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Share your quitting journey

Ex7-Where ever I go~There you are

8 32 494

Got home from Virginia Beach Ex 7 about 11:30pm last evening. Unfortunately my husbands Elderly Mother had another fall where she resides at an Assisted Living facility, therefore we had to make a quick exit after Saturday mornings meeting. Today she turns 94. She’s doing as well as to be expected and no broken bones.

 I titled my blog ‘wherever I go ~there you are’ because I was thinking about all the wonderful people I left behind at Virginia Beach. I felt so comfortable around them and it just seemed las though I had known them all forever. EVERYONE was exactly how they present themselves on the site…and there they were and here I was….and even now, being back home…I feel their love and presence all the time. Its such a blessing to know all of them and all of you reading this who could not attend. You were ALL missed. This Ex family is simply an extension of my own. This Ex family is such a strong security for me that makes me never want to disappoint anyone here and to protect my quit that much ore and helps me to stay accountable and vigilant.

Kathi Strudel and Laura Michwoman Thank you so much for all your planing and putting this together. Giulia Giulia, that was an amazing quit song, I just loved it. From the cool N.O.P.E. buttons from  Barb102 and getting to meet her and her husband....., to the beach cupcakes from Kathi    Strudel, from the deep belly laughs with  Sharon shashort, Patty-cake and Jojo jojo_2-24-11   …( Hopefully you guys made it out of the elevator that night after I left to go to bed, lol~ it just guest prove that brunettes can be as silly as us blondes) ( Also, fo some reason I am not able to do @mention on some of the names here I'm sorry

From the evening of boardwalk music with Giulia ( Next year I will bring a guitar instead, it will make it easier for me to tune to you. 8 mando strings make it hard) and Daniela2016 ( and your fabulous cookies )and a kind fellow who stopped by to smile on our journey and play a song for us….From the Dinner with everyone….The surprise of our beautiful Stac2 showing up and finally getting to meet her…and Jennifer-Quit  and JACKIE1-25-15 and both Donnas ( DonnaMarie and djmurray  ) and Tommy pir8fan you  guys are ALL so important to me, ShawnP and Rick~ we need an Ex Ohio reunion, me thinks  , Sootie Sudie , Brenda_M and that sweet little boy,…and Ellen elvan who has always , not surprisingly I might add, been there to reach out to seemingly everyone who has EVER come to Ex…I dont know how she does it….and Valarie Valerie30 , who I also had no idea was coming, she has the most amazing smile….and Kathis sister Chris, I am sorry I did not get to talk to more  but talk about ART TALENT! Geese, her quilts blew me away!!! And @Mark  ( See...I cant get the @ thingy to work even for your name, so I hope you see this and maybe fix the ones I could not get to work???? But Mark....Thank you for keeping our site organized and for your heartfelt story you shared about your Uncle, he would be so proud of what your doing now, Bless you  because with your computer talent you could work pretty much anywhere yet to you choose to be here and help our community get stronger. its a thankless job and someone has to do it and you d it very well! Holy Cow, did I leave anyone out???? I love you ALL so very very much…If I left someone out, forgive me please. 

My husband enjoyed meeting all of you as well and felt bad we had to cut short our visit. He said I have some very special friends and is very happy and grateful for all the support you have ALL given to me to  quit and stay quit. Okay, now I am crying, because its going to be a whole year before I see you guys again, but I WILL see you on the site and wild horses won't keep me away from Ex 8….Because where I go~ there I am and you will be too….a sweet memory I will always have near my heart and cherish forever!   Love to all!

Prayers sent out to all of you for safe travels home. See you on the site, xoxoxo

32 Comentarios

Tears dont fall easily with me but as i am reading this, they are. Its our last day here before we part ways tomorrow. As u sit and reflect the trip. The talks, laughs. Smiles, hugs. Cant be easily described. Its something you have to see and feel. Another year seems so far away when you miss the ones that you grow to love as friends.

It was such a pleasure to finally meet you and your husband, pete. We will have to meet up and do a get together. Miss u already

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


So sorry about your mom falling abd hope she gets well soon in Jesus name amen - SO Cool sharing YOUR PERSONAL fellowship with RECOVERY family and thanks for sharing Missy so glad Y'ALL had a good time face to face- singing and talking and eating and just plain relaxing in HIS love with one another - I am thanking God that I can read and have emphatic understanding for both for Y'ALL and MY self in being blessed to go to EX fellowship gathering - SOME day -  I may be blessed to go and attend a face to face - sounds great from YOUR PERSONAL blog Missy - thanks for MY HOPE FOR ME! gentle hug.    


I was so sorry you had to leave early and was looking forward for more time together but we all understand family emergencies and were so lucky to have shared time with you and your husband. Some have also already left, I am one of the lucky ones to enjoy another evening with our EX family.  Thank you for coming, happy your mother in law got to celebrate her birthday with all of you!

much love!



