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Driving Quitting Tips

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Some folks lately have been asking for tips to help them when they are driving while quitting smoking, since that was one of the few places left where you could still smoke.  Here are some tips I've gathered over the years.

Use some of the money you are saving to have your car detailed. Put apple slices under the seats to absorb remaining odor, and leave windows cracked when you can to let in fresh air. Keep them closed when you are driving to reduce the smoking association.   Change your routes to usual places so the scenery is different. Count the red/blue/white cars you see, or the lights you hit or miss. Keep a cold bottle of water from which to sip and some mints or gum. Get a book on tape or tunes to which you can sing aloud. Make up stories about the people you see in other cars: Where are they going? Do they want to go there? Why or why not? What do you think they had for breakfast? If it's more than a single person, what are they talking about? Work? Family? Sports?  Are they happy, sad, bored?  Why?

Please add any other tips you might have!



Car Related:

To rid the stale smoke smell and that reminder from your car when nothing else has worked:

Cut an apple in half and place cut side up under your front seats.

(Or buy a new car.   )


Really good suggestions. I had to clean my car a few times. I still get a whiff of that stale smoke smell when I turn on the heater or air conditioner, anyone know how to get rid of that? Do you think the apple thing would help it? It's gross. 


Try the apple. What can it hurt?


desiree465   Febreze has little air clips that you can put on the vents...they are pretty strong so I had to take mine out after a short period of time but they had done the job by then.  I even put one in my husband's bathroom on his heat vent and it works even better there because it is a larger space.


Hoggie thinks I should get those. 


for the blanket.


They don't ALL smell so good but some are very subtle and just add a light scent...particularly in the bathroom. Hahahaha.


I found this online - and if you read down the list, there is a process for the AC/heat vents.

How to Get Smoke Smell Out of a Car - 


I still have sunflower seeds in my car; sometimes I take pics of the car in front, if the driver is a smoker, trying to get the moment they project the butt through the window, and the license plate at the same time; do you think it is easy, no sir, but I keep trying   Sometimes I smile at the other drivers when stopped at a light, just to see their reaction.  Since I do not smoke in the car anymore I save time with the make up.  Men, I know you hate that!  And even worse, I play a game, Block puzzle on the phone, mostly while waiting for the light to change, haha.  Smoking kept me awake on my way back from work, pick traffic hour, 45 boring minutes, what's an EX to do, play a game, right?  


I have recently changed the inner cab filter and it has removed alot of the smoke smell in the car. 


@Kellidawn That's a great idea that's not mentioned.  I just had mine changed because of my dear Charlie's dog hair everywhere. 

Congrats on 31 days.  I'm glad you stopped by.



About the Author
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.