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Share your quitting journey

Didn't make it

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Unfortunately I  didn't  make it my first try l smoked 2 cigarettes  any suggestions?

11 Comentarios


@kat4567 and thank you for sharing and your courage to tell yourself you do not smoke today NotOnePuffEver just for today ONE breathe at a time one second one minute 5 minutes etc etc until one hour breaking your 14 hours down until your bed time just one day at a time

Welcome back dear friend please when a crave hits grab a lemon and bite into it peel and all you will not be thinking of sucking on a death stick

Biting into that lemon peel and all busts craves thank you for trying it 

New ideas new thoughts to NotOnePuffEver day by day

Get yourself a quit tool kit when a crave hits jog in place really fast your lungs will thank you

Go for a walk out side OR do jumping jacks your body will thank you 

Dance to your favorite music OR if you have a Higher Power greater than yourself pray and ask for help to stay NotOnePuffEver OR just breathe 3 DEEP breaths instead of sucking on death sticks

Have celery and carrot sticks ready and bring them while driving they help with the hand to mouth habit 

We need to be prepared for nicotine withdrawal by learning new healthy hand to mouth by sucking on a straw just buy some plastic straws and cut to the length of a death stick you can suck on that straw while driving OR get some peppermint candy sticks OR your favorite gum to help with craves and driving and use straws while drinking your coffee in morning my dear friend anything but sucking on death sticks 

I believe you can stay NotOnePuffEver day by day and please blog blog blog day by day to let us help and to let us know how you are staying nope NotOnePuffEver just for today 

You can do it my dear one I believe in you dear friend 


Sorry you lapsed.  Glad you are right back at it!  Lots of good ideas from @indingrl.

Did you do the reading I suggested?  If not, do it now!

Did you change up your routines?  If not, think about how you can do that for your next attempt.

Do remember the thoughts that led back to smoking and make a plan now how you will short circuit them next time.  As go your thoughts, so go your actions.

This process is going to get easier once you have some time in.  Make a decision that you will get through it however you can until it does!  You CAN do this!




Good Morning @kat4567 . Well there are 20 in a back so I hope you threw the other 18 away.

Do not beat yourself up as it serves no purpose. Get back up on that horse and Believe. 

No aplicable

@kat4567 @jonimarieIs so right . You can not  smoke what you don’t buy , or borrow , you won’t smoke if you post before you smoke for help . There is so much strength in doing so . Give others opportunity to help you stand on your own two feet until you can stand on them by yourself .  If you need to post 10 times a day do so to get yourself through . Post and journal , keep yourself busy busy . Not one puff . The way out of this is through this without smoking or vaping no matter how hard it gets . It’s not forever , it will pass , I promise you . Good job coming back and asking for tips to help you .You are not judged , quitting is hard but it’s doable .
ECB9A9C1-9139-4AA5-A5E7-FA490C3F5523.jpeg((((( hugs ))))))) 


You set a goal, you made the decision and you tried. Smoking two cigarettes is not the end of the world. Often, smokers are shocked on the first day at the drive to smoke, not realizing fully what nicotine addiction really means.

I believe very much in trying and am not a fan of "do or do-not thinking." Here at Ex you will find a lot of information on the addiction and how to make a plan that will work for you. That often means making a written plan--not to be mistaken for a blow by blow discription as to how you will quit smoking, but more about making a list of things you will do other than smoke, which may include NRT.

It's in the preparation that helps you cement your commitment to quitting. We have to have real tools to deal with the first few days especially. Then weeks. Sometimes after only a few days of success, a quitter realizes that they do indeed have the power to succeed fully, confidence grows.

My suggestion, stay here (realize that all comments and info here is for you and you are free to take what you need, leave the rest). Keep reading and learning, figure out your plan. Don't be afraid to fail, don't let that stop you from searching and finding your way out of nicotine addiction. You can do this one step, one day at a time.



Where did those cigarettes come from?

Can you prevent that source in the future?


Just get rid of the pack and get back on track.

Community Manager
Community Manager

It happens... pick yourself up, and try again! Plan for your cravings or what to do in stressful situations instead of grabbing for a cigarettes. Being prepared can help you for your quit journey. We are here to support you!

Here are some articles that may help:

Quiana, EX Team 


Never stop quitting ! I’ve quit a thousand times each time it’s gets easier for me this time I am 80 days no smoking. I also use the patches they have really helped. Just never stop quitting if you fail try it again and again and again.  Then one day it will stick! 


Get right back to your quit. So often, people smoke and then think oh well, I can't do it. Then they let months or even years go by without quitting again........months and years of addiction and possible physical damage. So, by all means, get back to your quit. But, as you go back think about what happened:

Where DID you get cigarettes from? Best to keep them away so that you physically have to go to a store. That few minutes may just save you.

Why did you feel you needed the smokes and what can you do in the future if the same situation arises again?

Did you try to come on this site and post to let others talk you down? We ALL did that a million times when we were quitting. I LIVED on this site my first 6 months and it was what got me through.

Can you get outside? Many times, if you feel like smoking....just getting outside for a 5 minute walk can get you through the crave.

Do you have some snacks and food ready for that oral crave?

Finally---when you feel a crave....just..............don't.................smoke. It is hard I know but a crave actually will only last a few minutes. Ride it out.  

Start again and stay strong. Reach out if needed. Someone ( or 10!!!!!) will always respond. This is EX and we are all here for each other.


@kat4567 How are you doing today?   Whatever you do, don't let this setback keep you from quitting.  Quitting is a process.   If you learned something from this attempt, consider that as a step forward.  Remember, you deserve to be an Ex!