Thanks for sharing. You said it beautifully.



I'm so glad that you and your husband got to Virginia Beach for the reunion but I'm sorry about your Mother in, wow 94 that's awesome please wish her a belated happy birthday .....


A beautiful tribute to all in attendance Mandolinrain Missy...I love the picture that Donna shared...each of you will have a special bond now that you have met in 3D ... how wonderful for all of you... 

I am glad mother is ok...but so sorry to hear about her fall...I know about elderly parents and is so hard...a Happy 94 Birthday mother.  Someday I hope to meet you and other’s at Ex’ each have held my hand in this journey...and I hope to Thank face to face someday...Love and Hugs Colleen 167 DOF


I very much enjoyed meeting you and your husband.  So good to hear that you had a safe trip home and also that your MIL is OK.  Already looking forward to next year!


Hugs sweet friend


I sure hope we do get to meet one day, hugs


Was so great to finally meet you Daniela2016 was such a beautiful trip with beautiful people, love you too!


Hugs Donna, was wonderful to get to meet you! Your gonna make a terrific Elder soon


Awww thanks Marilyn, I sure hope we get to meet one day


Your one of us, truly you are sweetplt Colleen. I know we will meet one day, love and hugs right back at cha!


It was very special meeting you Jennifer-Quit   dear beautiful lady that you are! I pray your trip home is safe also and I cannot wait till the Next Ex!


Glad you were able to make the reunion and super happy you had such a good time   Thank goodness your mother-in-law is also ok.  What a blessing!! 


Thanks Sheri SimplySheri, I hope you can make a reunion someday, I want to meet you


You never know   I would love to meet you, too, Missy. 


Glad you had fun! Not glad about your mother in law.


so glad you all had such a good time together!  Glad your Mom is ok, and happy Birthday to her!


Missy, meeting you and Pete was a pure joy!  What a magical weekend this was.  The lady who cleans my apartment just came and told me she's on the 8th day of her quit.  I gave her the NOPE pin and gave her some tips (head in the freezer, suck on a lemon, relax into your crave, nicotine is OUT of her body now) etc.  I couldn't have had a better time, and already looking forward to EX8!!


Missy---so good to meet you and your husband also! Hope everything turns out ok for his mother....we are dealing wih the same fragile situation here so you have my total empathy.  You should do an OHIO Ex meeting!!! I am hoping to do a Baltimore one so some of us can see YoungAtHeart‌! !! I think little get togethers would be great! Take care of you. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SOAP!!! It's great!!!! Was almost too pretty to use (almost!)


Oh me too! I am SO happy I got to meet you and look forward to many more Ex reunions to come!


It was great to meet you too Sudie, I can always send ya more soap   Yes it is hard when our parents are so fragile, both of our Moms are having issues. I sure missed Nancy  YoungAtHeart  the reunion and Im sending her a little care package and one to Dale   JonesCarpeDiem also as soon as my time frees up. Hugs and love to you!


Thank you! I hope you can come to a ex reunion one day! We had such a blast!


I know you were so busy with your move, I hope to meet you at one of these reunions. You were missed!


It was so awesome to meet you Missy! Thank you for the wonderful soaps you gave us! You are even more sweet in person! Can't wait to meet you again! Say hi to that hubby of yours!


Missy - It was so special to meet you and your husband. I am just so sorry that you had to leave early. You have an amazing glow and we all could feel it! Thank you for dinner - although I hope to find a way to fix that situation! 

Thanks for coming - it is always so exciting to have first timers 8me attendees at these EX gatherings! 

Take care - I hope that your M-I-L is doing better soon. 



Thanks Kathy, I so appreciate you and everyone here at Ex and at the VB reunion. Your not my friends are my family.


Hugs Laura, I loved meeting you  EVERYONE was sweet. Thats what I so love about this community


Such a great surprise to have met you and your husband. I feel extremely

fortunate to be part of such a great event and i hope to attend many more

ex's reunions. We all got off the elevator just fine and the laughs about

it are still fresh on my mind ps.i was a blonde for about 5 years up to

the last ex reunion in VB. I totally enjoyed being that blonde too! Who

knows what color hair I'll have next time! or maybe a red head.

Regardless I'll still be the same person and I'm sure I'll have many

elevator moments to come.

On Wed, May 22, 2019, 8:47 AM Mandolinrain <>


Elavator moments? Do tell

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


Hi Shawn, I hope you had a great trip home . The elevator moments Missy and I are speaking of are was when we were in the garage elevator talking so much we all forgot to push the floor we wanted. We were standing still for a bit and nobody noticed until I was getting a little warm and Missy motioned her being the only blonde in the elevator and we all chuckled.    it was definition a memorable moment, kinda like the one on the boards with the hot sweaty runner. Another to never forget!  

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Smoking is not an option for me. I no longer have a wishbone to quit smoking...I developed a backbone and I quit. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will quit smoking too.