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Share your quitting journey

First Year

1 37 108

One year ago – I was sick and tired.  Sick and tired of getting up each morning and coughing to the point I thought I was going to throw up.   Sick and tired of huffing and puffing.  Sick and tired of the expense.  Sick and tired of smelling like a dirty ashtray.   Sick and tired of being a slave to this horrible addiction.  For as long as I could remember, I had wanted to be an ex-smoker.  I have had numerous halfhearted attempts at quitting – most of them only lasted a few days.  So what has been different about this time?  Education about this addiction has been one difference.  Even though I knew that it was an addiction, I didn’t really understand just how easy it is to “slip” and fall right back into the trap.  The other difference is the support that I have found here. 

I had a few cigarettes the evening of April 30, 2014.  I told myself when they were gone, I was finished – I would not buy another pack.  Day one was a little rough but I had plans with my sister and niece to go out to eat.  About half way thru the meal, I announced that I had quit.  No one said a word.  I knew right then that I could not count on them for support.  I guess that I had so many failed attempts that no one took me seriously.  Day 2 was tough but I made it thru.  On the morning of my third day, I discovered this site.  I spent the biggest part of the day reading, reading, and reading some more.  I don’t think that I would have made it through the week-end without this site.  I was amazed by everyone that had been quit for a few days and by everyone that had been quit for years and everyone in between.  I started to realize that my addiction was not “special” or “different” from anyone else’s.  I was not “more” addicted.  It would not be “harder” for me to quit than anyone else.  And right before me, I saw so many wonderful EXamples of addicts, just like me, who got up every day and did not smoke.  I wanted what they had – freedom from this horrible addiction. 

It hasn’t always been easy but it really has not been that difficult either.  You just have to take it one day or sometimes one hour at a time and make a promise to yourself that you will not smoke no matter what life throws your way.  Believe me – if I can do this, so can you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and encouragement that you have given me along the way.  I truly believe that I would not have made it this far without all of you!

Jennifer 365 DOF

37 Comentarios



Congratulations - and welcome to the 6% Club!



Congratulations Jennifer! Welcome to the club.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Jennifer, I KNEW you were going to do it! You have earned an amazing celebration, and I hope you have one today!


Congratulations on your one year and welcome to the 6% club!  You did it the right way and I"m proud of you!! 


(Also you picked a GREAT date!  Today is my 2 year.)  🙂


Yay, yay and yay again WTG. Congratulations on your wonderful 1 year milestone and counting. You are now in the 6 % club and I am so happy for you my friend. 

Marilyn ☺ 


Jennifer, welcome to the 6% club!!!



I'm so incredibly proud of you, Jennifer! You have been a bright sourse of support and energy for others here, but today is all about us celebrating you.

HAPPY ONE YEAR, my friend!!!!



Wow, amazing blog and such an inspiration.  Congratulations!  🙂


CONGRATULATIONS on 1YEAR.  You did it!  Wonderful blog, wonderful story.  Welcome to the Elite 6% club.  You earned it.  Celebrate your success! 


Congratulations on 1 year Jennifer!!!

You did great-WTG

Welcome to the 6% club



Fantastic! Congratulations!


Congratulations! Reading your blog I felt I was reminiscing how my quit went. No one is "different" in their addiction and for each of us it is a struggle in one way or another. So celebrate because you deserve it!


congrats jennifer you made it through one entire year and entered the 6% club Woo HOO !   Yay !!!!! You did it !!!!! How will you celebrate this awesome milestone ?

I had to chuckle when I read that one said a word and I knew right then that I could not count on them for support . This reminded me so much of my experiences with one of my sisters The last time I spoke to her on  the tele I told her it had been 2 months since I quit ....dead silence.... and then her next sentence was a complete change in subject !

I am so glad that I have so much support here and you Jennifer have been here through my entire quit cheering me on and I thank you for that !


CONGRATS on One Year being SmokeFree.  You are an inspiration.

The journey continues


YOU DID IT !!!!!! But of course , we all knew you would , this is your first year but I know you well stack those years just like you stacked the past 365 days . 

