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Day 8 n I have failed I'm sorry I have let everyone including myself down...goodbye


hey @donna_2003 !! Don't leave!!!!

What happened that you relapsed? You don't have to leave!! Just figure out why you lit that sickorette. 

You can start again and I know that you can get this done!! You are a strong person. 

Let us help you please.



donna_2oo3 You certainly did not fail me and there is no reason to say goodbye if you don't want to.  We are here to support you and if you are ready, willing, and able to start Day One again, it very well could turn into a Day WON!  Please let us know if there is something you need.  Many are happy to help.  

Some may give you some tough love and others may have kinder words.  Remember, we all (well, most of us) have had more than one quit attempt so we understand.  There is a lot of good info on slips and relapses.  Use the search tool to find it.‌ is a great place to start.  


I really hope you don't go.  No one here feels let down.  As roller831‌ said, most here have relapsed many times.  No shame in that.  I hope you don't beat yourself up too bad, but if you need to vent about it, this is the perfect place.  We all understand!


The only REAL loss in this is if you don't figure out what caused you to make that decision to smoke, make a plan for what you will do differently next time and commit to starting over.

You CAN do this; I know you can.  Let us help you make the next one your FINAL quit!



Well now.....So you screwed up and smoked. Most all of have  so  your in good company. You did not let us down, you let yourself down I happen to know that because thats how I felt when I screwed up way to many times to count.

Getting back in the saddle right away and get busy on the reading material is the way to address it.

Im sorry you smoked but I am betting you are even more sorry.

This is a very TUFF addiction to beat but it is doable. I promise. We ALL care about you and nobody will be mean to you or I will find a stick and beat them over their virtual 

So come back....we all need each other to stay 'Smober"


"Failure is the key to success.  Each mistake teaches us something."  (Morihei Ueshiba)

Don't leave.  


Oh look look....Don't go!  Nobody wants to see you go!  A lot of good things people have posted for you here.  Don't let the addiction talk you out of doing something so good for yourself!  I smoked for 43 years, and now I don't!  You can do this !  Just work the program, and set yourself up to quit again!  Nobody, I mean NOBODY will judge you for your relapse.  

We are all here for you!  And because you came to begin with, says, YOU WANT TO QUIT!  So Try Try Again!  If at first you don't succeed!  

Wait, I think I quoted that backwards, but I don't feel like backspacing! 



I do hope you see these messages. At one point or another I can say we all have probably been where you are, ready to quit, make a plan and quit only to start back up a few days later. We know the disappointment, but try and try again until your quit sticks. I quit 10/17 did really well and was proud of myself, I smoked a lot on 10/30. Decided that night that I would try again so I reset my quit date to 10/31, have not smoked since. I did spend a good month kicking myself for smoking and it did take a good month to get over it and start being proud of myself again. Slips happen, they suck for so many different reasons, but you can make your quit final, just keep trying and learning from past mistakes.


Cut it out. Don't you know that once you seriously consider quitting, you can never enjoy smoking again? 🙂

A week is a good start.

What did you learn?

Were you fighting yourself?

Did stress do you in or did you just talk yourself into smoking?

Figure it out and start over but don't wait.

Years can go by.

Damage will be done.

Start back on your quit immediately.


Woah! you can't leave now. Like JonesCarpeDiem says..."Once you seriously consider quitting, you can never enjoy smoking again."

So...use this as a learning experience & work for the freedom you deserve.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


      Smoking always seems easier at the start. To say that you can't quit because quitting isn't easy enough, means that you need more help, not less. If you feel that you don't care about quitting, that it was too hard, I suggest that you save all of your smoked butts in a clear glass jar--ashes and all. Also, use a webcam or camera to record your smoking and why you love it or prefer to smoke. This is not about judgement, just be straight forward about it. Watch your recording 24 hours later.

If you don't wish to video, audio record will work, too.

      Instead of running back to your quit, think about your smoking. And please stay, Ex is good for pre-quit, too.


Please do not leave! You did not fail! You merely learned how not to do it! Learn the lesson and  let's go again! You can do this! You will do this! We will help!  Tommy


You merely learned how not to do it!  (LIKE!)


Hold on---I think you may have misunderstood. You don't have to leave this site if you smoke. We are here to SUPPORT you. Try to figure out why you smoked....what was the situation where you felt you had to smoke? Then ----think about what you will do the next time this happens. If everyone just quit and then moved on....there would be very little need for a support site.......right?????


donna_2oo3  I really hope you will stick have gotten some great advice and we are a supportive group, many of us have been where you are today and we remember how terribly disappointed we were in ourselves.  We are here to HELP you, not beat you up.

Hang with us.




