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Share your quitting journey

Diary of a Madwoman

12 57 1,354

For any of you starting your quit journey, does the thought of the first week intimidate you?  Will it be filled with constant internal discussions and battles?  Will it be hard, trying and exhausting? Probably.  It is all of that and then some – and worth every second.   Here’s a glimpse at my first week quit – the following are excerpts from my journal.

Thursday, 12/1/16:  This is it.  I am going to finally quit smoking.  I will try to quit.  No, that’s not right.  I am going to quit.  Tomorrow is my day.  No, wait…… I can’t – I will be at the legion on Sunday cooking all day for the vets, and…….. Beer.  Yeah, I can’t quit tomorrow because there will be beer on Sunday.  That’s a recipe for disaster.  OK. I will quit after the legion.  No, on Monday morning.  No, no – Sunday night after the legion so that I have hours under my belt when I wake up Monday.  Deal.  I am going to quit. 

Do I tell Mike?  What about the kids?  My friends?  Why do I feel embarrassed?  I might cry. What in the world?!?  I hate to cry.  My heart is beating SO fast right now!  What if I fail?  What if I am mean?  Should I really do this?  WAIT!!!! This is a really bad idea.  STOP overthinking this.  I am going to quit.  But I might still be embarrassed, which I just don’t understand.  I am going to quit smoking.   It’s over.

WAIT!  I don’t have a patch, or lozenges, or … HEY!  I know… I will vape!   Yeah… I will… NO.  That’s not quitting.  I have to go 72 hours without nicotine to get it out of my system.  DUH.  No cheating, if I am going to quit, I have to really quit.  Ok.  Cold Turkey.  Mike did it three years ago, and I am stronger than he is.  Most of the time.  Well.  Not really, but I can still quit.  Fake it ‘til you make it.  OK.  I am going to quit smoking.

Fast forward three days.  December 4th 2016 8:42 pm – last cigarette.  Throw away all ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes –no sign of smoking anywhere.  This is now a non-smoking household. 

Monday morning, 12/5/16.  I DON’T SMOKE!  This is so exciting!!  Yay me!  I don’t even WANT one.  Ha – maybe this is going to be easy.  <snicker>

Coffee….. Oh boy.  How’s that going to go?  Ahhhh – no issues.  Fantastic.  Uh, oh… will I ever “go to the bathroom” again?  If I don’t go, that could kill me.  WAIT!!!  Which is less painful?  To die from smoking or from not pooping?  Imagine the epitaph.  Maybe this was not such a good idea.  Maybe I should just smoke – nope, I threw them all away.   Crushed them, too.   Dammit.  10 minutes later…...  Much better now – morning potty is not an issue.  Whew! 

Time to head to the office.  No smoking in the car now, which is fine.  If going to the bathroom without my first smoke of the day is not a problem, driving to work won’t be either.  I am back in control.  Turn up the radio – it’s a beautiful day!  I quit smoking!

Day 2.  Oh my – there are a lot of smokers at work.  I can smell them all.  I am like a predator with a heightened sense of smell.  I think there is a smoker in the building next door.  I can smell him or her.  How did I ever enjoy that?  God, it’s gross.  I am going to stay in my office and avoid all the people.  I really don’t like them right now anyway, and the smokers stink.  Thank goodness I brought my trident gum.  I need to look on the internet for some distractions.  Google is my friend…… I will find some websites that will help distract me. is cool.  Lots of info there.  Why Quit is also good – very interesting stuff.  Become an EX – I like that name a lot.  Let’s sign up for that one.  My creativity is dead, but I have to tell someone what I am feeling here.  I think I will BLOG!  BOOM – comments.  WOW!  Giulia… what a lovely name.   Italian, right?  I wonder how often she has to spell that for people.  Isn’t that also a car?  Jonescarp.  What an odd name.  C2Q.  Silverstar.  Is there some “don’t use your name” secret code here?  Oh, Jackie – a real name!  Terrie – isn’t she nice!   Mike.n.atlanta – how clever.  Ok – why not…. I will stay with Become an Ex.  I need the support.  I am a real renegade and registered with my given name.   Sigh…. I might be a bit crispy.  Better make sure my blogs stay happy. Maybe even a little funny.  We need to laugh so we don’t cry.   Ummm… who’s “we?”  Lord, I am clearly losing it.  Fake it ‘til you make it.

Day Three.  Day Four (no more nicotine!).  I am tired.  I am so tired.  I am too tired to smoke even if one was in front of me.  And I am a big fat liar.  I am not through this yet.  My legs are jumpy and sometimes I feel like my skin is crawling.  I am drinking so much water. That’s what they tell me in the comments on my daily blogs.  I have to blog – if I don’t, I might scream.  Or smoke.  Blog, Susan.  Keep blogging.

