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Share your quitting journey

Did You Ever Participate In the Great American Smokeout?

1 11 58

Vanlil just wrote a blog and those who responded were just like me --- they HATED the day.  I always felt as though I was being judged for not just giving up this "bad habit."

It started me wondering if any of us here ever observed that day, and, if so, if it was the beginning of a long term quit?

Curious minds want to know!  Thanks!


11 Comentarios

Yea! I smoked 2X more!


When I was working at the university and I had STOPPED smoking, someone left some post it notes on my desk saying it was the Great American Smokeout Day and I was really happy because who can't use post it notes?  My friend who worked with me and is STILL smoking her brains out, looked at the post it notes and got really red in the face and said, did someone leave those for ME?  WAS MY NAME ON THEM?  Made me laugh, I told her no but she could have some if she wanted.  She was not amused.

I smoked more that day and stupidly justified it somehow. Reminds me of my former life as a smoker. Now I don't do that anymore! Woo hoo! 🙂

No and I never do New Years  resolutions either lol



I agree with Thomas - I do believe that I smoked more than usual that day.  


Always made me feel intimidated, guilty, like I was a failure and just generally BAD.  No, never participated.  It was just one more needle in my "you should quit" brain.


Nope -It was a day for non-smokers to judge as far as I'm concerned. I'd like to see the real statistics. I'd bet little to no people quit.

I wanted to but never thought I could.

I tried really hard to ignore it every year and usually pretty successfully smoked my way right through it, the day after that and the day after that.


NOPE (no pun intended with our favorite word!)

I never even thought of stopping on the smoke out day and I no smokers I know did either.. Seriously, I oftne thought how stupid the "pitch" was and how it showed a lack of understanding of addiction. You don't just wait for this magical day and then stop an addiction just because it's a "national" day. 


Ditto.  I never stopped on The National Smoke Out, but it did greatly increase my feelings of guilt and self-loathing, which kept me smoking, right?  Perhaps it has its value as a means of increasing awareness....

Acerca del autor
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.