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First Major Milestone!!!!

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A week! A whole friggin week!!! I can not believe it! To all of you who have helped me through this, THANK YOU! I honestly don't think I would have made it this far without your help. There were a couple of times there where it got really close, but I came here instead, and haven not taken a single puff. The cravings are getting less frequent and more manageable. I am starting to be able to smell and taste things again. I feel cleaner somehow. I have saved myself $35. I haven't done 140 smokes worth of damage to myself. I can breathe more deeply. I know the battle isn't over yet, not by a longshot, but I feel as though I will beat this. Bring on day 8!!!

Excellent. It is easier from here!!!
congrats! I am celebrating the same milestone with you! I feel that it should just be all downhill from here...I think were thru the hardest parts...(i hope anyway). good job!
GREAT JOB!!! Keep up the good work! One more hour and I will have made it through a week myself...I am thinking we are all a lot stronger than we gave ourselves credit for
Congrats to you Scott. I thought about you this weekend as the Chargers played the Steelers and wondered how you were doing with your quit, now I know. Sorry about your Chargers losing, but hey.....we can be losers together, my Titans didn't do any better. 🙂 Have a good day.
congratulations Scott, it only gets easier every day to control the craves, just never give in to any of them, if you are like me, i do not ever want to do that time again peace!
Two (formerly nicotine stained) thumbs up!
Good for you!! It's been one week for me too. I feel exactly the same as you do. Thank goodness the the cravings are getting better! Keep it up!!
Gosh, A week or over for a few of us. Congrats Scott. Nothing in life that is hard is easy unless you work hard to obtain it...and this smoking thing is a biggie. Are any of you going to put the money aside that you have spent on smokes??? I am. I got my daily call from Chantix and they said that I had saved $40.50....pretty darn cool to know you have extra cash around if you need it.
Congrats again really made it to a big milestone! Hang in there...nEXt week we are at 1/2 a month. That sound pretty good.
That Is Great Scott You Are Doing An Awesome Job Staying Strong. I really appreciate the support You have thrown My way also. Best of Luck To You.
I think that day 8 and 9 have been the easiest so far! What about you? Only 6 more hours until day 10!!! I really think I may be able to do this!...Although I may end up being a gum addict:)