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Share your quitting journey

Do as I say... Not as I did

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I haven't been around much lately. That seems to happen when you quit watching your quit meter and just live. Somehow I missed my 4 month quit date, a milestone at times I wasn't sure I would see.

I wish each one of you new members the strength to keep going with your quit. You will need strength, courage... all the important stuff. You will need to dig down deep and find your determination, and your free will.

Quitting isn't easy, and everyone tells you "You can do it". That isn't exactly true. Some of you won't do it. Not because you don't have it in you... But because you are looking for the "magic pill" or the "easy way out", and that does not exist.
Becoming an Ex will take work, but I promise you can do it. If you are ready to make an agreement with yourself that no matter what happens cigarettes will no longer be your crutch, You will be sucessful.

There are quite a few of us around here that are paying the ultimate price for our years of smoking. I wish you could go to each of our pages and read our stories. Don't think it "Can't happen to you".
We are your Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles, Daughters or Sons... Get the picture??!!!
We are REAL people who for the rest of our lives will suffer and struggle for each breath we take.

Cigarettes and Tobbaco is poison. I can't make it any plainer than that.

Hold onto your quits. When you have moments of weakness come here and read or blog. Ask for help and support. Realize that this won't be easy, but it is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Do whatever it takes to get through this. Take it minute by minute until you can take it hour by hour, then day by day. I promise the day will come when you will not be able to remember when you last thought of a cigarette, and That is a GREAT feeling.
Well said, Kellie!
Wonderful Blog Kellie!!! You Are 100% Right!!! 🙂
Way To Go On 125 Days!!!!
Congrats Pictures, Images and Photos
AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!!
4 months is great! Good girl! You need to celebrate!

Wonderful blog, Kellie! It should really speak to the newbies around here. You're right...I do so wish they would read our stories and go to the COPD group and do some reading, because then maybe they could see the reality of smoking. It's just so sad that this addiction keeps smokers from seeing the truth about what cigarettes do to people. They really, truly believe it won't happen to them. I know, because I used to feel that way, too, but believe me, you change your thinking really quick when the doctor tells you that you have a disease that can be fatal. Oh, Congratulations on your 4 month anniversary! I'm so proud of you, Kellie!
Great blog Kellie. After many attempts to quit I really beleive I will make it this time. I cannot begin to describe how much I appreciate all of the support I have received here.
Great blog, Kellie. And, more importantly -- congratulations on 4 months! That's when I really started to think, "damn, I'm actually an ex-smoker!". Something I never thought I would be able to say.
Great blog, Kellie. So true. Congrats on 4months!
there you go girl, i'm so proud of you on all fronts. your friend,
WTG sorry I missed your 4 MONTHS WTG
Smoke free and loving it