Congratulations miss Jennifer, you are a new member of the 6% club , hope you stick around and continue to give your special kind of support.

Party on ! *°`^*~°   * °!


Congratulations on 1 year, enjoy your freedom!


Congrats!  Such a special achievement ... I am so very happy for you. 


What an absolutely beautiful blog Jennifer! Huge congrats on your first year of freedom!!! I doubt I would have been able to quit without the support on EX as well. We really found a treasure here! xo


WTG one year is just gets better. Guard your quit.....


Your blog gave me goosebumps.  It's such a glorious thing to see someone enter the rarified 6% club.  You have just given a HUGE boost to everybody else on this site.  You are an example of YES I CAN.  Thank you.

Welcome to the Elder's List!


OMG Jenn, you did it ((((((hugs)))))) I have been waiting for you and kept the light on.  I am so incredibly proud of you and Welcome to the 6% club!  WooHoo!!!!

Here is a key to the golden gates of freedom, please quard it carefully.  It will open many new doors for you!


Ms J


SO PROUD OF YOU, JENNIFER!  Happy 1st year anniversary, I KNOW there will be many more to come. 


What a great blog! Congrats on one year!! Be sure to celebrate!! 




Congratulations Jennifer! Wonderful Blog to go along with a wonderful quit!





Congratulations Jennifer! I am so happy I met you  on this site and have you as a friend and support. I just knew you were going to keep your quit no matter what! I am following your steps.


6% Club YAHOO!!



Jennifer i can,t think of anything too say that has not been said already, i can;t even begin too tell you how proud i am of you the hard work you have put into your quit and this site is nothing more than amazing. Congrats and celebrate with something just for you.


This has been a wild and crazy journey and you made it too the 6% club congrats too you. i would also like too thank for all the support you have given our group you have been a rock for many people old and new



I am soooooo happy for you



and i can't forget these either!!! So proud of you!



Fantabulous!!!  One year is such a milestone!  In reading your post, I was reminded of how I felt all those years I smoked, & how I felt like I'd never quit, as well.  Life is so wild, isn't it?

I quit 4/8/15...24 days ago.  I didn't plan on quitting this time.  I took my cat to the vet, as she was having shortness of breath, & I suspected she might have the beginnings of congestive heart failure.  I was so wrong.  I had to leave her @ the vet, as he had to do tests on her, but when I picked her up, & the vet told me she had lung cancer....I was so crestfallen, so terribly saddened!  I was devastated!  I asked how long she had to live, & the vet said, "not long."  Apparently the vet had to sedate Elfa (my cat's name), & that sedation really took a lot out of her.  So, she seemed as if she were struggling ever since I got her back from the vet.  She lived a few more days, but it was getting to the point where she didn't hardly get up & walk around, & I was helping her w/everything.  I didn't want her to suffer, so I decided it was best to have her euthanized on 4/7/15.

It's really hard to talk about, but I decided to quit the very next day.  I didn't want her to have died IN VAIN.  I want to honor her.  She was a wonderful, loyal & loving cat.  I felt this was the best thing I could do for her & myself.  I miss her terribly!  I buried her in my backyard, & planted an African Violet on her grave.

Anyway, this is my story about quitting & just wanted to share it.  I know better than to try to have "just one cigarette," as I've done that before another time I quit.  That is the BIGGEST LIE anyone who quits can tell themself.  So, I'm doing the patch, & it really hasn't been too hard.  I definitely have a very good reason for quitting & never touching a cigarette again.

Again, congratulations!  I'm very happy for you.  : )


Congrats on your first year quit! That's so exciting!  🙂 This post was very well said. I couldn't agree more with all of it.  




I quit last may with become an and I am quiting right now again after picking back up in february, I am afraid of patches although they helped last time, so I think i want to freshen up and breath right now, Shower now, clothes tomorrow.

Acerca del autor
I am a 65 year old single woman. I quit smoking at 55 and my only regret is that I did not quit sooner. Freedom from cigarettes is truly a wonderful feeling!