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Share your quitting journey


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Sometimes I feel like I am not equipped to deal with regular life. Meaning I hate paperwork. and phone calls to companies. My parents were hippies and some how the taking care of business aspect wasn't really pounded into me at all. They were young when they had me, and honestly sometimes I was the one taking care of business. Not sure what they were doing. 

I had to do my taxes today. I know everyone has to do this...but ug, the government is taking my return to pay my defaulted student loans. It's not like i have less money today than I did yesterday. But it does suck. that's all I can say. Good news I will have less interest to pay. blah. I don't even hardly understand what interest is....

When I got out of the office (where they help people like me do our taxes) I really,really felt like smoking. Because that is exactly what I did when I left that office last year. A bunch a crazy people in there getting help from really nice people that volunteer their time to help us. So I must be crazy. I don't know. Well I know I"m not, but i had to put my MP3 player on so I couldn't hear their craziness at one point. 

So in between fits of looking for papers in my messy non organized filing system, I did remember breath deep, seems to be the only thing that helps sometimes. Then I did eat some cookies. It's like cookies are the new cigarette. 

I guess that's all I've got, it could have been considered a good day, took a lot of pictures of my sewing projects for blogs and such. It's easier to work at work, which is what I will be doing tomorrow. 

I have been quit for about 5 months, my quit keeper is broken and wont open, so I have saved about 1400$ and that's a good thing. Keep coming back it works if you work it. 


Yet another trigger and guess what? YOU GOT THROUGH IT!!!

That could be me! I hate taxes and in fact, probably won't do then till Mon. And I sub cookies when I want a smoke which Thank God is rare these days! Good job, Melissa, protecting your quit! Keep in mind that there's nothing fair about taxes, especially when your coworkers were bragging all Feb about how they were spending oodles of tax$$$$. I haven't stopped thinking of a certain candidate who skates on his taxes.

Thanks you guys for being here, and understanding. Goodnight. Tomorrow will be better, and Thomas any day is better than today to do taxes. lol. 


HI Melissa, you can do this, I am only on day one right now, and i could have consumed the whole cookie plant today! but i stayed strong and I got it done, I just wanted to offer my encouragement and prayers for you.:D


It will be a good thing to have the balance paid down.  I know it must bite to have it gone, but those student loans are harsh when they default and if the balance goes down, that's great for you.

Awesome job getting through the craves.  The year of firsts can be really tough.  You did good.


Yeah TxLady, what Misty said, be sure and keep up with your forbearance, (deferment) because sometimes the place you send your paper work to doesn't get it, when you thought you updated all of that, and it goes into default. But it's my fault, I just ignored their letters, I thought, well I"m not making anymore money, so they can't make me pay. I was wrong. I don't make enough to have a re-hab payment situation, so they just take my money. But it will be over soon, it's been going on for years. And I dont' want to go back to school. I'm done doing that....

But yeah, the good news is, now that the principle is down, the interest will be less, because the interest is a lot. 


I read this yesterday and meant to get back to you but then...........I was busy doing my taxes and spaced it!!  But, Melissa, you ARE so EQUIPPED to DEAL WITH REGULAR LIFE, and you ARE doing such a great job at it!!!  Everyone gets so incredibly stressed out over doing their taxes.  I mean I think it is one of THE BIGGEST stressors in life that we deal with (almost right next to having a root canal). 

And you are dealing with life's issues free of any addiction!!  That is so HUGE!!  Way to go yesterday playing your MP3 player and breathing deep.  Didn't you feel good about yourself at the end of the day??