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E-cig discussion

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I found my Cigalectric E-cig today by accident. I bought it 2 yrs ago to use to quit smoking and I just wasn't ready to quit the "real thing" back then so I did not quit my Pall Mall blue friends and put the Ecig away in a tote bag and forgot all about it. Well, low and behold, it was still in the tote bag with some papers I was looking for today along with some other stuff where I stuck it... it got me thinking about how hard no mans land is. I have cravings and they trouble me bad sometimes.So, would it be considered "smoking" if I used it when I had really bad cravings? It has nicotine cartridge, but I can buy a 0 nicotine cartridge for it.  I see where the stores call it Vaping...and not smoking. has anyone used this to help quit the real thing and is it considered a slip up if I use it?


I would caution you about using it.  They are currently discovering that there are metal particles in the vapor that go into your lungs.  They really haven't tested them that well yet. Have you been using your distraction tools?  It takes discipline - but you do need to start using them again.  You are almost THERE - don't mess it up now!

You DEFINTELY do not want to reintroduce nicotine - so those kinds of cartridges are a definite no.

Hang in there - You really are almost through!



: ) Get ready for a possible firestorm...  this can be a hot button question for a lot of people.

My opinion is that the ecig is still smoking. 

Do yourself a big favor and through it away same as you should do with all smoking related products.  I think you are right around 40 days?  Do not sabatoge yourself now or at any point.

You are doing yourself the best possible favor by quitting and it does get easier and more joyful as you go along.



Do you see that rock formation on the horizon? Those are Relapse Rocks. There is a place there called Desolation Point. Many a quit fell to it's death there. I found the bones at the base. I blazed a new trail around to the left until you get past there, then it rejoins the trail. Don't kill your quit there.

Larry the Caravan Master


I would advise against it. If you haven't used it for a long time, you don't need to start now. It mimics the real thing very closely, I would say it's not worth the risk. Throw it away. Just my opinion.


why don't you just cut a plastic straw in thirds?

You aren't putting anything bad in your lungs and it's going to do the same thing as the ecig.

you need to unlearn the hand to mouth and inhale motion, not reinforce it


I drove to town today to get my truck inspected. after that I stopped at store for milk etc. and never even thought of buying cigs. I will not buy them! I am going to take my dogs for a walk now. I am ok. but ya know, sometimes I really want to have a cig and the Ecig with no nicotine presents itself like a good solution.....????? lets all discuss it, I want to hear from those people who use it or used it to quit.  ????


 I was using a candy cane like a cigarette at first, it helped.


the most recent studies show they create copper or tin pellets.

that metal is going into your lungs.

you need to unlearn the motions of smoking.

the ecig is pretending to smoke whether there is any nicotine or not.

ps, the studies also said there was nicotine in 20% of the samples tested that stated they contained no nicotine


Hi Ladybug,

Thanks for writing about this. You've gotten some good advice above -- here are my thoughts. Please don't use it. Throw it away. You are past the point where you have physical cravings; all your "cravings" are memories, fond thoughts of smoking, not actual physical cravings. If you respond to these fond thoughts by pretending to smoke, how long do you think it will be until you go back to the real thing? 

Please consider that you are "romancing" smoking, thinking of it as something good that you miss. That is what is leading you down this path. 

You've come so far, don't turn back. Stress, bad news, bad days will always happen to us whether we smoke or not. 



why not use a straw like Dale suggested?  Or a cinimin stick?  

e cigs are not safe, because they haven't been approved by the FDA and are not regulated.... even if you get it with 0 nicotine,  I think you  would be taking a step back because you would be getting use to the feel of inhaling smoking into your lungs again.  Smoke that has  little pieces of metal in it?    

Your strong desire to use the e-cig (I think its strong, since the comments you got told you they advised against it, and then you asked for more comments)   kinda sounds to me like your addictve mind is trying to make using them ok.    

Seriously, if there was a pill out there that helps people to feel a little more comfortable, but was not approved by the FDA, and not regulated by the FDA, and reports were coming in on occassion that this pill was harming people ... would you even consider taking it?    I really think your addiction is whispering to you.  

Its not the physical nicotine addiction that you are fighting, anymore, but the mental/emotional/habitual  part.  The hardest part to break is the habit of reaching for a cig.... We brainwash ourselves to think smoking is what we need to do.... using the e-cig will only reinforce that belief.  

You've worked so hard to start learning how to live day to day without smoking, I really hope you don't decide to throw that away by taking such a huge step back.  


