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First Vacation Smoke-Free!

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Good evening my ex-family,

My family and I went on our annual trip to Williamsburg, Virginia this past weekend.  We go every year aroud this time to see it all decorated for Christmas.  I am happy to report that this was my first vacation smoke-free in 20 years! 🙂  I was a little nervous going into the trip, but all turned out well.  I saw some people smoking but I was not bothered by it.  It was absolutely freezing outside and I remembered how I would stand in the cold, rain, snow, etc. just to have that smoke.  Not anymore! 🙂  I was completely with my family and there was no sneaking out of the hotel or around the corner.  It was wonderful to not be chained by smoking!

Thank you all for your support these last 54 days.  Time has flown by and I know that I wouldn't have this many days under my belt without the encouragement of all of you.  It's a journey and always will be, but each day gets easier.  I'm always on guard because I don't want to quit on my quit! 

I hope you all have a wonderful evening and remember I'm very grateful for all of you- my ex-family! 🙂



I bet Williamsburgh is WONDERFUL!  So glad you got to stay in the moment and not be jonesing for your next fix.

What a better way to spend time with family!  Good for you!



Congratulaions. Wonderful you got to have a smokefree vacation.  I will be in Williamsburg on Saturday.  It will be my annual Christmas shopping  trip. I only live 60 miles away.  Can't wait to get there, smoke free.  It will be my 3rd time there smoke free. Yay Too much to see than smoke. 


Girl, I knew you could do it! You have one of the best attitudes on quitting and that will take you very far. You have the power now! Congrats on another first successfully won!




Glad you did well on your trip, and glad you are doing so well on your journey!  Hold the lantern for us we're on the way!


I am glad you had a good vacation without smoking! I enjoyed my first season holiday without smoking.  Congratulations on that 54 days!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


Yay for you Rachel and a super yay on your precious 54 splendiferous DOF and counting WTG my friend and fellow Exer ! ☆ 


I am glad that you had a great trip - and that you protected your quit! Congrats on 54 days! Great attitude = great quit! Way to go! 


Rachel, congratulations on 54 Days, I am amazed by your quiet strength and positive energy. 

About the vacation:  "I was completely with my family and there was no sneaking out of the hotel or around the corner.  It was wonderful to not be chained by smoking!"  Wow, that is just so wonderful, and I am very happy for you and your (lucky) family. 

Keep On Keeping On!!! 

Congratulations Rachel 🙂 Happy to read of your road trip and your 54 days in. I hope the hound Lewis got to tag along too. Great work, keep it up ! Kjay
Now that's a first we can all look forward to experiencing! Congratulations, Rachel! Your quit looks so good on you! Susan

What a cool Christmas traddition. It's great to have those smoking memories creeping farther and farther into the past. I'm loving your quit woman. I'd love to see the 100 miles of lights in Williamsburg, I hear it's spectacular.


Rachel, it is so wonderful having experienced the first vacation as an EX!  You are doing very well on your quit, knowing clearly what you want and what you need in recovery to make it successful.  You blog a lot, you stay very involved, you read and share things about quitting and about life, and all these are tools you are putting to good use.  You are a happy quitter, and if you can stay this way for a longtime, it will be your guarantee for a stable recovery.

You tell everyone you are proud of them and their quit, so here is in return: I am so proud of you, your quit, and your presence here at EX!  You are making a positive difference, while taking care of you own recovery.

Is good to have you here, congratulations and thank you for holding the light of hope for everyone here:



Congratulations on 54 huge smoke free days Rachel! Am happy you enjoyed your vacation.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


You do have an amazing attitude, which will take you far in this journey. So happy you enjoyed a wonderful vacation without smoking. Now you can look forward to many more of those in the future. Congratulations!


So glad your vacation went well, you have another first that you can put behind you!  I am so happy for you.

About the Author
Keep smiling-the best is yet to be. I am 46 years old and married. I have a 18 year old "bonus" daughter and a big yellow lab named Lewis. I am a medical biller and work from home. I am happy to be free from smoking since 10/19/16.