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'EXpert' and "Elder" members are opinions...and I would love a response from Admin.

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None of the ones I have spoken to left because of badges.  And most of them are not taking a 'break', but are cleaning house and clearing out of EX.  

Admin owes an apology, IMHO.  A big apology.  Whether those members come back or not.

When Admin ( publicly and openly disses 'EXperts' or what those of us from before badges call 'Elders', a response is warranted.

This blog:

In which this was stated:

"We’re not going to be happy to see someone fall off the mountain. But we should manage to be as kind and supportive as possible as that person dusts themself off and starts back up the path, again."

And this blog a few days later:

In which this was stated:

"Badges should not define how we act in the community. Everyone here deserves kindness and respect."

My responses to "Friendly Reminder from the EX Team": 

Another opinion:

Losing the 'tough love" members, the long quits who have stuck around and helped saves more quits with a curt reminder than  you can with a hug and a pat on the back, especially in during the first 6 months when people get back to life and forget why they quit.

I am not surprised at all that the relapse rate has increased so much since so many of the 'elders' or 'EXperts' started leaving a year ago.

I hang with both the "huggers/touchy feely" supporters and the "tough love but kick your arse because we care", but am on FB more for work and networking than I have time to be on EX.

I see what they are doing elsewhere and what the results are.  EX is having an increase in relapse and the quitters in the other place is  stronger with less relapse.

That kind of result doesn't lie.

I am careful who and what kind of support I give because of the issues that have presented on this site.

Also I live in "take what you like and leave the rest".

What is happening on this site is a sad and sorry shame on all sides. 😞

My responses to "Clarification": 

My opinion:  I was also on EX before any of the badges were added and the site worked and loaded like it was supposed to.  It's difficult and slow now because of the changes made to accomidate the badges and advertsing.  It takes a lot more patience to wait for the pages to load.

I dislike all the badges in general.  They were a poorly planned and executed decision in 2011.   Hardware and software was not in place to handle it and it screwed up the entire site and continues in 2013 to cause problems.

I also understand why the EXpert badges were put into place.  People who were not even quit can rack up badges for things and have 11, the same number as an elder with 6 years smoke free.  Very confusing for new people coming to the site, assuming that they have the patience to deal with the slowness and popup advertsising.

Not a good system.  If I hadn't already been an established member, I would never have bothered joining.  

So you have now gotten rid of the dividing factor in the badges, who has quit and has time and who has not.

There are other ways to deal with it.  Always have been.  Why not put a replacement banner that declares "1 year' or the number of years quit a member has.  At least then we can tell the difference between someone who master blogged and grouped their way to 8 badges and someone who has a solid quit.

Insulting the long timers is not a good way to keep a site going, BTW.

1088 days since I stopped making excuses to smoke.  But not because Admin didn't irk me on this blatant disrespect of members.

PS.  Tough love and the Touchy/Feely Supporters are both needed. So if you're a Touchy/Feely "Expert" or "Elder" , we love you just as much! I'd go to bat for you, too!


^5 Misty - thanks so much for your input. I really wonder if Admin pays attention on the weekends or if they are just Monday through Friday. Sure seems that way.


Thank you, Michwoman!  It doesn't matter if they are on for the weekend.  I'm posting the link to the Admin Message Board so they can't miss it. 🙂


thank you Misty.   Admin said that they were responding to complaints that a certain member(s) were being disrespectful.   All I know is that when you are new and the addiction is screaming at you to find ANY excuse to feed it, it is so much easier to become indignant and see "disrespect" when truths are told to you.   

I don't understand why PMs weren't sent to those involved instead of the blog. Also, she can say as much as she wants to that the "spanking" blog wasn't to anyone specific, yet it had to be because she then said on my board that she'd gotten emails about someone being disrespectful. No doubt the complainer told her who that memeber was.  Not to mention, the post just HAPPENED to go up right after a member posted a blog to counteract a newbie posting about how they didn't think they could make it through a night drinking without smoking, but yaaay they did !

Now, this site still has some wonderful Elders on here.... but they all seem to be of the same school.  No longer do we  have a balance of positive support and tough love truths.  Its not good.


Whatever the reason for quitting the site......whatever the reason is......the end result is those quitters and their expertise are gone......that's a terrible and sad loss for all of us....what a shame.


PS<  as for "who's site it is"   Well, I can count on one hand the number of blogs I've seen put up by ADMIN since I got here last November..... Its the long time members who help those who need and want to be free of nicotine.


"Now, this site still has some wonderful Elders on here.... but they all seem to be of the same school.  No longer do we  have a balance of positive support and tough love truths.  Its not good."

It is and has become very lopsided, Jordan.  I see the same thing.  Quitting smoking requires both sides of the coin.  EX is landing hard on only one side.