Mike and the kids are so supportive, but I think I growl instead of speak.  If I smile when I do it, it doesn’t count, right?  I am going to bed.  I might just move into the bed.  Who needs to adult, anyway?

Day 5.  Ok, better.  Back to the legion for meetings after work.  I actually WANT to leave the house.  It’s so nice to see people.  I only think about smoking once every 7.78899666 minutes.  That’s real progress.

Day 6 and 7 – nicotine haze is easing, and I feel like myself again.  Cravings come, but they GO, too – they never stay long.  People tell you this but you don’t understand it until you experience it.  There is no way I would jeopardize my quit now, because I don’t want to do this week again.  It is almost hard to believe that I used to smoke.

That was (mostly) my first week.  While some of it was tongue in cheek, ALL of it is true.  Every time you read the word “WAIT” in the above, it was my addiction talking.  It pushed back, and it pushed back hard.  After all, my addiction was well cared for and well fed for 30 years.

I put out my last cigarette at 8:40 pm on December 4th, 2016.  There was no fanfare.  Trumpets didn’t blare, angels didn’t sing, and my husband simply said “you can do this, baby."  That was more than enough because the key all along was in me; I dug deep and found my commitment.

It’s ok to not know what you will experience.  It is not ok to continue to smoke and slowly kill yourself because you are too afraid of your first week.  That just is not ok, because the first week never killed anyone – smoking kills people every hour of every day.  Let that sink in.

Yes, there were lots of moments where I wasn’t as nice as I could have been, or as ladylike as I should have been, but through it all there was humor, dedication, amazement and pride.  I am proud of myself and for any of you who have quit for one hour, one day, one week, month, year or decade, you should be proud too.

Don’t try.  Do.  Don’t give it a shot, give it your all.  Don’t wonder if you can, think about how you will.  It’s all up to you.  The commitment, the answers, and the grit – it’s all in you.

57 Comentarios

WOW! WOW! WOW! Thanks, Susan! What a wonderful and truthful blog! It's all there. The blood & sweat! I am so proud of you! Thanks so much for lighting the way through NML! You are a hoot, my friend, and I love you for it and your musical talent is the best. Tomorrow you go through the TDC door and I am right behind you!



Thank you for always making me feel welcome, Terrie.  And for the record, I did NOT cry.  I probably should have, LOL!


Excellent accounting of the quit you've been mounting.


Quitting will continue turning your assets into greater ones.

I don't think my user name is so strange.  🙂


Sorry, no actions available so I can't take the tears part out! haha! I'll say it must have been my crying I heard! LOL!  ~Terrie~


TerrieQuit‌  Actions should be available if you are on the actual conversation and not responding from your inbox.

susan_m   Fabulous!  Don’t try.  Do.  Don’t give it a shot, give it your all.  Don’t wonder if you can, think about how you will.  It’s all up to you.  The commitment, the answers, and the grit – it’s all in you.


Thank you Dale - what lovely comments, truly.  Your name really is strange, though!


HAHAHA - hugs, girl.  I love you!


Brings back memories - one thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that I NEVER have to go thru that again - at least not because of nicotine withdrawal.


This is a fantastic Blog!



Very good blog and account of your quit. I agree don't think you will quit just do it. don't try say you will, Don't think and just I can do this!! Thanks Susan  and wow heading to the triple digit club. How awesome.


This is a super fantastic blog post Susan-M,  you are totally rocking your precious ongoing beautiful splendiforous quit, yay, yay and yay again.


Amazing Susan!  I'm so proud of you!  Look how far you have come my friend! xoxoxo



Wow Susan, wonderful Blog! WTG!!!




Thank-You! Giulia I'll learn to Jive, yet! 


Only a few more hours, susan_m 


Loved the blog!!


Awesome Blog.  love it!!!!!!  This is what is takes "That was more than enough because the key all along was in me; I dug deep and found my commitment".    Bravo


Great blog! I'm only a few days in, but this gives me a lot of hope!  


Nancy, enjoy the ride.....and what a ride it is! When it gets tough, dig deep.  You're tougher. xx


Thank you! 


I know!! 100 days for me!!  Crazy, isn't it?  


Thanks everyone. I really debated whether or not to share this. It could be read the wrong way, as if the first few days are too hard.  Those of you who've been with me know that it WAS hard, but that I laughed my way through it and that I loved quitting. If you're on the fence, just quit. 6 or 7 really bad days?  Please. That's nothing. 


Congratulations on 100 days,susan_m  Nothing crazy about it girl, you earned every day of it!

The door to the TDC is open many have been waiting for you! ~Terrie~

Enjoy your milestone!



Congrats and Welcome to The TDC!