PS     My uncled tried to use it to quit and became addicted to it, for over a year, until he went back to the real thing.   If you look hard enough, you will find the "advice" that you want to hear, but that doesn't mean it is good advice.


I have an E-cig bought it last year, very expensive and not worth a dime! i smoked alot MORE with that thing and it tasted just as bad as the real thing..Yes I would consider going back to theE-cig as slipping or cheating regardless if it has nicotine in it or not.I am 42 days into my quit and wouldnt even dream about sucking on that piece of junk.Remember as they say around here:N.O.P.E

Doesnt matter if its the real thing, Vapors,peace pipe or what ever you can get to create smoke and inhale it...NO NO NO



Hi Ladybug,

I quit on June 8, 2012 and a couple weeks ago, I also came across an ecig that I purchased prior to my quit.

I didn't buy it to help me quit, I bought it to smoke in places where smoking wasn't allowed and I didn't want to deal with the withdrawals from nicotine.

Please, in my opinion, the ecig will take you down a bad road. Especially at this point, you are already quit, already passed the physical addiction and doing quite well with relearning life and developing your new normal.

So now you are entertaining the idea of putting it in your mouth and sucking on it like you used to do with cigarettes. Whether you have nicotine in it or not, this behavior is going backwards in your recovery. The fact that you feel the need to poll everyones opinion on it tells me you are trying to justify using it. I believe you already know the right answer. Please continue to honor your original commitment to not smoke anymore. Don't jeopardize your quit by even trying this.

By the way, I threw away the ecig I found. I knew that smoking it was not an option for me. I value my freedom way too much. There is nothing that will make me go down that road again. It's just not worth it.



If you used a candycane in the beginning of your quit and it helped, then that would be a better option than the ecig. Just saying....


I would not consider it. The Ecig is not an approved smoking cessation aid it is a substitute for smoking. I totally agree with what everyone here has said.  Congratulations on a great 32 day quit!


So you're at 40 days smoke free & now ya wanna put nicotene back into your body??? I don't get it.

Keep on like you're going. It'll surely get better.

M n @


I would not use one just because they can explode. It is not that often that they explode but they can explode when plugged in or when they are in your mouth. I would not want to risk having my mouth torn to pieces just for a puff off of an E-Cigarette. I tell people do whatever you need to do to quit but this to me is really dangerous.


Here are two links to a video of what can happen with an E-cigarette they are dangerous.


Electric cigarette explodes in FL man’s mouth



Woman says E-cigarette exploded shot flames 4 feet


Hello Ladybug. I want you to know that I am very proud of you that you didn't get a real cig out of that tote. This could be worse, you know? 

I used the e cig to quit smoking. I thought I threw all the stuff out when I went cold turkey (from real AND e cigs) four months ago. About a month ago I found one that had a zero nicotine cartridge. I did try it and it tasted disgusting...probably cause it had been so long. 

I did extensive research on ecigs and found that the zero mg has a trace amount of nicotine. Also, I don't know about you, but I was getting addicted to the ACT of smoking the e cig. I was still a slave to it. You know, making sure it was charged...making sure I had enough cartridges...making sure I had a case and charger with me at all times. etc..etc...

If you have been truely smoke free then you know how you are no longer a slave to anything. Don't go back to that. It's a pain to make sure you have everything with you at all times and it costs way more than real cigs. You have come so far. You are doing everything right. Throw that thing away and don't look back. It's not worth it. You are so strong and brave for the steps you have taken this far!


Want to echo what Sarah and Jordan aren't having physical craves right now, so going through your arsenal of distractions is sufficient. If you put nicotine in your system again through the e-cig or any ol' way--gum, patch, lozenge, cigarette, you're going to get real physical craves, which on top of the mental ones are going to be beastly. Don't do it. I haven't seen the research on the zero-nicotine cartridges, but it stands to reason that if they're made in the same facilities as the other, that they could get contaminated easily. Not worth it.


You asked what we think and here's my answer: I agree with what everyone here said. It sounds to me like you are looking for someone to say "yes you should".  I don't believe you will ever get that advice here.

You're on the road forward - please don't turn back now!  We need you in our Army!!


Trash can it its garbage you don't need 


I continued reading to chapter 28 of "Easyway to quit smoking" by Alan Carr last night. that helps. and all of your responses are wonderful. Thank you !!!  The E-cig is now in the trash ! Thanks ya'll !!  40 days Quit today !