The relapse rate is evident of that.


My chosen term is "whining". Like small children. "I am not hearing what I want to hear so I'm telling on you!!!"


It has been a really quiet weekend here without the contributions of a few of the former EXperts.


Amen! I want the tough love back! People, we are addicts and we need a little more than hugs and kisses to get this done! Last time I checked, we were also all adults! 

Thanks for the blog Misty!


I'm willing to become one of the "bad guys" to help others. Who wants to join me?


I'm a cheerleader.  Rah, rah, sis coom know.  🙂

Until something happens that should be made known.

I'm interested to see who joins the 'tough love' roster.


great blog misty 🙂


I'm a "tough Love" er....  but I don't have the time behind me. I'm ten days shy of 9 months..... they had YEARS....  Still, I say what needs to be said, and I've been hated for it a few times, so I'm in LOL


Thanks ladies - strength in numbers!!!!


Jordan you have more time than me - well we have to take up the slack now.

Thanks Misty!

I just wrote a novel and it timed out...HOW I LOVE THAT...............xo

Everyone should put a damn clock on their page and an EXpert badge would be MOOT...xo

I adore you Mindy for so many reasons including that  I have had the privilege of spending face time with you…this blog is AWESOME…xoxoxoxoxoxo

I have been writing to admin for a couple months asking that we get to embed videos in blog comments and have not had the courtesy of a response…One of the most positive things we do as music and laughter are quit boosters but NO RESPONSE for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am also sorry that our elders who leave don’t put their pride aside (like who cares what admin does with badges…really???!!! Albeit, I don’t know the whole story)

The elders have the respect of us whose LIVES THEY HAVE SAVED by getting us through early quit AND continued quit…they should  ALL come back and continue the important work however they see  fit…no one is abusive for God’s sakes just TRUTHFUL…

I hate this ruckus as it distracts from the purpose and freaks out new folks who are starting to feel safe and loved and ABLE to conquer this addiction….

Member's not about badges!  It goes much longer and deeper than that.  It has to do with respect.  This has been building up for a while.  

If I was them, I would leave, too.  It's not pride.  It's knowing where you are wanted and where you aren't.  

They are going to a place they can continue to help people without the respect issues.


I am only 53 days quit. I have had a very hard time of it, but because of this site and the seemingly unconditional support, I have been able to maintain my quit....that and I have made the choice to fight for myself.

People who relapse fill me with sorrow. I don't dislike any of them and I encourage them, when I can, to get back on track in a respectful way and sometimes, these people have said so many things in their own blogs that have helped me with my quit so much, that yes...I send them my love and hugs. I can't forgive them becasue they did not do anything to me, but they need to forgive themselves an move forward.

I am a retired health professional. Nicotine addiction is an ugly addiction and I myself have not seen anything other than great support on this site. I miss Thomas and Dale, who made such wonderful impressions on me as well as many of you who have already commented on this blog.

I sincerly thought about leaving this site myself, due to the recent havoc on this site, but I stayed. Like you said, we need to take what we can use and leave the rest...and I really just wish we could all put this to bed and continue to support each other. Frankly I am tired of seeing it rehashed.

Please lets just get back to supporting each other and go on. We are all capable of relapse...we are all one puff away from a pack. Lets forgive and forget and love and encourage instead. We owe ourselves that much. I care about EVERYONE on this site, as they have truly blessed my ongoing recovery from Nicotine addiction...

That being said, I will ( from now on) take what I need and leave the rest. GodBless


I did not understand the attack on those members by admin and then back tracking from those same comments.  I admire those members who have made it their life's mission to help people quit smoking. They are not paid. They are fantastic and amazing people.  And unfortunately this site is lesser with their departure. 


Thanks for a great post..  I've been here for 3 1/2 years and have seen many a ruckus.  It seems that they begin when someone gets hurt feelings from a tough love post and elders leave.  I know that I post much less than I did in the beginning and avoid sounding judgemental even tho many times people need a kick in the rear.  My Quit was saved many times by Dale, Thomas, Sootie, Tommy and others who were direct with me.  We need all opinions and to quit criticizing opinions that we disagree with.  Take it or leave it is a great mantra.  The badges were dumb to start with and their withdrawal is not the issue.  I like the idea of all of us posting how long we are Quit or Quit date for ocmputer challenged folks like me.  Quit Date Feb. 6 2010.  


Thanks, Misty. 


Dang it.....I'm in the dark here......I've been off the Site for a few weeks.  Someone who has my private info give me a call or send me an email and explain to me what is going on.

