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Do Not Panic!

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Hi folks - several people here have been talking about feelings of being depressed and/or panic attacks in their quit - I AM ONE OF THEM TOO! I suddenly had a huge black dog of depression hit me which stopped me bouncing like Tigger (who cheered? LOL) a little research shows depression when stopping smoking is not uncommon and can affect some people although most do not suffer -and apparently one school of advice says one of the best ways to face depression if this does occur is to find support such as a site like this!!! - the good folks here have the support needed for those feeling blue! Of course anyone concerned with any health issue regarding stopping smoking should see their Doctor - but its helpful to know that what we have been experiencing is not uncommon and GOOD NEWS temporary!! So no relapsing!!!! Love you all!
Thanks for the info! I really needed to hear that I wasn't alone in having these symptoms
Thanks for posting! For those whose challenges include depression: I don't think I could have done this quit if I didn't have a "backup plan" to mention to my doctor if I had symptoms of depression. That was pretty much what had undone my last (2 month+ quit)- depression, I just wasn't functioning the same. This time was much different- I feel more energetic than ever and don't have to rely on cigarettes ever again. Know when you need the support and where to get it. This site is very useful for that. Thanks, David.
I appreciate the info. I have been battling anxiety, depression and panic attacks even before I quit smoking. It is good to know I am not alone thinking that the quit was making it worse.
Awesome post Dave, and it took me months to get over it! But I did!
I had them to the point I did see the doctor and he did give me meds to help, if needed we aways can go that route, though I find it does get better as time goes by. BTW, did you know it is the number one reason people relapse?
David, it has happened to many of us...good thing is most of us hung in there and battled the fight...and won. It is very good advice to those who did not and I am so glad that you have shared this with us......
Hope all is going well is France...............oh...........I want to go back..rather come back I should say to you. Well dear have a splendid day!! Our little girl didn't win...heard anything about here hospital stay (Susan Boyles)
I hadn't read this any where. It is reassuring to know I'm not the only one. Here at the almost 3-week point, the blues seem a bit worse and the sleeping (or rather waking) issues cropping up. So thanks for the information.

Hope your garden is keeping you smiling.

Thanks for the post and for sharing. I wouldn't guess from your posts that you were depressed. Been there myself, a few years back, nothing to do with smoking. I hope that black dog backs off soon!
Hi David,

Boy, I'm glad you brought this up--I've been feeling lower than a rattlesnakes butt hole in a truck rut!!

So, it's the lack of nicotine, huh? I may start wearing the patch again--:)
I wrote this or something like it on by blog before I found you had one, too. I did really good with the panic attacks for awhile but now they are back with a vengeance. If I didn't know what they are sometimes I think I would call a rescue squad! I am thinking that some of these feelings are old stuff I used to smoke away, now they surface. I am doing some reading in the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, maybe need to journal more, too. I don't talk to my family about this, I don't think they would "get it." Thank you for letting me go on. Sometimes if I get busy doind something I can ward off an attack. I think I just did. Talking about it seems to help. Thanks again................... I haven't been to France since '95. I enjoyed every minute of it. Hope you are doing well.