I'm pretty new here and have no idea what the TDC is. But any way that was a great blog. We can all do it. We just have to want to. Good for you!


Triple Digit Club 100 days forward


Thanks Kellybeth‌!  We are so glad that you are here - and, I am glad you liked the blog.  The first week is called hell week for a reason, right?!??!

TDC is the triple digit club.    Here's a blog that will help you understand some of the abbreviations, acronymns and language of this website: 



^^^  TRUTH!  If only I knew then what I know now about smoking, Thomas.  

Kellybeth‌, hang onto that quit and fight for it like your life depends on it - it does.  xx


Thank you so much!! Today I have been smoke free for 22 days. Before I know it I will be in the TDC!!


Indeed you will, but don't count out that 30 day milestone. That one is HUGE and you should be really proud!  Oh - and that means you're going to be headed into No Man's Land!!  Have you read this yet? 


Nice blog, I can so relate to just about everything.  Congrats,



What a GREAT blog, so glad you posted it.  We all went through those feelings and you so eloquently expressed that early terror that our addiction told us.  

Congratulations on your anniversary.



Thank you Ellen!!!


Truly inspiring!  My quit date is March 25th!  Totally going back to read your blog!  Will have to start a journal!  I have tried to quit before and give in within 3 days!  I just have to do it no matter what!


Very inspiring and hopeful! I have to stop soon and stop making excuses. I don't know what to do with my triggers and panic attacks are the worst for me. I live in a country where half of adults smoke and that's not helpful because I get easily jealous. We also don't have an universal antismoking ban indoors. Everyone can smoke everywhere. Great to read stories like that one and one day I will definitely end it.


Definitely start a journal and stay connected to your mind and body.  It is interesting to see and feel immediate changes.  If you have make up your mind that you don't smoke anymore, it helps.  Remember this:  You are not trying to quit - you quit  There's a difference and done is done.  Be done!


Hey DimArtist‌!  Everything you need to motivate you is right here from your blog from November:  Why I want to quit? First, I don't like it.  


Everything you need for HOW to quit can be found on this site.  Read, educate, commit and stay close.  

You really CAN do this - and, if half of Greece smokes, let them.  You will be able to join the other half that doesn't.  

It's hard, but not TOO hard.  After all, I did it.  Unlike you, I LOVED smoking and finally decided that I needed to quit before my health declined because of it.

You can do it!!!


Thank you so much, Sharon. Hope you're doing better. Look forward to getting updates!  Let me know if I can do anything for you and your family since I am local. xx


Great blog, susan_m I don't know how I've missed it until now. Since the day I met you, I've found you mad in all the best ways. Happy quit.


Which is likely why we get on so well, Pati.... like minds and all that.  Hope you are well - can't wait to open the cafe tomorrow!  Who knows what kind of mad trouble we'll get into.....


good to know. I hadn't see you around in a while. I missed you at the last two cafes.


I'm so happy you shared that. I'm on day 2 and am feeling a bit mental myself and that's ok. Thank you 


Honey, it is SO ok!  There's only one way to quit - you QUIT.  Yes, the first week is going to suck... SO WHAT?  It's a week.  

Day 2- I was starting to have the "I quit smoking" cough.  Are you getting that yet?  It means your lungs are already healing.  


Lady86 Congratulations on day 2! I am happy to see you following Susan's blog. It is so honest and a great learning tool! Susan is a great quitter to follow. You are doing fantastic! Keep moving forward!  ~Terrie~  Don't Quit on your Quit!


I can feel it coming, slowly started last night. My throat hurts and my brain hurts (between quitting and champix) I did more reading last night at why quit and it was so informative and amazing. The more you know really helps. I read a lot about caffeine and nicotine and cutting it down to hlf is recommended so today on morning break I'm drinking caffeine free lemon ginger tea and it's bloody wonderful on my throat.  Also reading and educating yourself is a great and positive distraction ☺


You are so right about reading and education.  It helps you know what to expect.... and when you fall in line with what the written materials tell you will happen physically and mentally, it's kind of exciting because you are really, truly, honest-to-God quitting.  

I loved quitting.  I did not love the withdrawal.  I did not love fighting my addiction.  I loved quitting.  I loved quitting so much that the bad parts were not enough for me to give up.

I hope that makes sense, and it is also what I wish for you: love quitting. The bad stuff really does get easier.


Hope you're still going strong -- God bless u and family!! Your story was very entertaining and inspiring!  Hope you have pooped!!  


Yes, I am still going strong.  I use my Miralax every other day now for consistency.  Lol

Thanks for reaching out, great blog!!!


susan_m‌  : Fantastic -true-to-life- and hysterical-- a post I fully identified with. Thank you! Glad you are still free of cigarettes and that the Miralax is working!! 🙂 ~ Suzy