Are you there,donna_2oo3 ? Because we are here and will continue to be!


Don't leave, we are all in this together and even though you slipped, you still belong here if you are serious about attempting to quit. You gave it a try and life happens but we try and try until we succeed. Believe in yourself because we believe in you!!! Please stay and let us help you. 


Donna, even I smoked one today. but I didn't smoke 250 cigerettes over 10 days of quit. so count how many you haven't smoked. keep the count as it's incremental. relapse is not failure but not to start quit again is failure. get up, dress up for quit like a warrior.


I really hope you are still around donna_2oo3 and have read all of the caring comments above me, maybe you could just say hello. 


I relapsed because of many things...Weight in law with stage 4 cancer....fighting with spouse...overwhelming Holliday temptations. all just hit me like a brick!  I don' know what to do!


I will get back on track....just very overwhelmed


Weight in law with cancer..fighting with spouse...Weight gain...feeling overwhelmed with Holliday stuff....did I mention weight gain?

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On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:27 PM, jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007<> wrote:

#yiv4794163626 * #yiv4794163626 a #yiv4794163626 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv4794163626 #yiv4794163626 h1, #yiv4794163626 h2, #yiv4794163626 h3, #yiv4794163626 h4, #yiv4794163626 h5, #yiv4794163626 h6, #yiv4794163626 p, #yiv4794163626 hr {}#yiv4794163626 .yiv4794163626button td {}





new comment by jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007 - View all comments on this blog post

Cut it out. Don't you know that once you seriously consider quitting, you can never enjoy smoking again?

A week is a good start.

What did you learn?

Were you fighting yourself?

Did stress do you in or did you just talk yourself into smoking?

Figure it out and start over but don't wait.

Years can go by.

Damage will be done.

Start back on your quit immediately.

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So glad you didn't leave us!  And so sorry about everything hitting you all at once like that   I hope to see you back often.  This is such a great group for support, no matter what you are going through.


I (WE)  I know I speak for all quitters here, are happy to hear that you are still here, and that you get back on track!  

Set yourself up for success on your next try!   Read all the material that is offered, and if weight gain is an obstacle, don't let it 

be.....It wasn't easy for me either, but it can be maintained as you go day by day!  That should be the least of your concerns considering what the outcome of smoking does to you.  A little extra weight will not kill you, but smoking will.

Brother in law with stage 4 cancer?  That is another good reason to quit!  Fighting with spouse, yep, still not a good reason to smoke! 

Whatever you do, please don't give up Donna, you have so many people here who care about you and willing to help you 

throughout your quit!  

We hope you will stay here, and keep working with us, so that you too can be counting the days!  It's so worth it!  

P.S.   I too was worried about my weight, but I also have spots on my lungs that I know nothing about, so I'll take the weight gain, over worry any day of the week!   I will never turn back and I smoked for 43 years!  Yes, I am a little fluffier than I use to be, but I also look healthier too, so everyone keeps telling me!   


I' having bariatric surgery soon.  Quitting smoking is part of their requirements and part of my get healthy plan.  You have to maintain your weight loss along with quitting.   This is stressful as can be .  Lots of extra running with David's cancer as he is my my 92 year old mother in laws care giver.  Along with 2 jobs....bickering with my hubby...and taking care of his family ...I fell apart.  I have every intention of beating nicotine...just disappointed in myself.  Let my team down.  But I will get back to work and get past my 7 days clean!




Well Donna, you have good people here to lean on when you feel you're getting weak!  Glad you're staying here!  

I hope everything you are concerned with turns around for you soon!  



Thank you

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On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 4:32 PM, Thomas3.20.2010<> wrote:

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I assure you, you’re not the only one in here that has failed. But that’s why we’re here, to support each other, share our struggles, our accomplishments, or simply vent. I’ve failed many times but I get up, learn more about my weaknesses and move forward. 

I’ll be praying for you and your success. 


SO GLAD you read the messages...we want to be here for you...PLEASE remember that and BELIEVE it!



Failure is okay here; yes, failure is an option, especially since it often takes quite a few failures to get there.  Look at it as progress.  It's okay to fail, so long as you stay on track.  It's not easy, so hang in there and don't sweat it.  I went off the patch and relapsed there for awhile, and still "fail" every now & then, but I suppose things could be worse!


Hey Donna no one on here is a failure as every ciggie not smoked is a success. The main thing is not to quit quitting and one day you will succeed.  I have tried numerous times to stop but finally managed it after 44 years in July this year..  You will too you know so less of the defeatist talk.  Stay with us and gather yourself up for another quit  when you are ready.  We are all here for you and will support you all the way.  You can do it.  xx