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Do I realy Want To........

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...... sneak a smoke in. No not realy. I only think I do. I would have to run down to the store and buy a pack. I can already see myself coughing and gagging because it taste nasty. My cheap side would curse me for destroying the pack of perfectly good cigarettes if i had a enough good sense to not keep them around. Afterwards I would be kicking myself for lighting up. I would have to reset my 37 days of being smoke free down to zero. A hour later the physical cravings would start kicking in telling me to smoke another. I would eventualy confess my dirty deed among my peers on here. Id have to tell my family I smoked and also a highschool friend. I could hide my misdeed but I would only be fooling myself. I dont want another cigarette. It would cause to many problems and not to mention it could lead to another failed attempt at quitting smoking.. Not one puff ever, just one = square one. At day 37 its still a daily task to stay smoke free. I know each day I say no my quit gets stronger. Im just frustrated right now because of stress and thats compounded by the fact I dont feal normal with out a cigarette in my hand. I cant wait to feal normal again.
Thats grabbing it by the EGGS!
I feel your pain but I also feel (WAY deeper) that I don't want to be a smoker anymore so I will go to any lengths NOT to! Breathe.
I hear your pain, I can't wait to be normal again too. I am at 24 days and I still have bad craves everyday too. I'm hoping they will be better next week (on vacation). Hang in there and do whatever you have to do to not light up!

At 37 days, all of this is in your mind. WAY TO GO for coming here instead of lighting up!!!

Hang in there, this DOES get better...
Hi Ben, I remember the feeling and I really feel for you, but just hang on. When you get to 2 months, it gets so much easier. Really, you won't think about wanting one near as much.
Ben, you have been such an awesome support to my quit. Hang in there, you can stay 38 days free and more!
Ben, I remember also saying "I can't wait to feel normal". I understand what you are going through. I'm almost 60 days smoke free and like Sylvia said it is getting easier. The cravings are easier to handle. Hang in there! It will get easier and you will feel even better than you do now.
Oh yes, this too shall pass. I come here to be reminded how it was in the beginning. It is such a different place than where I am now. For that I am eternally grateful. It will be different place for you too. Great job getting it out! Thoughts to smoke are just that, thoughts. Don't have to act on them just because a memory says you used to. 🙂
Oh yes, this too shall pass. I come here to be reminded how it was in the beginning. It is such a different place than where I am now. For that I am eternally grateful. It will be different place for you too. Great job getting it out! Thoughts to smoke are just that, thoughts. Don't have to act on them just because a memory says you used to. 🙂
The day will come when you feel normal, and you feel me!! When I first started on my quit, - I almost gave up on the quit myself and started smoking. It was awful, The only thing that stopped me during those struggles was knowing I could not light up when I had a patch on. I started my quit 298 days ago....I am no longer on the patch, and I feel great.
Thank you guys. After I wrote this blog I went down to the store and bought a smirnoff ice. I gulped that down and found out its possible to drink without smoking. It calmed my nerves alittle and gave me a chance to ease into drinking again without smoking.
Good for you for not smoking and coming on here instead. Posting here has saved many of us from going and smoking that cig. Keep up the awesome job on your quit, as we know everyday is work, but it does get easier:)
I felt that kind of crave today also and it almost messed up our dinner plans to celebrate my one month being smoke free. Even my sister said "I bet you really want to smoke real bad right about now." I'm not sure what stopped me smoking one with my sister, because at that moment I wanted to. Instead I told her that me smoking wasn't going to solve anything and at this point it would only tick me off even more since I was going out tonight to celebrate and I wanted my steak and wanted to eat it too.
I'm so glad you didn't cave and me either. Just think it would have just made things worse. It's amazing how much this site helps. We have somewhere to come and let it out. So hugs and ^ five to ya.....we made it another day 🙂