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Dumb A@@ with a question

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Hey guys ,, it's Carlton your doorman,( what tv show?)   James here, once someone makes you a friend where do you go from there I mean the mechanics /advantages of it as far as our pages and all? Help the site challenged here please. Plus how do I make someone a friend it does'nt seem to respond and instead of getting frustrated I simply leave it alone. I consider all of you friends and if the " make a friend thing has a purpose , ie; easier messages, IM etc I sure don't want to miss any of you.



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Click on their profile and then click the add friend link.  You can also do it by clicking the down arrow on their profile icon from a message board post or if you go to their blog there is a link to add friend.  Hope this helps!

P.S. Don't think there's any technical advantage, but there is the goodwill aspect 🙂


Good question, James. I am also stumped by the 'make me a friend' thing. The first time someone here made me a friend I thought, "Well, how nice of them." That's where it stopped for me. I made them a friend back, but then what do I do?. I feel like a friend to everyone, too.




jefferson's. click the person name that will take you to their page and in the big box that has their name in bold you will see add friend.  click keekee and add me!


In addition, what you can do is when you are on the screen with blogs, over on the right you can see something that says friend's blogs.  When you click that you will only get your friends blogs on your screen.  Sometimes I don't have time to go through the pages and pages of blogs but by clicking on the friends blogs I can at least keep up with whatever the friends have written.  Sometimes it could be up to 24 hours since I go to bed early and someone may write something right after I go to bed.


Carlton at the trailerpark? Did you bring pizza and rootbeer? lol.


#1 Rhoda & just in case you thinik I cheated and read other responses, her sisters name was Brenda and her mothers name was Ida.

The whole friend thing is kind of wierd. I have tried the invite button, but nothing seems to happen. What I've been doing is just hitting the  "add friend' button. I appears to make that person MY friend, but does not make me THIER friend. After that I just hit "friends blogs" on the right of the screen & that keeps me updated on my favorites. That's how I am able to find your blogs easily every day. It's something I look forward to. You keep me positive.





Oh---I am so glad you all answered because I just couldn't remember and would have gone crazy thinking! Just loved Rhoda--loved Joe and loved her head scarves!! How old are we????????

James the only advantage I can see is that it is easy for me to click on their icon and be zoomed right to their page to leave a message personally to them. Otherwise---I too feel like there is no one on here who is not my friend.


Your not a Dumb A$$, we all have had an issue or two with the site. I am techno deficite. I just now figured out how to put the cute little pics in and I still can't figure out how to add that D%$N count down clock!! I am on day 4 and am already feeling better. What a relief, so far so good, but I know I still have a road ahead of me. I will be your friend when you need one. LOL!! I am here to support all my comrads!! Just call my name, and I'll be there! LOL!!


Hey James,

I like friending b/c I can just click on "Friends Blogs" when I'm on the blogs page when I don't have a lot of time and just want to check on the people I "know". j