having a great time and a lot of fun while drinking and smoking. Huge wave of craving washed over me. I just remember laying in the cabana at the beach with a coconut non alcoholic drink feeling bummed and uncomfortable thinking how would I ever have fun on vacation. Then I remembered what I was reading on how to welcome and embrace the craving and started breathing deep and just feeling the craving and accepting it and I fell asleep. Woke up in a few min feeling so refreshed and knowing it's going to be alright. And it turned out to be a great vacation ! Next day we started with a morning jog through the jungle it was a hilly trail with big hills up and down and I realized that I can do other things that I hadn been able to do before on vacation because of drinking and smoking  . We did some jogging,hiking swimming and snorkeling in an ocean went to the gym. And we had some nice relaxing time too enjoying the most delicious smoothies. And great food. 

So I'm in a process of making new memories without cigarettes   I also always keep in mind that there is no such thing as just one cigarette! I'm a nicotine addict and will always be. But I can manage my addiction just for today and hopefully for the rest of my life. 

Thank you everyone for your contribution to this community. It definitely helps when you don't have to go through this alone. 

10 Comentarios



Great blog , thank you and Congratulations on your quit. 



Another 1st -way to go!

THAT is a big one!!! (((Applause))) Congratulations on your quit and making the new nonsmoking vacation memories!!!

Isn't life GRAND when we don't smoke?

Your vacation sounds divine - and even better that you actually EXPERIENCED it, not buzzing from alcohol or behind a cloud of smoke!  I agree; if only we had known.

But  - we do now and that's all that really matters!



very good


congrats to you on 76 days see we can enjoy life without smoking.


Way to go! I love Quitsmokingonline- and the advice on craves! You handled it perfectly! 


and soon you will know that you can do EVERYTHING without smoking


Thank you guys!


and yes life is GRAND without smoking!

i like new me , a non-smoker , so much more . Sometimes I stop for a min and say to myself , I can't believe I don't smoke anymore. 

Hope you guys enjoying your weekend!