As far as the badges.....I don't believe they give Newbies an accurate picture of who can help them.  Misty is should be based on how long they have been quit and not how often they post on blogs and other people's boards.  I know I've helped people in their quits and there are a ton of people who have helped me in my quit who are not considered "EXperts".... But then, I've never went by titles....I go by who relates to me.....keep going people....keep those quits and don't get pulled in to all the drama!

We are smoke-free.....which makes us winners!!!!!!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Misty: I'm not sure why you think I "dissed" elders or EXperts or anyone in particular. I'm sorry you took it that way. That post was prompted by more than a few users on more than a few occasions. And, rather than a "diss," it was a reminder. 

Regarding badges: Timing was bad. I accept that. It didn't happen as a knee-jerk reaction to anything. It's been in the works for a while. It takes time to make changes here--even ones that seem very simple. 

And a note: Rarely a day goes by that I don't at least pause to check in and see how things are going here. Since I've taken over as admin, this has included while on vacation, at a family wedding reception, from the beach, and about 3 seconds before getting in a kayak this weekend. 

Jordan: Some PMs were sent, prior to posting the blog. But, for privacy concerns, not all people involved were contacted. And, as for why I don't blog often: I read. I don't always feel it necessary to interject, and, until now, I have never even contemplated that anyone would want that of me.

Joy: The videos are complicated. We've had a team look into it, but it's not an easy--or financially viable--fix right now. 

I have an immense amount of respect for the people in this community. I'm sorry it's not been apparent. 


"Old goats" was your words. It wasn't interpreted. That is how you referred to loyal members of tis community. And again, you should be ashamed of yourself.


When I made the remark about Admin not blogging on here, I did not mean that as an insult to Admin. I was responding to the comments made elsewhere that the Elders who were feeling insulted should "remember whose site it is"  meaning, that they (we) should accept whatever Admin chooses to say or do as law, since it is a free site, and not owned by us. My point was simply that they (and we) have a right to speak out about things on this site since it is the long timers here who helpt the quitters.  You never said that they didn't have a right to speak against what you've said and done, so please don't take what I said as critisizm.  ok, I can't spell.

I think we need to pay attention to what Misty said when she commented that it is not one  incident that has lead to these Elders leaving.  From what I have read, and been told, these Elders have felt unsupported and unappreciated for their efforts, as well as disrespected and misunderstood for about a year now.  They feel they haven't been listened, and are not wanted..... not because of this past week, but because of this past year...... and the public "reminder" blog was simply the last straw.

You can say that the blog wasn't to anyone in particular, but most of us knew who the complaints were about even before he/ they became angry over the "old goat" blog.  We know who doesn't pull punches and sometimes comes off as blunt.... and a lot of us are quit today because of their style.


I for one will not change my style of support. If you don't need or like what I say then leave it. If you're gonna give tough love support you can't be concerned with what others think. Everyone is not gonna like me but that goes without saying. I don't care. You should own your words the same as owning your quit.


M n @


OK so it is not about badges…

If admin gets a bunch of whining they do their job and chime in but we go on doing the important work in our own individual ways and water off a duck';s back...I am new here but losing EX Nancy killed me and losing Thomas and Dale is really a knife through the heart...I am not smoking over it because I don't do that anymore...THANKS Ex Nancy...nor will I lose my awesome 'quititude' THANKS Thomas, nor will I I ever forget my 130 day challenge to make it through No Man’s Land”  THANKS Dale and all his PMs to me early in my quit...get my drift...I am HERE because of those three...add many others for sure but this is really a blow for me and my enthusiasm about being here…


I am Karen.  I am 47 days quit (i think).  Ex Nancy 1st gave me an attitude adjustment at 10 days quit (which pumped me up to stay quit) and I have spent hours talking to Dale, especially last week.  I have been going through extreme stress the last 5 days.   My beloved cat, Cloudy, started breathing fast and labored, took to vet, after 5 days in hospital, tons of money, and hours upon hours of crying, Cloudy is home, diagnosed with congestive heart failure with a poor prognosis.  I can say with 100% certainty, if I hadn't formed that bond with Dale, I would be a smoker right now.  He gave me the tools, the knowledge, the insight, the personal support...a lifeline.  He made me aware that there will be surprises (good and bad).  We just talked.  I am totally on board with the tough-love.  Anyone that blatantly promotes getting wasted, then bragging they didn't smoke, is just playing with fire and puts into a newbies mind (like me), that we too can go out and get drunk and not smoke.  It was totally right for an expert to say that is playing with fire.  When I posted about going to a casino and then a bar a few weeks back, Ex Nancy told me to stay away from the booze for a while and she was right.  Newbies need to get out of la-la land and into the reality that relapse is easy.  I will be skyping Dale as soon as I am able and I will be moving to the site he is at.  I'm not saying I don't love hugs and kisses, but for me, I am at war with nicotine and I plan to win and Dale has the attitude I need to win my war.  When I 1st came here, I thought the site was slow and confusing.  And, I liked the expert word on a person’s icon (number of years would work too).  Badges are ok, but I never looked at that b/c I came here after I quit and then I couldn't get the trigger, pre-quit I knew the number of badges didn't mean a whole lot.  Someone who posted common sense and was listed as an expert, I knew would be a potential support system.  In this day and age of technology and information, people need something to filter the nit-wit advice from the experts!  


