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Share your quitting journey

Don't hate me!!

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So, I know this is different for everyone and everyone has different withdrawl symptoms but hasn't been that bad for me!  I know I am only on day 2 but day 1 went by WAY better than I expected.  I expected a lot of irritability and headaches and moodiness...none of that really.  What I did experience was a bit of heart racing when I would have a bad craving...I would just go outside and fake smoke (basically deep breathing while bringing my fingers to my lips as if I were smoking!  lol!).  I thought about smoking a lot.  Had a lot of thoughts like, "Well maybe I'm really not ready for this."  But then I remembered how badly I DID want to quit WHILE I was smoking...if you want to quit while you are sucking down a smoke then surely you want to quit when you are not is just the addiction lying to you!! 2...still pretty smooth.  I still thought about cigarettes a lot...had a little bit of moodiness and even snipped at my mom once...but in my defense she was being really annoying!!  Still no headaches...but my ears are kinda clogged.  That's kinda weird.  All in all I think I'm doing ok...really not as bad as I thought it would be.  At times I do feel lost though and I have def thought about how easy it would be to just go get one of my brothers cigarettes or even just get a drag off of one of his while he is smoking.  Can't go outside though when he is smoking cause I don't trust myself enough yet to NOT take that drag.  But there's no turning back...the nicotine is out of my system and it's just in my head now...just have to let those receptors get back to normal!!  Haven't started coughing up yuck yet so I'm sure that is the meantime just trying to let the urges come and go...fake smoked about 8 times yesterday and only 3 times today!  I'm doing this!!

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Good Job 🙂 you can do it !  

  I thing about them as well, and have been very sick with the 21mg Patch on ( so at this time I don't have any desire )   Haven't been turning much to food, for I feel too sick to eat.   Even in week one, I have smelled the smoke on others and it didn't bother me. It's just TRYING to beat my trigger points now  ( like with coffee )  😞  😞        I have this cough now 😞 😞 it's been 2 wks    sometimes I think wow I didn't feel like this when I did smoke, I have been getting slight headaches, but   I am not going to let SMOKING win .  Keep up your good work YOU CAN DO IT 🙂




Sounds like you are doing great!

I really like the idea of going outside and taking deep breaths - I might try that this weekend. 


I do the "fake smoking" thing too. Maybe you should call "healthy breathing"!! I did eventually stop the hand, I can do it anywhere without looking totally ridiculous! Good luck


Deep breathing is an excellent way to remind yourself that you can do it! Congrats on 3 days!


Some people find it is only as hard as your trepidation makes it out to be. If you are fearful it can be difficult. If you are determined to quit and anxiously looking forward to your quit date like it is your birthday party or something, you may find withdarwals very reasonable and even pleasant as each time a craving passes you by, you have won another battle.


Hate you!!??? I am DELERIOUSLY happy for you! People need to know it is not always torture...Sometimes it is easy for people....good for you! Stay vigilant and always be be 'prepared' not 'surprised' by a craving and you have got this freedom!!! xo


Good for you---you're doing great! I still do that breathing thing and I am quit for 3 years. I use it sometimes when I am feeling stressed or worried.....very calming.


Great going!  You are establishing great habits to counter act when you find trouble coming.  Keep up with the good job of quitting.  Have a great weekend.


Hello, I am just new here tonight, not sure if this is the right place, site is a little confusing.. I am a 54yr old mom, and mother of one son who is in the Army, and when he went in I promised to quit smoking and be smoke free by the time he got out...But so far he has been in a year and I haven't been able to, the addiction & stress levels are very high, so it is making it hard..

But I really need to quit one for him and then also for my health...


Nice to meet everyone


Lol thanks yall!!

Vicki I think if you have been sick with the patch I would stop using it!!  Try to come off of it and see how you handle sounds like you might be ok without it!!  I think it is ok for us to have the thoughts as long as we don't act on them...eventually even those will fade.  I am waiting for the cough but it still has not come.


Melissanne yes you should try gives you a small break like you are use to and the deep breathing is like taking a drag!  But you will find that urge goes away even...I have only done it once today! 


Mags...hahaha!!  Yeah my bf said he hopes I stop that part too!!  Lol!  Pretty much done...but I do like the deep breathing in of this fresh cold MI air!!


Jojo thank you!!!  


Connie I think you are sooo right!!  This has been something I have wanted for so long and now that it is here I am so happy and DO NOT want to screw it up!  I think had I tried any other time it would not have HAVE to be at the mindset that you are DONE!!


Joy you are def right!!  Thanks so much!  Just didn't want people to be like "oh well isn't that just peachy for her"!!  LOL!   Haha!!


Sootie...way to go!!  3 years is great  I bet you feel wonderful!  


No more cigs thank you!!  You have a good weekend as well!!


TerryCPam hello!!!  You can do this...we are all here to help you through it!!  Whenever you feel like you can make your own blog post and talkabout whatever you like!!  If you feel especially vulnerable make "help" the subject and someone will always respond very quickly!!