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Share your quitting journey

First day quitting juul

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Ive been smoking a juul for the past 2 years. With recent reports about it and some kids having to go to the hospital from it made me realize thats its time for me to officially quit. I just finished my last pack of pods and im throwing out every single used pod i have in the bottom of my bag. From smoking this juul ive noticed that I definitely have short breath on a daily but i would just always tell myself its not the juul and i even started making myself believe that if i didnt smoke the juul my short breath would get worse unless i smoked it. Its time to just put this all behind me officially and start clean today. I can already feel like its gonna be hard because im so used to just having it in my hand and always taking a hit from it. But i will try my best to avoid the cravings and distract myself with other things. Heres to the first day of quiting nicotine!

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Welcome to Ex. You've made your decision and have come to the right place for support. Yes you can do this. Stick with support, stick with your decision.


Did you also throw out the battery and charger? Yes, I know they're pricey, but why tempt yourself into buying more pods?


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  Good that you've realized that the JUUL is just as unhealthy as smoking.  They promote it as being better than smoking cigarettes.  They told us cigarettes were good for us too.  Unfortunately, you can't avoid the cravings.  It's how you deal with them that counts.  It's so important to have a plan in place for when they occur.  See My Quit Plan.   Education about nicotine addiction and preparation are the key to success.  Read everything you can here to understand the process and the different stages on this journey.  It's not easy, but there's lots of the things to do to help get you through those difficult times.  Go for a walk, drink water, chew on straws, take deep breathes, etc. and stay close.    Do it for your health.   If you need help, reach out.  We're here to support you every step of the way.



Yes i have thrown them out! Knowinng myself if i just kept them i would give in to just “buying 1 last pod” and i dont want that so ive gotten rid of anything associated to it


Thank you! First day was pretty tough im not going to lie. Especially when im in the car by myself just driving home or on my way to work. I kept water on me at all times and i just kept singing to my music, drinking water, and chewing gum or eating some twizzlers lol i felt like if i kept myself distracted with something else to kinda chew on i wouldnt think much about the juul and it definitely did help a little


That's the way to do. Replacing smoking with other tools while you're driving.   I also liked chewing on straws.  Keep it going.



Good for you!!


I missed this when you first wrote it but wanted to welcome you to EX and to ask how you are doing?  I kept water next to me all the time in the car, a water bottle with a straw in it and I also munched on Sour Patch Kids because they were so sour that they shocked me out of craving.  I exercised whenever I could because that helped me to feel like I was in can do this.  I smoked for 47 years but have been free for over 5 1/2 years.  One day at a time, one step at a time.  You can do this.



I am one day juul free also! We can do this


Welcome to EX maggieb90‌, recovering from nicotine addiction is one day at a time and sometimes it is one crave at a time or one feeling at a time.  You absolutely CAN do this.



Welcome to the Ex!



Just quit my juul after 2 years of smoking it like you. I quit a couple of days ago, after tossing everything. It is hard to get rid of all the pods and trash that have accumulated.... 

but, We got this! 


Welcome to Ex  Congrats on your decision to post.  If your interested you can  Post to My Blog and more people will see it and respond to support you.



In the same boat, almost exactly. Hoping this site will help. 


Keep looking for what works for you. Breaking the behavior comes first, then the addiction day by day yields to your recovery work. Yes you can, one day at a time.