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Share your quitting journey


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I have really discovered myself in this quitting action:

I discovered that I am a 3rd degree greedy hangry grumpkin asshole! 

Yes, a full-blown one.  I really need to do something to take the edge off.  Jesus, am I edgy.  I'm over here lecturing my still-smoking wife on joining my journey when it is only mine that I should be concerned with right now.  I'm getting offended when she makes little quips and barbs (that's what all married people do btw).  

Pancakes and bacon for breakfast? Why not?!

5 double stuf oreos and a big glass of milk -- that's good for the figure!  Got my calcium!

On top of a plate of saltines with ham and cheese?  Need my protein!

A Del Taco Burrito while I was out with crinkle fries?  

And some pot roast open-faced sammich for dinner?

I could go downstairs right now and kill a plate of food.  

Anyway, it's just week one and I haven't alienated everyone yet.  

Pray for me.

I'm doing the same.

Thank you for all the kind words and support.  Everyone else that knows me just thinks I'll fail.  Like my wife says, I'm probably on here just to be an attention-whore.  Anyhow, it feels good.  Thank you.

7 Days and no plans to concede my resolve.


Prayers going up for you this evening when I get off computer. Meanwhile, hang tight.....this is liked like rock and roll, some days rock others you roll, lol. Get yourself some Vicks Vapor rub. I have no clue why, but a little under my nose instantly helped dissolve any craves I had. I went as far as to buy the vicks inhaler just to have on hand when I was out in public because who the heck wants to smell like Vcks, ugh! The stuff was like magic for me along with deep breathing,....breath in slow through your nose and slow out your mouth.

Burn incense in your home. MOVE move and move more. I used a mini tramp when I could not get outside to exercise. Sometimes just jumping on it for the amount of time it took me to smoke  a cigarette, was perfect and craves again....gone as well as my need to stuff my face. Keep water bottles near and chug a lug

You can do this!


You are doing great with your quit. If you can do 7 days you can 8 then 9 then 10 then 11. You get the picture.

Keep up the good quit.



You might try subbing some littler snacks in between the gluttony?  Maybe some frozen grapes, or pretzel sticks, or carrot/celery sticks with some low cal salad dressing? Keep a cold bottle of water handy at all times from which to sip.  It can lessen the snacking, and helps your body detox.   Increasing your exercise will help, too.  Even marching in place works, or a few jumping jacks or push-ups.  A walk or jog in the fresh air (depending where you live) works, too.

Lectures to your wife about smoking are not a good idea.  Think about the shoe being on the other foot! Hopefully when you provide a shining example of how it can be done, she will follow suit.  Not out of the realm of possibility, but it needs to be HER decision.

Keep going!



"between the gluttony" LOL

I haven't eaten yet today -- but I want to! 

I am going to the store today -- gonna have my daughter help me pick out some healthy items.  Also, hitting the gym today  -- this is the main reason why I wanted to the little voice could stop pointing out that I was doing all this working out but still smoking -- this time the smoker in me loses.  It's been time to up.  Dang it feels good to be about it and not just think about it!


Thanks Terry!  


I have the Vick's on deck in case I need it!

Water. Check.  Drinking a bunch does help!

Incense, not yet.  I will go head and pick some up soon.  

 Just a shot in the dark, are you a mandolin player?  Just asking because I dabble in ukulele.  I would imagine they're pretty similar.  Or is your handle just related to the Bruce Hornsby song?  


...And most of all, thank you for your support and prayers, just...thank you!


Be sure to read the blogs here and become more knowledgeable in the quit...and yes you need to focus on your quit and not your wife’s smoking.  I hope she is smoking away from you...Focus on you and your sure to eat some healthier items and lots of water and walks...You can do failure...just “one step in front of the other”...Congratulations on 1 week of Freedom...Happy Monday ~ Colleen 413 DOF 


Strong green tea will help curb your appetite (at least it did mine) AND it's good for you.  You'll live to be 110.  The only people you need to alienate are smokers!

Now, time to learn a couple of songs on your uke.  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2019/06/24/quittude-song?sr=search&searchId=b9e1747e-17a2-48e0-a17c-569ebaf2471e&...‌  & The Nope Song‌  Better yet - write your own!

You're doin' just fine.  Never let it go.


Always remember it's your quit, no one else's.  You got this.  Congrats.



I know about discovering (I was more of a whiny witch).

But I also discovered that I had more strength than I never knew possible and you have it too!

A new (or rediscovered) hobby that keeps your hands busy yet not to mentally taxing helped me a bunch.

Keep posting and let us know how it's going.

Who cares what anyone else thinks as long as you know you are quitting for good?

**you can get all the attention you desire here - EX loves quitters!**



I'm impressed you've kept your humor, here you are quitting smoking and you wrote one heck of an entertainment piece! I'm still pretty evil, I used to think my non smoking hubby was a raging butt and my non smoking family, friends, etc, just didn't have the natural patience that I did, turns out I didn't have natural patience I had nicotine, lol as a coping mechanism something that kills you isn't really a good pick, so don't feel bad, you may feel like you are on a rager but I bet most ppl would just think you are acting like the average irritated human.