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I don't recall seeing here that "slips" are a normal part of the process and to be expected.

I don't recall reading that as long as I "bum" a Sickerette and don't purchase it doesn't count.

I don't recall that "you're doing good!" is the effective response to only having XXX Sickerettes this Month.

Am I reading something different from others here?

What I recall is N.O.P.E. = Not One Puff EVER! Not as a goal to reach but as a daily principle of serious quitting starting from Day One.

What I recall is the Law of Addiction:

 "Administration of a drug to an addict will cause
of chemical dependence
upon the addictive substance."


I understand that to mean that were I to decide to take that puff, I risk my whole Quit going down the tubes. I have read here that the nicotine receptors are lit up again. I also read that the more "slips" one has the more permission our Addicted Brains gives us to "slip" and that it makes the next craving or temptation that much harder to overcome without giving in.

Maybe I'm wrong here but I doubt it! Are we reading the same stuff?


You got the same information I got.........I totally agree......NOPE!!!!




Fall on their cabooses


No you did not miss anything.  Back to Basics.  NOPE


One is too many, one more is never enough!


NOPE - you didn't miss a thing!



N.O.P.E. means N.O.P.E.  There are no slips, cheats, sortofs, doovers, etc.  Pick a quit date, live with it, give it meaning, life & substance.  My quit date is perfect just the way it is.  I don't need to change it for anything.



I am definitely on the same wave length as you Thomas, you are so right about N.O.P.E because N.O.P.E - Not One Puff Ever - means EXactly what it says! 


A Slip Is Not An Accident. A Slip Is Built Up To.
A Slip Is Considered Before It Happens.
Why Call It A Slip If  No One
Gives You Permission To Smoke But You?



Lay down that truth, Father Thomas, and take us to church!

NOPE is NOPE is NOPE, and ZERO needs no asterisk*.


Thomas you said it a while ago: 



I wish I could say today FOREVER, but I am happy enough with ONE DAY AT THE TIME, as long as I stick to what became my own manta: I DO NOT DO THAT ANYMORE!



I like that graphic, Daniela! Yes, Thomas, of course you are reading it right. Why do you think I have come back twice after the original quit to restart the whole process. I smoked. I didn't slip and fall on the ice. I smoked one or more cigarettes and started my quit over again. Prayerfully, one day at a timely, for the last time.


here, I'll throw my two cents in.  I remember back when I first started climbing that mountain, before I even resigned myself that I was never going to smoke again, that addict brain of mine was telling me that one was okay, I did better today because I only had two cigarettes, I'm getting the hang of this........ we've all been there when we first started, when we first decided that enough was enough, we made all kinds of excuses, all kinds of justification, all kinds of reasons to just keep on doing it.  You certainly did not read anything incorrectly.  That was just a person who is struggling, who is honest, who is scrambling and didn't come here for support.  That's what this site is supposed to be.  Yes, we get very frustrated with some people at times.  But we are all lay people sharing our experiences to maybe help someone along the way.  I'm a little disheartened by some of the responses I'm reading and wondering if this forum is the right place for me any longer 😞 


A slip is a choice Thomas plain & simple. Always has been always will be.

Keep on keepin on,


I recall that a commitment to N.O.P.E. will keep me smoke~free! (and it has) Thanks, Thomas, Great blog, great point! We must have read the same material and followed the same suggestions! Have a great day!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


You are reading the same thing the rest of us are reading.  Slipping and relapsing are the same thing and no matter how you got a cigarette, if you smoked even one start over.


a slip is something a woman put underneath a flimsy dress, you hit an icy spot u slip having a smoke is having a damn cigarette, having a smoke is NOT a slip omg..........


 I read on a blog that  "relapse is a part of recovery " and I made a point of saying it does not have to be !!!!!

I quit numerous times before this one and relapsed because I just gave up and decided to smoke one that one became the end of the quits It is a choice !  I stretched out those quits over a period of 20 Years ! 20 years of damaging my body because I would not conmmit to NOPE ! so if you get a bit of the hardline here for a so alled "slip " it is because people here care about YOU !

I can understand a person being here and cutting back while waiting on there quit date but once it is reached it is NOPE and  a reset if one  chooses to pick up again  


No future in the past. No point in playing with fire. KEEP THEM AWAY FROM YOUR FACE(:


Well said, Thomas.  And much needed, I think.  Honestly, I don't normally comment on blogs where someone has reported "a slip".  Not because I don't feel for them but because I'm not one to say "It's just a slip.  Don't be too hard on yourself".

Every time you have to go back to day 1, you put enormous strain on your body, your brain, and your world.  That strain can kill you.  I don't wish that illness, anguish, or destructiveness on anyone.  Please be hard on yourself!!  It will save your life.


Well said, Thomas.  And much needed, I think.  Honestly, I don't normally comment on blogs where someone has reported "a slip".  Not because I don't feel for them but because I'm not one to say "It's just a slip.  Don't be too hard on yourself".

Every time you have to go back to day 1, you put enormous strain on your body, your brain, and your world.  That strain can kill you.  I don't wish that illness, anguish, or destructiveness on anyone.  Please be hard on yourself!!  It will save your life.

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1