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Share your quitting journey

End of No Man's land??

0 13 210

Sitting here on day 124 and had a the most intense craving that i think i've had since my quit. Managed my way through it but i honestly got scared at how close i came to heading for the store. WOW. I hope it's the nicodemon's last desparate hopes of getting me back....NO GONNA HAPPEN. NOPE!

13 Comentarios

Hi Tim!

Yep, those are the "sneak attacks" that are the hallmark of NML and to an extent the rest of your first year. My closest call, just like yours, was right at the end of NML. 

It will happen less and less often, and if your response is always the same -- NOPE! -- you will always get past it successfully!

Good job!



thanks Sarah!


Some people don't have any until the 110's or later

I had mine in the 50's

Always use the same tools that got you this far.


You are doing great.  N.O.P.E.!


Just remember to slap that b*#%&@!d nicodemon to the side each time he tries that crap.


Oh NO !!! don't tell me this. I am at day 31, and the last week has been pretty much craving free except for one night.  what the heck were you doing that made you even consider going to buy them?  glad you didn't !! don't give up.....stick with your quit !!!


Yea! What oldbones5358 said!!! LOL, congratulations on telling that urge NOPE! It should serve to make you even prouder of your 124 days. My last one intense craving hit, for no reason that I can figure out, on day 180 something. But you know something? We beat it and that's what counts.


thanks all and ladybug,

it was really only a stressful Monday morning meeting. I let it get into my head and finally told myself that there was no way i was having a physical desire for nicotine. It was only the addiction speaking so i just had to B(&()*&^% slap it back and keep  on moving!


You never know when you might get one of those thoughts but you did good getting rid of it.

Congrats on 124 days smoke free WOOOHOOO!!!!



Walking out of NML  was really a  milestone for me. I think because I had done so much reading and educating myself and dealing with the craves. It was like walking out into the light. Congrats on kicking that crave to the curb.  6 more days. Ya Hoo!!!

Keep going forward, and always be prepared!!!



thanks Tim, for letting me know what happened. if a stress meeting on a monday set you off like that, then I hope you know you just helped me decide something I have been trying to figure out -  whether or not to attend a family gathering that I KNOW will be a huge stress for me. So that's it, I am not going. my quit is too important. I am only at day 31, and need more practice before I show up at a super stressful situation. glad you were able to kick the nicodemon's butt and not let him win you over. keep up that quit. thanks again.


That's a real Victory, Tim! Every time you beat the demon on your home turf it's a BIG DEAL! CONGRATULATIONS! 

TODAY is the most important day of my recovery!


ALWAYS be on your guard.  This demon can fool you at any time any where after any number of days.  But hold fast to the doctrine Not One Puff Ever, and you'll always best him.  Each surprise is just another learning experience along the journey that makes you ever stronger and wiser.  Ya done good!