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Does Half Count???

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I've let the secret out that I smoke. I have a question though. I smoke half a cigarette every couple of hours. How do I count that though? Does that count as  a whole cigarette????


Hi Lightsmoke! I'm going to say that it might not "count" as a whole cigarette but it DOES count as nicotine in your body so.... it is smoking.  However, there are a lot of folks here who've been quit a lot longer than me and they'd know more than me. I do think you need to be not smoking at all to be a non-smoker.   

Try to get rid of those halves!!!  You can do it... if I can do it, I know anyone can because historically, I've not had good will-power and I'm on Day 4 of no smoking...

Go for it!!!


Hey..... smoking's smoking.  Count 'em.  You ain't fooling yourself or anyone else by dancing around the fact. 

On with the show.


My quit date is still a ways off, but having tried before a few times, one time for a few weeks another for 4 months I really want this and hope this time is it... not hope.. this time will be it! You know what I really struggle with... I know how good I feel when I dont smoke, its night and day difference in how I feel, I hate the smell on my clothes in my hair and on my hands. So why when I know all this do I still want them so much. I hate it so much you would think I would not be this scared of stopping!!!



Thanks Diane for putting it that way, and Jackie thanks for sharing. CharlieJ the simple fact that I'm on this thing proves the fact that I'm not trynna fool nobody or myself. The title is just that. a title. if you actually READ the blog i want to know how to COUNT it. This thing says the more you kno about you're habit, the more tools you hav to stop it. so you can take the gavel and robe and go somewhere. Thanks!


Light.  when you say "count" are you talking about TRACKING your cigarettes????

If that's the case then smoking is smoking and i dont think it matters if it's a whole or a half......If I understand the concept of tracking, it is to determine not only the frequency but also helps to identify your triggers do that you can RE-learn life without cigarettes.

I know that in terms of my own personal addiction, i consider a smoke a smoke.  Good luck in your quit.


That's what I meant Dawn, so i guess one of my triggers is KNOWING that the half of a cigarette is there????? Thanks for the support.


That's right Light.

and Charliej has a good point in that most addicts "lie" to themselves and OTHERS about their use. When we "lie" to ourselves, sometimes it's in the form of DENIAL.........."well, AT least I don't smoke three packs a day, like HE does...."  

Remember that we're here for you!


Dawn, I am very much a "closet smoker" and i also come from a very judgemental community. The thing that happens you run into that is you're forced to know what you are and what you're not. Ive known that I was a smoker for a while. The other thing that happens is that you realize when sumbody's trying to impose judgement on you, you have to quickly in order to guard yourself. Notice Charliej's comment gave no advice, just a statement. so let's just say i have enough people like Charliej in my life. Thanks for the answer though!