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Share your quitting journey

Feeling like crap

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I feel aweful, the chantex is making me really sick to my stomach, I have 2 cig left and was thinking of calling it quits before my quit date. Can anyone give me any info if this is a good idea or not? I just really don't wanna go back to smoking when I quit. I'm not sure I'm strong enough right now. Help.....Please

15 Comentarios
I quit with 4 left crumbled them wet them and let them sit they stink and was used as a reminder of what I was really putting in my body go back and smell it when you're feeling weak. Also you have to believe in yourself be sure that you are strong enough and it is doable even during the hard times focus on how bad you want your quit and move forward! Also if you plan to dispose your last 2 plan ahead what are you going to do when your first crave come have it ready to do! I believe that you can do it!

Put yourself first, which means put quitting first.  Your quit date will be set by these things, rather than waiting to feel strong enough. 

Would it help to nudge your courage along if you were to watch videos on quitting, etc, videos on the tobacco industry? There are a ton on You-Tube. Just search and pick and view. Might help?

Does it help at all to know that the tobacco industry celebrates every pack of cigarettes you smoke? They celebrate your money, not your life. Put yourself first. 


There are some things we can only answer for ourselves.  Since you are using chantix and not feeling well I would suggest that you let the cigarette go. Sickerettes really don't make us feel good anyway.   I don't think two is going to make a difference.  If you smoke them are you going to get more?  If you throw them away are you going to get more?  Nothing beats a failure but a try. Our addictive brain tries to keep you trapped. Study the reading material suggested so you are prepared.  

Trust me when I tell you " Education is the key to a successful quit". 

I have 597 DOF


I also used Chantix (very successfully) to quit. It did make me very nauseated sometimes. What I found, though, that I cut them in half and instead of two a day, took it four times a day (with a snack or meal). The nausea ceased. I don't know if that will work for you, but you might want to try it. I got to a point while taking it that cigarettes just didn't sound appealing and I tossed them. I did stay on the Chantix for the prescribed amount of time and haven't had any nicotine since my quit date.

Whatever works for you, hang in there - it is well worth the quitting.



Reading the material suggested here on your previous blogs will help to motivate you.  So will reading other's blogs. 

Not sure what you mean by calling it quits before your quit date.  Do mean not quitting at all or quitting earlier than you planned? 

You say you're not sure you're strong enough right now?  If you're feeling like "crap," now is the perfect time to quit.  You said you're coughing, your chest hurts and you have shortness of breath.  Smoking is not going to alleviate that, rather it will promote it.  In the 8 years I've been supporting on here "not sure I'm strong enough right now," "not sure now's the right time,"  etc. etc. is a phrase I've heard many a tiime.  It's also probably an excuse I used to delay quitting over the many years I smoked.

You came here because you want to quit.  If not now - then when? 


If you replace that a with a couple e's you could feel like crepe.


Read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because it will help strengthen your resolve to quit smoking and remain quit, you can do this and be successful but you must believe in yourself and be willing, determined and totally committed. 


if your sick quit now....its the cigarettes that are getting you sick


Sallyann. I quit with the help of chantix and the Elders on this site.  Hang in there and keep with the chantix. It works but you also have to do your part.    You can do this 


Quitting smoking means doing whatever it takes to never put another cigarette to your mouth! It took the full two weeks of prep. for me to wrap my head around that idea. Educate yourself about this terrible addiction. The Chantix I have heard works, but nothing will quit for you!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


Talk to your doctor.

There's a lot of confusion and frustration and you seem to be trying to do the right things.  However, I think that you would be better served by focusing on how awesome it is to have the opportunity to quit smoking by either a) working here in the blogs with the chantix or b)  working here in the blogs without chantix.

You can do this.


Hi, Sally.  Please know that very few people feel confident about when and how to quit.  The idea of smoking that LAST cigarette is very scary.  It is not uncommon to start doubting your choice of Quit Date, your method of quitting, and even whether or not you CAN quit.  So please know that you are not alone.  

And the confidence you see in some of us with longer successful Quits certainly WASN'T there in most of us when we were about to begin our own Quits!

At this point, you don't need to feel sure that you can do it.  You just need to DECIDE to do it.  It's a bit like jumping off a cliff.  And once you get rid of those last two cigarettes (regardless of HOW), you stick to your decision and take what comes one day, one hour, one minute at a time.  Don't think of it as quitting forever--that's too much to comprehend at the beginning of our Quits.  Just think in much shorter blocks of time.  For instance, "Can I make it until 10 a.m.?  Yes, I can do that".  Then, "Can I make it until lunchtime?  Yes, I can".  

At times, you may just be counting the minutes.  But those minutes will go by so much more easily if you already know exactly what you will do when you feel unsure of your ability to stick with it.  The key to success is not only educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  The second important thing is to HAVE A PLAN.  

And right now, you sound so confused and unsure of when and what to do.  Maybe Chantix isn't for you.  Talk to your doctor, for sure.  Go back and re-read all the recommended reading.  And keep blogging and asking for support and advice.  Plan how you will handle cravings.  Get yourself mentally prepared.  

Now, notice that I didn't say "get yourself READY", because you may never feel ready.  You just have to be willing to take that first step of getting rid of all cigarettes and BEGIN your Quit.  Once you begin, your confidence in yourself will grow with every minute that you don't smoke.  You don't have to feel super-strong at the beginning.  That will grow.

And we will be here to support you every step of the way.

xxxooo,   Sky


Sky said it all so well.  I started off using chantix and it made me very nauseated as well. Talk to the dr like everyone suggested.  I stuck through the 1st week of the Chantix to get me off cigarettes and 2 weeks after my quit to get through me the first 2 tough weeks.  After that, I finally couldn't tolerate and went totally off Chantix.  It's still doable with or without Chantix I have 123 days in now so I know you can do it..  There is great support here to help get you through.  YOu can do this and being sick is the best time to get started so you can finally get better.



Thank you all for your comments, I can't seem to get linked into the videos that are suggested to listen and watch, so I'm probally not as prepared educationally as I should be, however I did read all the QnA on this Paige. What I do have is the determination to quit. I don't know if I can count hours or not but I haven't smoked for 13 hours and I am sitting here this morning with no coffee and no cigarette !!!


Not sure what videos are suggested, but I imagine many of them are on  Simply type that into your browser window and you'll be taken to that site.  Once on it you can click on any of the underlined links and continue your educaton.