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Share your quitting journey

First 24 hours!

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WOW - rough night ... woke up so many times, drenched in sweat (hopefully toxins exiting), and one time my whole body was 'thrumming' - like electricity going through it. Very weird. I'm surprised I didn't really miss that FIRST ONE this morning when I let the dog out. The first one had a magic appeal for the first few second. Guess that's gone..

BEST THING OF ALL - I found a new way to look at the stopping process at
Some excellent advice. I needed to hear what they said - I was a bit pathetic yesterday, even crying for 'losing a friend' (what a stupid illusion that is) - poisonous old witch, more like! Now, after reading that site, it has turned the withdrawal monster on it's ear, and I can learn to truly feel the so-called 'cravings' and not run and hide from them and eat and distract myself. I have NO intention of putting on weight - stupid to get rid of one bad habit and add another.

I am so impressed with that site - I am going to donate (it's voluntary) because I want them to keep going -
No, I'm not associated with them in any way - I read about the site on THIS site - someone recommended it, and I'm ever so glad I found it.

Here's to my new smokefree life!

Oh yeah, I can't wait to add the PLUS SIDE of NOT SMOKING at the end of each post.
Today's one is : When we take our cruise and I have to carry a tiny evening bag on the formal evening, I don't have to worry about fitting ciggys and a lighter in there anymore - that will be loads easier! (Silly thing, I know, but a big annoyance each year)
Speaking of cruises - the coolest thing will also be - NOT having to leap out of bed, get dressed, run up the stairs to get outside to take a smoke (or smoke in the bathroom of the cabin with the extractor fan on and smoke up all the towels. PHEW!. That will be a pleasure, to get dressed at leisure, take time to put on make-up and amble up to breakfast - no stress!
3 Comentarios
right now you are on having the screaming meanies, they suck, but in a few days they will go and you will start to feel better! hang in there and remember you are strong and can do this!
Actually, I'm not at all having those this time, Cindy. I'm feeling pretty good and a lot of that comes from looking at the withdrawal process differently. I am no longer in fear of how I feel because I don't have a cigarette. It has lost its power over me thanks to the free online course mentioned above. YEEHAH!
Thanks for the website I am going to follow it daily. I am on day 3 of not smoking and doing pretty well. Glad to hear you are sticking with it.