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Electronic Cigarette !?!?!?!

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So it happened. I had a fit ! Like a little baby. I ran to the gas station and I got an electronic cigarette. not my ideal version of quitting. But I'm still "smoke" free. I had to vent because today has been a crazy emotional rollercoaster ! I'm not one to act up but it took over me and I'm so proud that i didnt have an actual cigarette. Who knew that it would be this crazy and how powerful this nicotine **it is !! 

Im just so happy that I didnt have to actually smoke a cigarette. I'm so dependent on it and I know that is a terrible thing but I will not smoke actuall tobacco products. I refuse!! I'm still coughing up a whole bunch of nonsense and want to clear my lungs of all that tar and nonsense in me. NOPE !! I'm ok with the Ecig since I havent physically smoked anything in almost 5 days. Like I said not Ideal, but not a cancer stick! I've been home all day. with the exception of my gas station trip and a quick trip to CVS to get more tic tacs LOL I should be a spokesperson for them. 

Opinions,comments and support always welcomed as usual. As I've counted on all of you for the past 5 days and you've done nothing but come through for me 100% ! And for that I love strangers that i've never met in person! 

Much Love XOXO 



Hang in there Phil!! Today has been horribly hard for me too.. Sending lots of hugs your way!!!

Thanks !! It's been rough but I am much better now~ 


Why didn't you put the patch back on? The patch has 3 steps/levels. What level were you on when you took it off?

The patch has a steady delivery of nicotine to help avoid a fluxuation of nicotine levels while you relearn your day to day activities without puffing on a cigarette. It also allows you to reduce the nicotine levels gradually by switching to the next lower level of patch.

The ecig isn't regulated and the amount of nicotine fluxuates with each puff. It's also not  approved as a quit smoking aid, does not have a steady delivery of nicotine, and you are not relearning life without puffing on a cigarette. 

You may want to consider continuing the patch vs the ecig for these reasons.


Hi Phil, I also used the e-cig in the very beginning of my quit. Just please keep in mind that the nicotine is the addiction.


you shoulda gone back to the patch.


Now you're getting nicotine and pretending to smoke too.


What's next, the nicotine balloons?


Why DID you take the patch off? step forward 2 steps back...You are making it harder on yourself by pretending to smoke...have you read this really?

We must re-learn life without have been doing that! xo


yeah im with dale... a tleast you didnt smoke actual tobacco thats good,,, the patch is more reliable though,, especially since the e cig is not approved by fda yet;;; hey you didnt actuall cave in...seems like you were just haveing a terrible withdraw


I appreciate the honesty. I will put the patch back on tomorrow. it was giving me burning/sensation that I just go a shot in my arm and it scared me. I didnt want to feel pain you're right. I am pretending to smoke and give into the nicotine. I will go back on tomorrow. As I can't go on it tonight. 



Hey Phil - sorry to join the downer bandwagon, but put that e-cig away!  Part of learning to quit, is learning new habits and giving up old ones.  By using an e-cig you are still getting nicotine (just in a liquid form), you are still puffing on something, and you are still relying on an old habit to get you through whatever it is you are going through.  Go buy gum, suckers, mints, tic tacs, cinnamon or peppermint discs, licorice, anything that you can put in your mouth that does not produce smoke or utilize any type of nicotine.  Go for a walk, take a shower, scream at the top of your lungs or in a pillow...........walk, talk, get on here and vent - whatever it takes - just please, please, please - let go of the HABIT!!  Though the nicotine is the addiction, holding an e-cig is just as much a part of the habit as actually smoking.  Chang it up - I know you can do it - break the chain Phil - believe in yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Move the patch to a different place each day.

The shoulder blade is good, I wore mine on the outer side of my upper arm and changed the location every day.

The Right Way to Apply the Nicotine Patch

A nicotine patch looks much like an adhesive bandage and comes in a variety of sizes. Larger patches deliver a higher dose of nicotine. You put the patch on in the morning, on a clean, dry, and relatively hairless part of the body between the neck and the waist — the upper arm or the chest, for example. Switch around the location of the patch each day to reduce the chance of skin irritation.

Once you apply a nicotine patch, you wear it throughout the dosage period, never removing it. It takes about three hours for the nicotine in the patch to seep through the skin into the bloodstream. Because it releases nicotine in a slower and steadier fashion than a cigarette, the patch cannot be taken off and put on only when a craving strikes.


Does the patch need to be placed on my arm?

No, NicoDerm CQ can be placed anywhere on the body that is clean and dry at the time of application. Feel free to place the patch on a non-hairy area, such as your thigh, stomach, back, wherever you prefer. The only places we would suggest that you avoid are your joints (ankles, knees, elbows, etc.) since the constant movement of these areas would make it difficult for the patch to stick.


Thanks for having an open mind. Some good advice here.


Just sending support your way, Phil.....good juju!!!  I think those folks with more experience are right, but GOOD JOB not buying actual cigarettes.  The thing with the e-cigs for me?...the one time I used them...was that at first if helped, but then I just got all wrapped up in this thought: "This is SO close to smoking...but not quite it!"  Almost made the desire to smoke worse in a way.  Today is nearly GOT this.  xo~mlb


It's a learning process for me as well. i am not looking to fail this time and I am trying. That's why I said any opinions are welcome. I didnt take anything negative and appreciate it very much. I dont want to fail this time and I am depending on people who are fully aware and willing to help me through (NICE OR NOT) I can deal with it. And I welcome it. I was putting the patch on my shoulder blade and that could have been the reason it hurt. I will switch it up each day as I just didnt want it to hurt.  You have all been so awesome these past couple days and you're right! The ecig just enforces the habbit and that is what I need to kick. I will get rid of it tomorrow and start using my patches again in different places. 


I still feel really great about my quit and now I realize that smoke simulation is just as good as smoking. Once again I got this and I thank you all for being honest and not sugar coating your responses. 



Ok then......

you are still inhaling nicotine.

You are still feeding your addiction.

You are still a nicotine addict.

Stop all nicotine.




Phil, Put your patch back on and throw the e-cig away, You are a nicotine addict !!  You can do this, just remember each journey begins with a single step.  One day at a time and just say NOPE (not one puff ever)


lots of opinions on the ecig and patch... and ya know me..... full of opinions!  First of all I will preface this by saying... ANYTHING that stops you from putting a cigarette in your mouth can't be all bad.... however.... the patch has it's own drawbacks.... I would follow dale's advise on the patch and if you still have pain... well... nicotine is a vasoconstrictor... I had a MAJOR reaction years ago (they have made improvements) and it can be serious.  We are talking about a poison and a different delivery system..   Good news is you are VERY strong and committed to quitting... so I think you can make it without the crutch.... if you read allen carr's book!  hehehe... no I won't stop until you tell me you read it!  OK...  enough of that.... keep moving forward!


Phil, I have faith in you. You're gonna make it.


I rotated arms daily with the patch-the step 1 gave me a rash but it was mild and soon faided. That stopped when I moved to the step 2.