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Share your quitting journey

First Day

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On day one and I am using a vape wrong or right I hope this helps me quit for good this time!! 

After so many failed attempts before using patches ect... I hope to use this vape for a month as I found the first 3 weeks the hardest before. I just HOPE this time round I am strong enough to quit for GOOD...wishing everyone the best & hopefully we can do this together 🙂 


Whatever you choose can help but please consider this:

The mental connections to smoking are connected by the hand to mouth and inhale ritual.

The mental connections to smoking are 90% of quitting.

Most vapers I've communicated with have never been able to quit.

That said, "carry on"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See above.... I 2nd. what Dale just wrote regarding your vaping strategy. My friend Kevin quit smoking via vaping/ecig use almost 2.5 years ago. He is still addicted to nicotine and still vaping. Perhaps you could re-examine the NRT aid you used on your last 3 week quit ? I would bet if you posted here about that attempt you would get some effective advice and strategies to apply on another quit attempt using that method. Vaping, as Dale noted, Will just reinforce the the hand-object-mouth-inhale nicotine pattern you now seek to stop. Another 1000+ repetitions over the next 30 days ? Might be enough to get you hooked on vaping. I am glad for you that you are moving towards a quit. Look for weaknesses in your plan before they announce themselves to you. Starting over is no fun. Kjay

I also do not think vaping is a good quit smoking aid.  Not only do they mimic the motions of cigarette smoking, but they have been shown to contain harmful chemicals, and the batteries have self-ignited, burning peoples' pockets/legs, faces, cars. 

E-cigarettes are often touted as safer than traditional tobacco products, but according to a study released by the Harvard School of Public Health, they may still be extremely harmful to smokers’ health.
According to the study, 75 percent of flavored e-cigarettes and refill liquids tested contained the chemical diacetyl — a chemical that causes an incurable disease known as “Popcorn Lung.”

“Popcorn Lung,” otherwise known as bronchiolitis obliterans, causes scarring in tiny air sacs in the lungs that lead to excessive coughing and shortness of breath. “Popcorn Lung” earned its nickname in 2004 when several workers at a Missouri popcorn factory developed the disease.
Though diacetyl is often associated with buttering flavor used in popcorn, it’s also found in fruit and alcohol flavorings often used in e-cigarettes.
What’s even more disturbing is that diacetyl was found in a number of e-cigarette flavors that could appeal to children, like “Cotton Candy,” “Fruit Squirts” and “Cupcake.”
,E-Cigarette vs. Cigarette Use in Adolescents 2011-2014 | HealthGrove
Forty-seven of the 51 e-cigarettes and liquids tested in the study contained diacetyl or a chemical that “may pose a respiratory hazard.”
“Since most of the health concerns about e-cigarettes have focused on nicotine, there is still much we do not know about e-cigarettes,” said study co-author David Christiani, Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics. “In addition to containing varying levels of the addictive substance nicotine, they also contain other cancer-causing chemicals, such as formaldehyde, and as our study shows, flavoring chemicals that can cause lung damage.”
E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that turn flavored liquids and nicotine into vapor. In 45 of 50 states, e-cigarette use is not necessarily outlawed in otherwise smoke-free venues.
Alex Hider is a writer for the E.W. Scripps National Desk. Follow him on Twitter @alexhider.

If you are going to use the e-cig as a short-term aid, I don't see much harm in that, but do be extra careful to only vape as a last resort.  Use all the tools we recommendf first, using vaping as your very last resort.

I'm glad you are giving quitting another try!




I have a friend who started vaping over 2 years ago to help him quit smoking - he is not smoking but he is still vaping.  He is still addicted to the nicotine.  Be careful to not trade one addicion for another.  Best wishes to you!


Welcome and keep coming back. If you want to quit, you can with some tlc, support and an ever growing understanding of your addiction--keep learning about the addiction. I luuuuuuved my smokes. I hated to quit. I was afraid to quit. I didn't think I'd find myself. Nuff said, this addiction eats you up, eats up your wallet, eats up your will...well it eats up everything. ..including your health. But there are two truths not to forget--you can quit, and you can fin d full freedom from the smokes and all nicotine. Keep the faith, keep your mind open.


Glad you are here!  The people are very supportive, offer links to information, and best of all the benefit of their experience.  Arm yourself with as much information as you can, make the best decisions you can, but most of all Don't Smoke!  I am at 25 Days of Freedom, and it's not all roses yet but it's the best thing I've done for a very long time.  You can do this!


Wow all of the messages I received with regards vaping have really made me rethink this vape. I am going cold turkey as of from tomorrow I'm using the last of the juice I got with this thing then I'm heading for the cold turkey road....I know it's going to be hell but after reading all your comments I've decided I am just swapping one addiction for another & I don't want to do this !

Thank you so much for making me realise that vaping is NOT the way to go.

Hello, just wanted to comment on my experience with vaping. I quit smoking cigarettes for 2 years with vaping but at a high price. I felt great , no ill effects from vaping so I thought until I got pneumonia and bronchitis...and I mean the worst Ive ever gotten in my life! It was very deep in my lungs and came away with permanent asthma and shortness of breath. Dont do may feel ok now, may quit cigarettes but vaping is not safe. Youll find tons of lawsuits as well from people who have had incurable results from vaping.