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Share your quitting journey

Epic Fail.

0 7 26
I relapsed about a month ago.
I was about two and a half months smoke-free.

I could blame my failure on a number of things.

Hurricane Ike.
[which devastated my hometown]

But, really, it is all my fault.
And I know it is because I am not ready to quit.

I haven't really decided that it is truly the best thing for me.
I still want to smoke.
But I am trying to stop.
I haven't had a cigarette in three days.

I don't like the things that come along with it.

Sitting alone
Smelly clothes
The smelly car
Ashes everywhere
Knowing it is bad for me
Constant fear of offending someone
The bad feeling I get when little girls look at me

I just don't know as of now.
I, after 5 days, keep trying to find a way to fail so I can justify getting more cigarettes and continuing the addiction. But somehow, reading and writing on this site has kept me saner than I was before - I went into two stores today that peddle cigarettes and two times I walked out with my resolve intact and no cigarettes in my bags. And $4.90 in my wallet! That's what a pack of cigs plus tax is in my neighborhood.
These tobacco companies are robbing us blind with one hand and poisoning us with the other.
Kick them out of your life - you're too good and too smart for this crap.
I love the peace signs, and I'd love to hear that you're ready. No pressure - you're only ready when you're ready. Let us know when you're ready and you'll see thousands of outstretched hands!
I hope you change your mind... reach out though when you're ready and we'll grab on! 🙂
aloha, the first 3 days are so hard. please be proud of yourself and the hard work. no body ever really wants to quit we just know that we should. when you quit part of the detox is to feel sad and you grieve the loss of smoking. our junkie minds tell us we can't quit. try to think positively and stya busy that will help. use a NRT like the patch or nic gum if you get too sad. they seem to help you past the hard bits. this stuff takes practice. don't worry you can do this. you are doing great even if it goesn't feel like it. big higs
hahahaha - Hothula I have to laugh because at my job NRT stands for "Not Responding to Training". hahaha.
Don't say that you failed, consider it a lesson. You've learned what your weaknesses are now it's time to overcome them. You can do it, I have no doubt about it at all.
Epic, eh? Quitting is a process. My first quit date was an utter joke but my second one was sweet! Just stay in the quit mode and you'll make it! Great that you're back and taking control again!
Keep it up - no failures here - we all f@ck'n win whenever we pick ourselves up (never about the fall - always about the getting up). Your taste in music alone makes you a winner *grin* You WILL continue . . .