Hi dear Misty! I just want them back!! 


When I came to this site, I was immediately embraced by the Experts. I was given links to websites, links to books and lots of support and encourgament. I connected immediately with Strudel, who is still my lifeline.. She is the quiet, sweet not in your face kind of support. Dale was in my face with his 130 day challenge. I took that challenge and he taught me all about NML. I had people that were supporting me and I was not gonna let them down. After I made the 130 day challenge I ask Dale what you got now. Well he gave me the 2 year challenge. I took those challenges serious. I knew that if I needed sweet encouragement I could get it, but I also knew that if I needed a arse kicking I could get that too. So you see we need those "old goats" that have already climbed to the top of the mountain and have paved the way for the rest of us.



  “Words do not express thoughts very well; every thing immediately becomes a little different, a little distorted, a little foolish. And yet it also pleases me and seems right that what is of value and wisdom to one man seems nonsense to another.” 
  ― Gautama Buddha
  We have to be tolerant of all types of feedback and they are all needed!

I'm really sorry about the ones that have left. They were my friends and helped me with my quit. I needed them.

 I won't leave. I don't agree with every one or every thing here, but thats life. If i can help 1 person to save thier life, I have served my purpose here. Sometimes I kick arse, sometimes I give hugs. Its how I feel what the person needs. 

This site saved me, so I will stay and hopefully help others. I kinda 'fly' over the drama.

 Thanks every body(admin,too) for this site and being here for this good cause. Quitting smoking. On ward to NOPE!


Jordan, that's not what I was meaning that people should sit down and take whatever Admin says whether they like it or not. However, people who howl about disrespect probably shouldn't call Admin an "idiot" or tell them they don't know what they're talking about on this site. Disgusting. There's a way to express disagreement without being ugly about it, especially if your problem lies in how people treat one another. That was my point.


Thank you, everyone, for your responses.  

To me, we have been a family, albiet a constantly growing and changing family.  We have differences of opinions and personalities.  We like different activities, foods, live all over the country and globe.

Respecting each other's differences is important.  

That can be hard to do when dealing with the addicted mind of the newly quit, because differences and excuses conflict.

Not one of us felt like ourselves when we went through hell week.  Most of us struggled though the first 3 weeks-1 month.

No judgement there, because we who have time under our belts had to go through it, too.

Thank you, Admin, for responding during your time off.  I wasn't expecting anyone to reply until tomorrow. 🙂


So, I am new to this post and still unclear what has happened.  Actually, I am a beaver cleaver kind of gal and I am not sure I really want to know because I don't know if I would stick around. 

What I can say is this....................BecomeAnEx has been instrumental in my quit.  The friends I have made and the support given, whether a gentle word or a kick in the butt, worked.  I am at day 172 - no way possible without the tremendous elders, Experts, whatever......................words of wisdom (for me) came from those with ExPerience. 

I don't understand a place that is supposed to be a haven of safety, tough love, experience, friendship, truth, education, and support can turn into a place that has been diminished by whoever these "admin" people are. 

I am thankful for each and every one of you (and yes, I am more the touchy feely and not tough love - I typically rebel against tough love - that is just from how I was raised).  I am so sad to hear of who has left, and I am so grateful to you, Misty for sharing the story (even though, yes, I am still confused a little - but that's OK). 

What other nonsmoking sites to people utilize?  This is the one that was recommended to me, and the only one I use......................I'll stand by you!!


hello all, i was on vacation, actually still on for a couple days...not shure what went on..but it is sad to loose such special people...........when a person searches for a site to help with smoking cessation, it is by their choice..........they should not  try to change the site to meet their needs................this is about life and death........nothing else......this is serious stuff..............people spend thousands to quit over and over..............this site is convienent for some............the community  of ex's is a special one.................i wish good luck and god speed to all my friends who have left........maybe one day again i will cross paths with those friends who picked me up dusted me off and sent me on my is a sad day for me, but i know my friends who left will be continuing to help those new quitters...........................what is wrong with tough love..........does it make a person bleed......does it make a person ill.......i do not think so............sometimes i need tough love..........i am a nicotine addict,     i am a smoke-a-holic.......jim ohio